The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

Really, DHC to astral vision doesn’t result in anything?

I know she can go into a pretty long combo off the DHC to Ammy. Dash under, rawtag, launch, air combo, and you get to self otg with ankle slice, then use an assist for another relaunch, etc.

Never tried spencer, but I’m assuming the DHC to him would net a ton of extra damage off a WXP as well.

Or did I miss what you were saying? I’m a bit tired right now.

Found the stream archive from KiT. Running my X23/IM/RR team, went 2-2, lost to 1st placer and got knocked out by someone I don’t think I should have lost to. Either way, feel decent about my overall performance. Don’t think there’s anything super amazing coming from IM aside from a few dropped infinite attempts (and 1 successful infinite) and the just my super super lame IM + Log play. Would def. appreciate any feedback.

I have a long set starting at 1:29:00

The match where I land the inf. and almost get the 1 touch game is at 1:59:20.

I have a salty runback set against SumBrownKid at 3:47:30.

My tourney match against SumBrownKid is here at 15:57. (For the record…that xfactor in the 4th match was me mashing too hard…shamed…pretty sure that cost me the match there…)

Yeah, I couldn’t get much done, back to Hulk and X.

Thanks for trying, though.

I just found out something interesting while messing around today.

After you do your w/e combo into Talon L, you can do a full dash back, then a small wavedash forward after your opponent’s techroll, and no matter which direction the opponent wakes up in this case, they’ll always end up in front of you, but still be in reach for all of your fully charged Slice attacks(or a crossup from Mirage M).

What this means is that, after doing Talon L, you can dash back, call your lockdown assist to catch their wakeup(I think it MUST be a beam in this case…), then wavedash forward to set up this spacing, and then perfectly time an Ankle Slice or Decapitating Slice so either can connect right before or immediately after blockstun from your assist wears off, respectively. This forces your opponent into a semi 50-50. If they try to jump block before your assist finishes up, they’re at risk of being hit low by Ankle Slice, and if they continue crouch blocking after the assist ends, they’re in danger of getting grabbed by Decapitating Slice. It should be noted that the timing for your slice should be a LOT later than you think it is, so your opponent will have a much harder time guessing what you’re going for. Your opponent can try to mess with you by getting hit by the assist on purpose, and in some cases, it may allow them to avoid both the Ankle and Decapitating Slices, but if you think that’s going to happen, you can always go for the Neck Slice to punish that option.

And of course, for added fun you can just ignore all of the above and just Mirage M(or Mirage L for a mindscrew) so you overlap them right as their hurtboxes become active from wakeup, forcing them into a left right 50-50 vs your lockdown assist.

Sorry if this is old news, but I figure I’d mention it in case it isn’t…

i was saying is there other ways to combo after it without DHC

Oh, ok…doubt it.

I wish her snap had more utility, I would love to trade meter for extensions solo… :confused:

As far as I know, that snap is the only way to combo out of WXP and I think that’s character specific (or maybe just an incredibly tight link on the smaller characters.) And without XF, I don’t think there’s any way to convert off the snap unless they’re almost above her head level. You can do stuff like [s.MS xx TK Snap]x5 if you’re just looking to troll, but without some way to snap before they fall so far after WXP I think that’s all she gets.


what else have you been keeping back from us?

Can’t really offer any feedback but I’m watching you play now and it’s pretty entertaining. Plus, I’m learning some things since my original team since day one has been Hulk, X, Strange, nice to see Hulk and Laura in action.

Only just now watched it, sorry, haha.

General stuff:
I’d like to see you play from mid-screen to close up more, where X23’s fast normals really make a difference. X-23 at full screen just isn’t very scary. Try to get used to playing from a range where you can dash once and reach with st.M (whiff punish range), and take opportunities to get in whenever they’re on assist cooldown.

Yeah, it’s nice being in range for the walljump/log trap, but that really only works for getting hits if you’re on the defensive. The walljump’s best use is for getting to close range.

Related: why do you back off at start of round? vs. any character that doesn’t have a solid response to d.H, or your fast normals, you should definitely be trying to start the round at point blank, especially since you have good close range assists. Maybe against Taskmaster, or Wolverine, you should back off - but against Magneto, Dante, etc. you’re starting the round at their optimal spacing.

Practice punishing Doom’s unsafe footdives. Every character can at least airthrow, but I’m pretty sure all your characters have some sort of jump loop they can do.

Learn to punish Vergil’s unsafe strings. If Vergil’s using st.SHS as a blockstring, you can pushblock out of range and whiff punish with anything you want to. X23 can definitely dash in and start a full combo. IM should at least be able to Unibeam. Smart Vergil players will use safer blockstrings involving Rising Sun xx teleport, but those guys are few and far between - you definitely could have punished the Vergils you were playing.

