Yeah, I didn’t see a single X-23 player. I didn’t even know Quasimodo was there. Not surprising, but disappointing all the same.
I think I heard someone on the stream mention his name, I dunno.
A Shuma made Top 8 so I’m still hopeful a notable name will pick up Laura and put her to work. Watching that team, I wonder how good X23/Dorm/Shuma can be. What does Laura get from Shuma’s assist again?
**a relaunch… **
Probly allows her good resets midcombo into Mirage M and then maybe do more weird mixups as they fall, and maybe a good way to negate pushblock on her divekick, if the startup is similar to log at all. I dunno, but if she likes the assist, and it’s a good assist, that team sounds really fun, actually.
With proper timing it could be your dirt nap guarantee also. Assuming the timing works out it should work as a first/second relaunch and throw/post dirt nap pickup. Like Duke said, you could probably work some nice resets. S+rayxxTK MF L/M would probably set up some dumb shit (saying this makes me want to go see what kind of dirty shit you could get doing that with log trap. That seems like it would be pretty fucking broken.)
Possible that the timing on Ray might let you MF M + ray if you have an assist that gives better extensions/only works midscreen.
Not sure which infinite character gets the most from Mystic Ray though. Mags EMD, Doom Rocks, IM RB, Trish LV, Nova Cent Rush are what I would look to fit in the 2nd spot.
X23(LowTG)/Trish(LV)/Shuma(Ray) might have some some pretty dumb stuff going for it. Shuma does sick solo damage and would get the free unblockables for it, should be able to double dirt nap (assuming ray is practical to use for your guarantee), Trish with Ray seems like it would be pretty freaking annoying, X23 would have a mix of fast and slow assists to give her more variety of mixups + decent resets. Only cons I can think of from the start are going to be lack of double relaunch for X23 (not sure what the HSD limit on relaunching with LV is, def. not max damage, though) and I don’t know if Trish can use Ray as well as she can use other options like ColdS/WeaselS/JamS (Feel like her lame game would be hell to deal with, though.)
Actually, with ankle slice that would be team unblockable. Trish hits, crLMH S M divekick trap Air dash MH, land, rejump with MMS during the S call Shuma, round trip S S S, otg ankle slice assist into round trip S S S, tridash back and throw scythe, tag in Shuma, ankle slice and j.S. Now I know next to nothing about Shuma but that sounds amazing if he can convert off it. Also, don’t play Trish much, but doing a slow-startup assist during divekicks is easily possible if you jump up, dash flight and aerial wave dash, and I suck at that, but I’ve done a set with a Trish that can do those crazy fast, and she used Dark Hole and was safe all the goddamn time. With Shuma in theory that tactic should be better.
God, I wish I had my ps3 near to lab stuff.
IM gets the most from mystic ray. MR lets IM do long range hit confirm combos instead of just ending s.HxxUnibeam. MR let IM call A2 superjump addf into easy confirms. MR lets IM commit to more unibeams during zoning. The triple team looks pretty cool in the corner too. Most importantly, MR helps/forces IM to move forward which is something he really needs…
So i was just testing something out in the lab and couldn’t seem to connect it. maybe one of guys can pull it off? i was doing H> cr.H > MF-H~CS-L > TA-L > (this is where i couldn’t connect the H) H > cr.H repeat. only works in corner if it works at all. Its very hard to overcome the muscle memory that I’ve developed from H >MF-H so adding the cr.H is very difficult for me.
Since the recent announcement that Capcom would like for there to be an update to Ultimate, everyone has started throwing out their suggestions. Anybody else happy that X23 has not been picked up by people because that just means her stupid shit will stay and they will give her even more stupid stuff
One update I’m looking for is for her to get Mahvel hitbox on her air normals! those are fair hitboxes in an unfair game where Vergil swords covers half the screen. Most of all though is her air M; that thing has such a small hitbox
**I suggested to normalize the health a bit more and get rid if the weird numbers like 830,000 and 880,000. I suggested making Felicia and X-23 have 900,000 health.
also to raise all health below 800k to up to be 800k. And make phoenix 400k.**
I agree. Her hitboxes don’t cut it in this game, increase them if they’re gonna keep the ridiculous hitbox sizes. One other change is to make her hitstun deterioration more lenient. That’s literally all I want for X-23.
