<p>After playing a long set with some locals, RB is the laziest asssist for X23 and RR I feel sorry for my opponents if I kill their character in the corner, which is where they always die. I always felt like you can never flowchart with X23 because she will die that way but in that one situation on incoming, If I chose to spend a bar and do not have dirt nap, I still get a free combo. The world will fear Laura very soon. >:) </p><p>One more thing, I’ve been pacticing the H loop and I wanted to know if it can be done after decaptitating slice, and if you can use a standing or crouching M starter. I would love to make that my BnB but it seems limited to me right now.</p>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/34079/Merkyl999x">Merkyl999x</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”><br>
<span class=“VideoWrap”><span class=“Video YouTube” id=“youtube-fNFL8C-3fNI”><span class=“VideoPreview”><a href=“http://youtube.com/watch?v=fNFL8C-3fNI”><img src=“http://img.youtube.com/vi/fNFL8C-3fNI/0.jpg” width=“640” height=“385” border=“0”></a></span><span class=“VideoPlayer”></span></span></span><br>
<br><br></div><div class=“QuoteText”><br></div>
<div><br></div>Loving the damage you can get off that. Usually see IM paired with Sentinel but I like this more, especially with Laura. I don’t like how slow log comes out but drones has so many things I don’t like about it. I’ve almost always ran Laura with bolts but I like using XF with her (think we all do) so Strange has become replaceable. Would feel weird playing her without a beam though.<div><br></div>
Yeah, my go-to decap. slice combo is: decap slice > s.MHxxMF HxxCS LxxTA L, s.MHS, sj.MHdhxxCS HxxTA L, otg + RB, s.S sj. HxxCS HxxTA L, otg + Log, dash > late s.SxxTK CS HxxTA L, OTGxxRT.<br><br>So we have been running a marvel crack session in my area this weekend and have people from all over AL and some TA and GA people over since friday for matches. There’s only one guy that I’ve played against that has more wins that losses against me. He runs Mags/Doom/Drones and keeps running it back with sentinel off all things. I think that’s just me not knowing the matchup, but he probably has one of the best sentinels in AL, if not the SE. He plays a really smart game where he only pokes when he has lockdown and calls drones and missiles off screen where it’s hard to keep them from coming out. I think smart RB use might help in the matchup or maybe starting RR so I have a way to protect RB calls against EMD or Mag Blast.<br><br>Also, I have found a weakness on my team. T.T<br><br>Local guy counterpicked me last night with Trish/Storm/Morrigan(metergain) and did nothing but call mori > sj trap > fly > shot shot repeat. If I call an assist at any point THC punish. Putting IM on point managed to get the win, but I went from consistently winning against everyone (except for one guy) I played against to running into more and more of this kind of nonsense.<br><br>Then another guy Playing Wesker/Doom/Strider just sat at full screen doing sj upback gun + vajra. If I managed to kill wesker, he switched to doing superlame doom + vajra calls. This was after like 12 hours of marvel matches, so I’m pretty sure my reactions were kinda shot since I was having a hard time getting solid punishes on vajra. Again, I think IM should be able to counter this kind of nonsense since RB is an absolutely free ‘fuck vajra and your pressure’’. I still lost this match during our local tourney even though I beat him solidly in all the casuals we played before. The change in playstyles and only 3 matches to learn how to counter it just didn’t work out. >.><br><br>With those few exceptions, the team has held up admirably. People have been hella salty all weekend because of pretty much everyone on the team. X23 + log even seems like it might be a decent counter to Morridoom since it can pressure so hard start of match and left/right safely enough (and with enough durability) fuck with imputs and get the hit on morrigan. You have to sure to do optimal combos since she has enough life that you can’t actually kill with easy combo > DHC > PC. Though you can always just XF her if you can’t get an optimal starter for some reason. The morridoom player always swears that log is terrifying for morrigan players since they have to stop spamming and respect it.<br><br>I will say that this team is absolutely amazing against anyone that tries to rush or makes the mistake of playing mid-field. RR is a great counter to doom since any sj fingerlasers is a free teleport > grab. IM + Log is amazing. and X23 backed with this team is hella broken.<br><br>Disappointed in my infinites this weekend, though…Think I’ve only hit 2 so far in maybe 20+ match attempts…<br><br>www.sixfortyfive.com is where our stream is as. I should be back there a little later today.<br>
