The alpha-counter-cancel is pretty situational, but Wandles pulled off a nice punish on my zoning game by cancelling into TA M and catching unibeams recovery. Caught me of guard enough that I didn’t think to super her out of the air. It at least gives you escape options instead of being forced into AS and options are always good in my book.
As far as everyone ragging on X23 again, lately. Don’t forget that X23 does have combo-able ground throws with certain assists (probably even hard tag followups with some assists), her mobility is her anti-zoning for pretty much everyone except for the few SJ height spam zoners, and being able to MFC makes pretty much all of her blockstrings pretty braindead and safe (plus her dash > cr.M is pretty freaking awesome/derpy.)
Also, the majority of top tier characters have good synergy with her: Doom, Dorm, Wesker, Vergil, Nova, Skrull, Tasky, Viper, Dante, Akuma. (Most of these offer great neutral assists, a few dirt nap guarantees, 3 good hi/low unblockable assists, a few infinite characters, a few 2nd relaunch extenders, and almost all of them have at least one 1st relaunch extender.)
More importantly (in my book), she has some good/great synergy with a lot of the ‘lower’ tier characters (I think it’s more just that they’re difficult or weren’t fan favorites for some of them): Strange, RR, IM, Shuma, Frank, Sent, Lei-Lei, Cap, Arthur, DP, Thor.
So here’s my 2 start of match setups with log. I feel they’re at least as good as anything you can do with Tatsu with the added bonus that log is great for just about everything in X23s gameplan as opposed to just ground pressure. (I’m pretty sure log doesn’t scale anywhere near Tatsu and allows for much better follow-up combos, too.)
Far away: Log + Decap. Slice - Was fucking around when I found this and it is stupid how good this actually is. If they up-back, you’ll cross them up ambiguously based on spacing into full combo, if they hit you out of it and don’t stuff RR, too, you get a full combo, if they don’t jump you get the command grab into full combo. Shit’s hilarious and gimmicky as fuck but still surprisingly strong (of course, it only on people that back away at the start of the match.) Plus the Decap. Slice moves almost perfectly with the log so it’s hard to even see her, lol.
In Close: s.fH+LogxxCS HxxDelayed TA L/M/H - OS throw break with CS buffer that beats out most post-tech followups (can even beat out Hulk’s s.H) and will usually stuff the startup of their assist call if they were mashing it with throw (and still has great priority and usually combos outside of point blank range). On hit, you delay a TA L, Log will convert off the top of the CS H, TA L after the log hit to land and dash in for full combo. On block/whiff vary the timing on the TA L/M/H to vary the crossup timing and get the hit with Log (or TA L early if they got stuck doing something punishable to hit and confirm into Log). Even when unsuccessful, you should pretty much always be landing safely and diffusing the start of match nonsense.
On a typical happy birthday from the log starters, combo > XF > Log Extender > RT > Proton Cannon to kill both characters > Mad hopper + boulder trap > hard tag IM or X23 > unblockable > TOD against people without good air options.
If you manage to catch the throw, Log is one of the best assists for tech chase mixups so it’s not like that’s an issue either.
RR isn’t the worst anchor in the world, either. He’s not amazing on 3 v 1 comebacks (not many characters are) and he needs XF and meter on stock to be a real threat but he still has great incoming mixups, good neutral 4-way mixups, self unblockables, great resets in the corner, great time wasting options, reliable XF3 TODs, and a harder to combo hitbox that helps to make up for his low life. It’s not derp factor and something to rely on like Vergil or Strider, but it’s still pretty good.