The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

You mean X-23/Dorm/Strange? :smiley:

Side note, I like this new smiley. Dem teeth.

I had a chance to play Noel from Evo last year one of the booths, but I decide to watch some KOF matches.

So Ryuga converted to log, eh? Not a bad choice at all. I know you like beams and the Tatsu assist for her, but Log amazingly covers the best axis for X23ā€™s freedom to move around the screen. Any touch off log should lead to a practical loop that pushes them into a corner and grants you a free TAC infinite setup. We all talked about what her endgame brings to the table and not letting players play, but I think the focus now is truly mastering the double dirt nap game as one of the keys in getting Laura on the map (yes Merkyl, I know you believe sheā€™s already there). Whoā€™s going to be that guy that wins a major by flawlessly executing Lauraā€™s gameplan is put into greater perspective.

MFCs, etc. is just old tech that we should be exploiting for the purposes they present. Good for frame traps, safe pokes, etc. Not good for combo abuse anymore simply because the feint stuff have better corner carry and there are a lot of corner TAC infinites that can be explored from there-with different characters.

I mentioned before how I felt that Strange Bolts is a Top 3 assist for her. So, I think that team can be valuable but in a tourney setting Iā€™m not sure how deep you can go with it. Plus, anchor Strange without XF is unthinkably bad.

I really canā€™t stress how much I agree with Bolts being a top 3 assist for her, Iā€™d argue itā€™s THE assist for her but I canā€™t say that until I play the fabled RB/Log combo. X-23 with Bolts gives me all the options I could ask for though.

Fabled for a reason. Donā€™t forget that I have journeyed far and wide and tried out almost every X23 pairing in the game. Log is pretty freaking godlike, lol. Bolts is great too, donā€™t get me wrong, but being able to just fly away from the match and laugh as that hidden log call fucks them over and gives you a full combo is such a great feeling, lol. Itā€™s pretty much the ā€˜Kusoruā€™ on crack.

BTW, The free corner to corner carry off clean hit into TAC for anyone running log: (stupid how simple it wasā€¦I always try to make it flashier than neededā€¦)

ground combo (might not be able to do full hitstun, but itā€™s not even necessary for full corner carry) > launch > HxxTA L > otg + log > dash > Launch > HxxTACā€¦ T.T For IM, it carries far enough that all combos end in the corner before relaunching even if youā€™re not technically full corner.

Plus side is, I assume this works for most other assists too, so at least she has a way of relaunching and TACā€™ing, but since itā€™s so simple, smart people will know to watch for it (which sets them up for the TAC reset, but still.)

Also, whatā€™s with the calling me out about the double dirt naps? Have I turned into that crazy guy thatā€™s always spouting off nonsense on the thread without knowing it? I can see that being a possibilityā€¦

I threw this together for the tier thread, thought Iā€™d cross-post it here.

For anyone wondering what my team does damage wise from clean hits or either assist starters.

Between you, me, and everyone else in this discussion Iā€™m pretty confident that weā€™ve all had that journey and played every possible X-23 team combination at this point, lol. I have to admit youā€™ve had me extremely curious over this past month or two with that team. Iā€™m still very skeptical over how effective it is after X-23 dies but hell, I wonder that about my own team so who knows. Iā€™m not actually that worried about using Rocket as anchor, but what does the Iron Man community think of using him with just Log Trap as backup? I tried playing him a few months ago and they all seemed really insistent on Drones or Missiles.

Yeahā€¦we are such a worldly bunch in this forumsā€¦which is why I like all of us and why I think X23 is such a strong character now. So willing to go out on a limb for our character compared to some forums (cough IM cough).

The IM community thinks IM sucks and that you should either not play him, or only play him as a janky rushdown character, and that UB is the only way you should ever be using IM because itā€™s the best assist in the game and RB is for idiotsā€¦so I wouldnā€™t bother worrying about them anyways (Iā€™m trying to get them to come around to the lame IM wagon, but theyā€™re pretty freaking stubborn.)