I’m gonna test out that combo you wanted to pull out later Luis. I’m also going to see if I can create a stronger Scythe Loop with an MFC starter without a jump-in.
yes less hitstun for her would make life a lot easier as chars she hits seem to fall out of combos that seem like they should be real normal to pull off
I want her throw game to be more imposing. For example, she can’t reliably OTG off her air throws. X-23 isn’t much of a threat when meeting opponents in the air, so being able to OTG off throws is important, even if it’s just into ankle slice x super, it’s something.
I do realize you can with some assists, but IMO that list is too short. It’d be very much expanded if she can OTG off her own move and connect into an assist rather than relying on an OTG assist like Wesker.
Maybe a possibility would be to have ankle slice OTG in all version, but the increase in charge allows more hits/damage and retains its staggering properties?
I’d like for her ground throw game to get some buffs too, but perhaps that’d be asking too much. Though, if TAC infinites were to go, then there’s a whole lot of stuff I’d like to make up for it.
Hm, still testing things Luis, but thanks to you, I’ve come up with a stronger MFC starter combo. Gonna write this in numbered notation:
5M(1hit)>5H>214+L~S>5H>2H>214+H>6239+L>236+L, land, 5H>214+H>6239+L>236+L, land, 5M(1hit)HS, super jump, j.MMH>2H>623+H (all 3 hits)>236+L, land, 236+M (fully charged)>Rage Trigger. (hope I’ve written that correctly, I’m terrible at number notation lol)
Does 718,000. I usually removed 1 hit from 5M before the S for consistency but I think if you let it hit twice, it should bump the combo up to 721K. Let’s see if this works midscreen.
EDIT: My bad, it actually does 723,000. And so far Luis, I can’t get your combo to work, cr+H seems to whiff for me after the first Talon juggle.
EDIT 2: You actually don’t have to Mirage Feint H after a crouching H in order to get Scythe L to combo, but I think you have to delay the Scythe slightly. You’ll have to Mirage Feint H into Scythe against chars like Strange, who fall quickly for some reason.
guess it doesn’t work then. It wasn’t practical to begin with anyways.
Less hitstun deterioration would be great and i’ll gladly accept that buff but it feels fine to me as it is now.
She needs access to Talons after RT
Help converting backthrows
Slight HSD decrease off normals
Non-disappearing LV3
More active frames suggesting Talon M
Some of these maybe asking a bit too much. She has good dmg setups, frame traps, mixups, but one of the best things they can do for her is fix Jam Session’s synergy with her lol.
I think if they make her hitstun deterioration a bit more lenient, it’d make converting at SJ-height easier. Maybe even allow her to get decent combos with Jam Session again. And her air normals are just awful. Seriously, increasing X-23’s hitboxes would do wonders. I swear, Vergil’s st.L has more range than all of her normals. That really shouldn’t be.
I’ll be more than happy if she’s given time to OTG off of ground throws.
All I want is easier conversions on throws, that’s it really. I think the reason she’s not a tournament winning character has more to do with the fact that her best partners are low tier than anything else. If they leave her exactly as is but buff characters like Strange, Iron Man, Rocket, Shuma, etc then we’re fine. It’s the fact that we have to either play low tier hero teams or play high tier teams with less synnergy that hurts us in the long run.
One thing’s for sure though and that’s TAC infinites will be removed if things get patched, so maybe we should stop devoting so much time to the double dirt nap engine. At least if they announce it for sure.
There’s many different ways to look at it, perhaps they give X23 another move to convert the throws? Wolverine got SC, Viper got optic blast, it’s not entirely impossible.