<p>I think Iron Man spaces out sentinel well enough if X23 can’t get the job done. Against Morrigan or Trish I’ve been using H CS to get in the air close enough to them that I could still call log trap to catch them. I haven’t found an effective way against runaway long coat with Vajra either though tbh. Dante/Strider for example is annoying to deal with and I’m not sure how to handle that with X23 still on point. </p><p> </p><p>Against Zero and Nova I’ve been using H CS to catch them out the air so I don’t risk getting derp grabbed or crossed up and it works really well but, is their another way to stop that that could give me better damage? Jam session assist and Raikousen’s limit how oftern I can call assist.</p>
Just make sure you’re calling Log with the CS H. Log converts off the tip of CS H into full combo as long as you TA L to get to the ground after log so you can dash and convert.<br><br>Jam Session is a huge annoyance on this team since it’s all about air mobility. You have to try to read the call and stuff it on start-up. Keep in mind that RR can stop assist calls for a while with smart mad hopper placement, too.<br><br>I’m sure I have some set of tools somewhere to shut sent down, I just don’t have the matchup knowledge. All of my sent matchup knowledge is from old sent that always stayed on the ground and got blown up for free.<br>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/34079/Merkyl999x">Merkyl999x</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>Just make sure you’re calling Log with the CS H. Log converts off the tip of CS H into full combo as long as you TA L to get to the ground after log so you can dash and convert.<br><br>Jam Session is a huge annoyance on this team since it’s all about air mobility. You have to try to read the call and stuff it on start-up. Keep in mind that RR can stop assist calls for a while with smart mad hopper placement, too.<br><br>I’m sure I have some set of tools somewhere to shut sent down, I just don’t have the matchup knowledge. All of my sent matchup knowledge is from old sent that always stayed on the ground and got blown up for free.<br></div>
I’m still not sure on how to completely one touch a team. I landed the iron man infinite but I still needed to use xfactor to finish the kill. Xfactor otg with RR is weird and doesn’t wall bounce for me. What do you do to work that out?</p><p>btw I’ll race you to see who’s the first to get top 8 with this team. It’s godlike. All we need now is for Luis to lab it out with us and we’re in there. We must convert him!<br></p>
I only play characters i like and i dont not like RR but a friend of mine already runs him and it would be like me trying to steal his thunder lol. IronMan though i love! I have a ton of his comics its just that when i picked up the game, he was on my team but i completely sucked with him and it lead to the revelation that i cannot play air dash characters.
I’ve got a 9th place finish with it at KiT in tennessee.<br><br>Not sure how you had to use XF to kill with the infinite…the point of the infinite is that you should kill meterless and without XF.<br><br>Once you kill, dirt nap, OTG with Log, s.MHS (omit the M if they got hit by RB when they came in our they’ll tech) sj.LLMMHdHxxCS HxxTA L, otg > XF s.S > HxxCS HxxTA L > Charged ASxxCS HxxTA H. This should kill everyone in the X23 health class and still build a meter. For the higher health guys it’s a lot easier to get the meter. Then just dirtnap the last and win.<br><br>If you check the archive on www.sixfortyfive.com I played a long set last night, maybe 60~70 matches and generally got destroyed by 645. He plays a super solid Felicia/Hawkeye/Task. I think the final score was something like 25-40~50. Mostly it was about who got the first hit and his throw game is scary as hell. (I threw away a ton of matches by doing bad TA Ms…which everyone should take to heart, everyone here does them way too much and this should happen to all of us every time we do.) I was hitting all the infinite links I was going for tho I dropped a few of the easy rep part. >.> Didn’t manage a full 1 touch game in the set, though. I don’t think IM+log have anywhere near enough durability to stand up for hawkeye+task, plus 645 reallllly knows his zoning game.<br>
I meant I had to XF to finish the second character. The way I was thinking about it is if I have to XF to get the second relaunch to save/build up to 3 bars, how can I kill 2 mil health characters. I’ll watch some of your matches. When I play my locals, the third character usually has enough health to still be a threat due to lv 3 Xfactor and I’d rather not give XF3 derp characters a chance to fight back.