IM + Log is freaking awesome since you get rewarded for playing a super-lame A+++ IM. Log turns random zoning hits into full combos and HBDs pretty often and pretty much locks everything down at ground level and RB + Log pushes them back to full screen on block when they try to advance from the air. It gives you double repulsar enders in the corner and a psuedo-double repulsar ender midscreen and everything DHCs well between those two. Being able to play IM without having to worry about trying to rush in from SJ height is actually really strong, IMO, since you only have to worry about not letting them get to you and the rest takes care of itself. Chip and Meter build from these guys is pretty awesome, too. Thereā€™s been quite a few matches where Iā€™ve got 5 bars from just being lame without even realizing it.

TBH, when the forums went down, I started using your team and found a lot of the stuff you mentioned here which is crazy. When X23 dies, I just play Iron man like the ā€œhunterā€ style of X23. People are so impatient at this game that log trap gives me free conversions. With that said, RR helps out Iron Man more than the IM forums could ever know. Its just a different playstyle but the inverse is completely different. RB assist with RR is CRAZY good for mixups and resets. Half of the time even I canā€™t see where I am. I just have to know what mixup Iā€™m doing and convert. This team comp is amazing but you just have to make sure to NEVER auto pilot with anyone and youā€™ll be fine. Shouldnā€™t be hard for us right? :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, how do you guys fight against Frank West players that arenā€™t afraid to throw out normals when lvā€™d up? Iā€™ve just been xfc to kill him but Iā€™m hoping there is another way to deal with that situation besides not getting touched by Nova in anyway. Accidents happen :frowning:

Lol, sadly I think the matchup is ā€˜donā€™t let him level upā€™. Log and RR do a good job of messing with any character that likes to press buttons for no reason and most F.West players become mashers once they get their chainsaw paddles.

If they donā€™t go crazy once they get level 5, youā€™re fucked if you donā€™t have XF. Thereā€™s just nothing you can do to contest level 4/5 normals.

No. I feel like the double dirt nap game needs to be taken into account by serious X23 players currently in the meta. So in other words, I undeniably support the idea behind it. The mere reason for me running a lot of X23/Dorm/RR is because my IM is still green after re-picking up the character for about a month or so.

Most, if not all of Lauraā€™s teams are subject to skepticism. The character puts a lot of strain in team composition-not something you can slap on like Wolverine or Vergil and be done with it. X23 is without a doubt the hardest character I have ever tried to get work in the metagame, well maybe next to Hayato from MvC2 lol.

Frankā€™s LV4-5 j.m is pretty dumb. Braindead confirm, easy to combo, ton of priority. I donā€™t recommend XFC him because most of his LVup normals are multi-hitting. It goes without saying that killing him before he LVs up is key, but LVup Frank West players spamming his normals will slide every once in a while. I try to look for those and punish accordingly.

Level 4/5 Frank vs. Laura is justā€¦Bad, lol. Your best bet in that
match is to get some space and try to hit him with a long ranged assist
and convert it, because heā€™s too dangerous to mess with up close. He
doesnā€™t even need to spend meter to kill X-23 if heā€™s got an optimized
team. Alternatively, just try your damndest to not let him level up.
Heā€™s got a lot of health so usually I just snap him out to anchor if I
donā€™t want to risk resetting him or TACing. lvl 1 Anchor Frank isnā€™t a
threat.<br><br>So aside from relaunches and Dirt Nap setups, what exactly do you gets get off of Repulsor Blast? Standard lockdown mixups or anything trickier?<br>

Hey was just curious how is X-23ā€™s synergy with Thor and Dante? My team right now is Dante (a) X-23 (b) Thor (a).<br>

Thereā€™s not a lot of optimized stuff you can do with that team, but there is some synnergy. Iā€™d play with the order of X-23 (Ankle Slicer)/Thor (Mighty Spark)/Dante (Jam Session) for best results. That way X-23 gets a beam assist, a lockdown assist, and a fairly decent DHC to Mighty Tornado. You can also relaunch with Mighty Spark. The problems are that Spark isnā€™t a great beam assist and will be outzoned by a lot of other characters, Jam Session isnā€™t as good as it used to be, and anchor Dante isnā€™t THAT reliable but heā€™s the best choice there. Thor with Jam Session is probably pretty good though.<br><br>So all in all while itā€™s not great, if youā€™re just looking to have fun with characters you like itā€™ll get the job done better than some other teams out there.<br>

<blockquote class=ā€œQuoteā€>
<div class=ā€œQuoteAuthorā€><a href="/profile/55647/Class%20Real">Class Real</a> said:</div>
<div class=ā€œQuoteTextā€>Thereā€™s not a lot of optimized stuff you can do with that team, but there is some synnergy. Iā€™d play with the order of X-23 (Ankle Slicer)/Thor (Mighty Spark)/Dante (Jam Session) for best results. That way X-23 gets a beam assist, a lockdown assist, and a fairly decent DHC to Mighty Tornado. You can also relaunch with Mighty Spark. The problems are that Spark isnā€™t a great beam assist and will be outzoned by a lot of other characters, Jam Session isnā€™t as good as it used to be, and anchor Dante isnā€™t THAT reliable but heā€™s the best choice there. Thor with Jam Session is probably pretty good though.<br><br>So all in all while itā€™s not great, if youā€™re just looking to have fun with characters you like itā€™ll get the job done better than some other teams out there.<br></div>

Alrighty sounds awesome. Thanks amigo :smiley:

Alternatively, Mighty Smash (? not sure if thatā€™s the name, his DP ground bounce attack) is a solid option, invinvible alpha counter into full combo, extender, and Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s an overhead, though kinda slow for that use.Ā  Once you get comfortable with X23 movement you should be able to manage with just JS or Weasel shot without a beam, and the startup on thorā€™s beam is pretty lackluster, anyways for too much neutral use.<br><br>DHCing RT or WXP > Mighty Punish > DT could probably make for some fun shenanigans and you can do some DHC Glitch style things with WXP > Might punish (donā€™t know what kind of practical followups you can get away with though.)<br>

Unfortunately itā€™s not overhead, it does give you the alpha counter though, and with the extensions Thor can get off of X-23ā€™s OTG assist you should be some pretty great damage with them. Thorā€™s one of my favorite comicbook characters so Iā€™ve gone back to that duo many times trying to make it work on a competitive level and itā€™s definitely there if you put the effort in and have a good enough assist for Thor.<br><br>That said, Iā€™ve been experimenting with the double dirt nap strategy by TACing directly to Ammy and going into her infinite, but Iā€™m having trouble building enough meter for the second dirt nap on characters with less than 900k health. What do you do to increase the scaling and keep them alive longer?<br>

<font size=ā€œ2ā€>Mighty Spark is way too slow for Lauraā€™s left/rights. It also has seems to have durability issues from far away.</font><div><font size=ā€œ2ā€><br></font></div><div><font size=ā€œ2ā€>If you want a beam, thereā€™s waaay better options than Thorā€™s. That being said, I feel like he could point the team and contribute to meter build even if he dies. The only real way to optimize Lauraā€™s effectiveness on a team like that is to have her coming in with a least 1.5 meter so she can derp out 2 characters. Mighty Smash can also extend Lauraā€™s combos from anywhere on the screen. If you want to make the most out of the Thor Tornado DHC, then you are going to have to cut the final hits on RT just a bit.Ā <br></font><div><font size=ā€œ2ā€><br></font></div><div><font size=ā€œ2ā€><br></font></div></div>

So, X23 just won a ā€œMajorā€ in Japan, with the Raccoon and Vergil. I guess I should give log a chanceā€¦

Did X-23 win or did Vergil win? <br>

All I saw was a laggy slideshow of the grand finals of him vs. VXdante, but it definitely looked like X23 killed more people than Vergil did.<div><br></div><div>Then again, it was a 2 out of 3 tournament, single elim, so iono. Also, Japan is free in Marvel (yeah, I said it!), so I still have doubts about RRā€™s viability as a character.</div>