Also, it’s generally better to NOT pushblock spiral swords until they start winding down. If you just block calmly, Vergil can only mixup with a mediocre high/low game, because auto-block will be active constantly. If you start pushblocking, you open yourself up to left/rights as well. Obvious exceptions to low or high hitting assists. Good Vergils will force left/rights with dash back roundtrip, airdashes, etc. but again, few and far between.

Yeah, my vergil matchup is sooo much weak shit… I went from being too aggressive early on in my marvel game to being too passive now. I def. give the derp characters too much respect. >.>

As far as start of match, I feel like too often shit can get random too fast since there are so many variables you won’t know about a person until you’ve had a good few matches against them. I feel confident that I can get in whenever I want to with X23 and if they’re being super SJ lame, IM and RR both cover those matchups really well. It’s most likely tied to my local matchups. You cannot go in against wandles, PotatoSalad, our zero, or our Wolvie at start of match unless you want to get punished, mixed up, or randomed out and be stuck losing because of 2 incoming 50/50s.

I probably need to try to bring my playstyle back into a mix of my mobility game and X23’s in your face style. I really like her avoidance game + log, though. I think it’s really strong and most people don’t know how to deal with it since this game is so much about rushdown or full lame. I don’t feel like walljump + log is a defensive measure, personally, since it negates a whole lot of stuff in the game and lets her play a really strong in-and-out poke game that fits with my personal style a bit more than her bulldog rushdown game.

I think walljumps best use is being unpredictable. As soon as you start a TA, your opponent knows exactly where you’re going to be in 1 second. Off a wall jump she has something like 10+ trajectories so you should be practically unpunishable as long as you’re being smar. It also lets you call almost any assist safely to add to the nonsense. The add the fact that she can do cross-up/non-crossup and still keep pressure on. I think it’s her most powerful tool hands down.

@Tronchalant If you’re playing hulk/X23 you NEED to watch wandles’ matches. His team is so freaking ridiculous. If you haven’t played against him a lot, you’re gonna lose if he’s using all of his setups. Check out the 2 sets I posted between him and me. He doesn’t use all of his setups in tourney matches for some reason.

@snapback link. Sorry guys, I could have sworn that was old tech, lol. I thought we found that when we found the OTG > snap link. I’ve always felt it was a little pointless since there’s almost always a stronger DHC>XF option, anyways. I would say it’s mostly situational and generally for trolling.

Edit: Whoops, nvm

My god…I just realized that the formatting for the button emoticons is gone and all the spoilers for the matchups got screwed up…sobs I’m gonna wait a bit and see if things get put back together before I change anything…

@Wandles is a lazy POS and wanted me to post his new tech he found over the week. :stuck_out_tongue: You can actually do a TA L/M/H after an alpha counter but before you land. Maybe not the most useful tech if you run CS, but it gives you a few options for alpha counters if you run AS.

aaaaand we’re back.

Since SRK has been down, Noel Brown came to visit Dallas for what unfortunately turned out to be our second worst tournament ever.

Got a few games with him the day before, which reinforced my opinion about X23’s viability. He was beating me like 20-10, but I managed a Perfect against him, as well as my very first Double Dirt Nap game (finally stopped dropping my Doom infinites, lol).

Yeah, I don’t like the Wolvie - X23 matchup and his team is a lot like most of ours in that it’s momentum based. If you get the first hit, there’s a pretty good chance you should win unless you mess something up. Gratz on the double dirt nap match and the P.

I accidentally did that a couple of weeks ago but saw no advantages to doing it besides just having that option there. i really wish her WXP didn’t have startup so you can alpha counter into it for a full punish across the screen. Though if the opponent is close to you, you can alpha counter and use Rage trigger seeing as how it has invincible startup frames and the assist is invincible on startup. Thats one thing i like about having Ryu on point because his Tatsu super is instant and then i can DHC into WXP to punish those random Taskmaster super type moves.

Sorry for always getting your name wrong, MERKYL, lol. I like the layout of the new forum, but I can’t deal with the small avatars! Also, where’d some of my posts go?

(the following post is basically what everyone’s said before, nothing new so feel free to skip over it. I’m just adding to my post count.)

I was looking at the Tron synergy thread, which turned into a discussion about X-23’s viability and I was pretty much agreeing with what everyone was saying. X-23’s Silent Kill is an ace in the hole. But X-23 as a character isn’t quite stupid enough. Doesn’t have the braindead normals, the easy-mode conversion from various angles, the defensive and (anti)zoning options, and her more advanced mix-ups need assists and setting up, probably to everyone else’s benefit. If she was more like Wolverine in terms of conversion (ground-bouncing divekick, combo-able ground throw), it’d probably be a really bad move.