I only have 1 game so far that was actually 1 touch > opponent doesn’t get a chance to play after that and that was Mags/Doom/Ammy I think. I’ll see about doing some solid lab work and maybe a video showing what options we have for the different health tiers. The other chances I’ve had to go for it, I usually goof and don’t pay attention to if/how many RB hits they took. I didn’t think about it until now, but it should be easy enough to know what you can do based on how many hits are on the combo meter after the dirt nap. I’ll have to see where they’ll tech for that.<br><br>How it should go is touch > tac infinite to 5 meters and kill > 2nd character comes in to guaranteed dirtnap (2 meters left) > depending on character health:<b> High health</b> relaunch first with XF, then with log to maximize damage since meter isn’t the problem OR <b>Low Health</b> relaunch with log first and add in as many hits to kill scaling, relaunch with XF to kill (either option should kill and put you back at 3 meters) > guaranteed Dirt nap 3rd > combo to kill.<br><br>If the 3rd is a really high health character (honestly, most of the high health characters aren’t a huge solo threat and usually have issues with being zoned out so you can always just play the matchup at that point) you can always go for invisible crossup with log > invisible combo off the dirt nap > dirt nap > otg with RB > combo > super. That way you can front load some damage before dirt nap scaling (and dirt nap is always unscaled anyways.) Or if you’re feeling ballsy, don’t use an assist that way you’ll be able to double relaunch post dirt nap (or let them touch the ground in the corner so you can solo relaunch post dirt nap and get extra damage that way.) There’s plenty of options to get around this, some just depend on what your opponent will let you get away with.<br><br>The real issue is gonna be that one time where you run into Phoenix, RR, Strider, or Akuma 2nd since I don’t know any way to squeeze the meter out of them. I guess you could be a badass just use the threat of dirtnap to go for the invisible log mixup and then find a combo that lets dirt nap run out, then extend and use XF to kill with the extra meter gained…if they block the log you should still be able to pop them for free during blockstun, anyways and just go for an Up or Side TAC immediately to try to build the meter with IM…if you’re XF’d I don’t think that’s even an option, though.<br>
<font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>The other way for high-ish health teams, or low damage infinites is:</span></font><br><br><div style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;”>Touch, early XF for a meterless kill + 2 bars built (XF runs out).</div><div style=“font-family: Arial, Verdana; font-size: 10pt; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal;”>Dirt Nap second character, TAC infinite to 3 or more bars.</div><div><font face=“Arial, Verdana” size=“2”><span style=“line-height: normal;”>Dirt Nap 3rd char, combo to kill (or TAC again if necessary)<br><br>You can do this if their second character has high health, or if your infinite does low damage, and high meter gain (Basically anyone’s other than Doom’s).</span></font></div>
IM’s does plenty of damage. There’s been a few cases where I haven’t actually gotten 5 bars off the infinite because of low health characters.<br><br>My only issue with that plan is that you’re blowing all your resources and then gambling, I would rather just kill the 2nd character in that situation and take my chances with an XF anchor. If that TAC gets broken, you’re up against an XF 2 character with 3 meters and you have 0 meters and no XF. That’s a bit risky IMO.<br>
The option to blow XF on the first character is best for killing off problem point characters. I usually go ahead and do it when I get an airthrow on characters like Viper or Wolverine, or a combo off of Plasma beam vs. Zero.<div><br></div><div>Another good option for XF on the 1st character is when you can use it just to finish off the last few points of HP, thereby allowing Dirt Nap and followup to benefit from the XF1 damage. This is good against front-loaded teams (like, any team that runs Doom or Sentinel anchor, lol).</div>
<blockquote class=“Quote”>
<div class=“QuoteAuthor”><a href="/profile/34079/Merkyl999x">Merkyl999x</a> said:</div>
<div class=“QuoteText”>IM’s does plenty of damage. There’s been a few cases where I haven’t actually gotten 5 bars off the infinite because of low health characters.<br><br>My only issue with that plan is that you’re blowing all your resources and then gambling, I would rather just kill the 2nd character in that situation and take my chances with an XF anchor. If that TAC gets broken, you’re up against an XF 2 character with 3 meters and you have 0 meters and no XF. That’s a bit risky IMO.<br></div>
I got to play against Devil Jin in a long set, if you have to spend meter with IM, you can still rely on RR to give you an unblockable incoming mix up to finish the game. Laura isn’t alone in this team :D<br>
Yeah, that’s how I deal with HBDs since you usually won’t build enough meter for a straight dirtnap.<br><br>I’ll usually just hardtag IM and RB to force them down onto the trap.<br>
<br> I’m finding x23 and ammy are best friends.
I’m looking for a third, who do you guys recommend? I’m either using vergil anchor or trish point for unblockable kills that only need one meter. I don’t find trish to be that great of a point and vergil in the back forces me to put him in danger by using him as a beam…
Doom(beam or missiles), Strange(bolts), or RR(Log) would be my ideal team with X23/xxx/Ammy or xxx/X23/Ammy.
X23 + log is broken as hell, RR gets great unblockable setups and resets with CS as well as amazing DHCs.
Doom/Ammy is one of THE shells so it’s hard to go wrong there. Missiles lets you combo off her ground throw and gives you full damage relaunches (would be my vote for assist since CS should cover your up-close options, though that is assuming you’re really comfortable with X23’s movement options.)
Once you get good with Strange, X23/Strange/Ammy is a great team, 2 characters that abuse XF2 really well and Ammy for XF3 if things go south. Bolts is amazing for X23 and it’s really easy to transition from full screen pressure to point blank pressure since bolts is out for so long.
Between Trish and Vergil, I would pick vergil and play X23/Vergil/Ammy. Or run Trish/X23/Ammy for unblockables (the setup is pretty well known now and it’s free to a lot of alpha counters, even ones with no invincibility.) Trish still gets ideal combos for AS and good tridash L resets with CS. Vergil gets points for being Vergil and having a good DHC.
RR is the only one you said I haven’t tried. I’ll read up and try him out. Any proposed reading material to make my search faster?
With x23 vergil ammy, I don’t like that order because I don’t want my second character to be my primary assist during my anime footsies… It’s just my thing I guess.
Finally, what do you think about a Marvel 2 style x23 team like x/ammy/sent or x/ammy/hulk? I have seen x/im/hulk work, but I don’t really think that a team like that can make it through all the vergils and morrigans…
hulk/X23/IM is a really strong team, it’s easy to TAC through to IM for the infinite and double dirt nap with that team. Even when hulk dies he does his job which is build meter but Hulk gets great tools against most rushdown. It’s hard to play that team against serious zoning though.
X23 and drones are fine, not sure what all Ammy gets from it.
I’ve posted all my thoughts on X23+Log here, so if you check back a couple pages here, the combo, and the team thread you can find those posts. Other than that Japanese players Tonosama and Kusoru are the go-to for anchor raccoon play. Neorussell is an american player that runs RR/Ammy. If you search RR + Ammy on youtube there’s a good combo video somewhere off all the Mad Hopper > Slowdown shenanigans they get off eachother.
Play X23/Doom/Ammy. Doom is an important character in the game right now and Ammy anchor is ridiculous in good hands. Learn the infinite and setup CS dirt naps, easy money.