Correct team composition helps a lot with current X-23, but like Temps said, you have to pick shit/difficult characters because they’re usually the ones that have the assists X-23 needs…well, actually, you can use some top tier characters with good assists, but you’ll be losing extenders more often than not.

I’m deciding on whether or not the opening gambit should influence my assist selection. Merkyl praises Pendulum (Log Trap) a lot. Despite my hatred for Rocket Raccoon on anchor lol, I’m willing make sacrifices, plus with a DHC, I can swap places with the second character. However, Akuma’s Tatsu is a good assist for openers because its speed makes for good throw option selects (opponent gets thrown, assist doesn’t come out, opponent dodges throw/throw breaks, assist comes out, hits them, confirm off the stray hit.) Gives me an edge against characters with weaker openers and gives me more reward versus characters who have stronger openers than X-23.

Pendulum’s too slow for that. There’s also other reasons why I’d pick Akuma over RR (better anchor IMO, better character overall, Tatsu makes for better left-righters), but Pendulum gives X-23 better conversion, especially at higher heights, relaunches and goes further. Plus a good amount of players get plain baffled by the assist, so that’s another reason. So currently, I’ve no idea.

The alpha-counter-cancel is pretty situational, but Wandles pulled off a nice punish on my zoning game by cancelling into TA M and catching unibeams recovery. Caught me of guard enough that I didn’t think to super her out of the air. It at least gives you escape options instead of being forced into AS and options are always good in my book.

As far as everyone ragging on X23 again, lately. Don’t forget that X23 does have combo-able ground throws with certain assists (probably even hard tag followups with some assists), her mobility is her anti-zoning for pretty much everyone except for the few SJ height spam zoners, and being able to MFC makes pretty much all of her blockstrings pretty braindead and safe (plus her dash > cr.M is pretty freaking awesome/derpy.)

Also, the majority of top tier characters have good synergy with her: Doom, Dorm, Wesker, Vergil, Nova, Skrull, Tasky, Viper, Dante, Akuma. (Most of these offer great neutral assists, a few dirt nap guarantees, 3 good hi/low unblockable assists, a few infinite characters, a few 2nd relaunch extenders, and almost all of them have at least one 1st relaunch extender.)

More importantly (in my book), she has some good/great synergy with a lot of the ‘lower’ tier characters (I think it’s more just that they’re difficult or weren’t fan favorites for some of them): Strange, RR, IM, Shuma, Frank, Sent, Lei-Lei, Cap, Arthur, DP, Thor.

So here’s my 2 start of match setups with log. I feel they’re at least as good as anything you can do with Tatsu with the added bonus that log is great for just about everything in X23s gameplan as opposed to just ground pressure. (I’m pretty sure log doesn’t scale anywhere near Tatsu and allows for much better follow-up combos, too.)

Far away: Log + Decap. Slice - Was fucking around when I found this and it is stupid how good this actually is. If they up-back, you’ll cross them up ambiguously based on spacing into full combo, if they hit you out of it and don’t stuff RR, too, you get a full combo, if they don’t jump you get the command grab into full combo. Shit’s hilarious and gimmicky as fuck but still surprisingly strong (of course, it only on people that back away at the start of the match.) Plus the Decap. Slice moves almost perfectly with the log so it’s hard to even see her, lol.

In Close: s.fH+LogxxCS HxxDelayed TA L/M/H - OS throw break with CS buffer that beats out most post-tech followups (can even beat out Hulk’s s.H) and will usually stuff the startup of their assist call if they were mashing it with throw (and still has great priority and usually combos outside of point blank range). On hit, you delay a TA L, Log will convert off the top of the CS H, TA L after the log hit to land and dash in for full combo. On block/whiff vary the timing on the TA L/M/H to vary the crossup timing and get the hit with Log (or TA L early if they got stuck doing something punishable to hit and confirm into Log). Even when unsuccessful, you should pretty much always be landing safely and diffusing the start of match nonsense.

On a typical happy birthday from the log starters, combo > XF > Log Extender > RT > Proton Cannon to kill both characters > Mad hopper + boulder trap > hard tag IM or X23 > unblockable > TOD against people without good air options.

If you manage to catch the throw, Log is one of the best assists for tech chase mixups so it’s not like that’s an issue either.

RR isn’t the worst anchor in the world, either. He’s not amazing on 3 v 1 comebacks (not many characters are) and he needs XF and meter on stock to be a real threat but he still has great incoming mixups, good neutral 4-way mixups, self unblockables, great resets in the corner, great time wasting options, reliable XF3 TODs, and a harder to combo hitbox that helps to make up for his low life. It’s not derp factor and something to rely on like Vergil or Strider, but it’s still pretty good.

Oooohhh…you’ve convinced me. I’ll hop on the Pendulum train lol. Thanks for your post!

I’ll have everyone here on that Real X23 team before long. :smiley: