The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

yup and whenever you know you arent going to relaunch and you are mid screen its always good to do a forward dash before charging the M into the super it helps prevent rage trigger from whiffing

Are you guys having problems doing X23s optimal midscreen and corner combos? Someone on Eventhubs posted that RayRay with his godlike execution cant handle X23 executions but i think that comes from not doing 2xcircle for Mirage Faint HxxCrescent Scythe L and instead doing half-circle back and going back to forward and doing uppercut motion. That motion is way way harder and causes combo drops compared to the easy 520 motion

Can I have the notation? the combo I usually do is :m:,:d::m:, :h:, :m: mirage feint, :m:, :s:, :m:, :h:, :m mirage feint, :m:, :h:, :l: crescent, :l: talon, :m:, :s:. this usually-always carry from corner to corner. I do about 430 without a relaunch and 500 something with a relaunch. If this will do more damage please let me know because i want to do more damaging combos

Edit: nevermind I see the combo that you’re talking about holy crap that does so much damage I have to learn it

My left-side luis loops are a little rough (laziness on my part), but right side is fine and when I’m just doing normal CSxxTA loops it’s not a problem on either side. Of course, I play hitbox so it’s a bit apples and oranges on the HOW part. Hitbox MF HxxCSxxTA loops are just 32434(+opposite thumb)34 or 34232(+opposite thumb)32 (4 is ring finger, 3 is middle finger, 2 is pointer, opposite thumb is jump) but it’s pretty fast to do the luis loops variant and I’ve been too lazy to grind out the super speed needed on my ring finger for consistency. Overall, though, I would probably rate her a 6~7/10 between opposite QC/DP motions, TK motions, plink dashes, consistency/speed required.

Also, so humble, Luis. You found the variation, own it. :stuck_out_tongue: We all called the early variants ETR loops. I still claim the old TA M > dH relaunches as Ash Loops.

Do you have the link/annotation? Not sure of the shortcut Luis is talking about.

1st video is the loop that he is talking about [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]5ycIuVF38d0[/media][/details]

this another one not the one he was talking about but I never knew x-23 can convert from super jump height?!?!?!?!?! [details=Spoiler][media=youtube]5GrnHHNvtSk[/media][/details]

holy shit ive never seen x23 do that much damage… it doesnt look THAT hard. TO THE LAB!!!

Lol it doesn’t but I do the the dp to late or cancel to :l: talon to late because I can’t catch them when they are falling with :h:

meanwhile i got the hit confirm from super jump down pack. THANK YOU GUY WHO EVER FOUND IT. Now I wont feel outmatch when people are(try now:badboy:) running away from me

So it’s easier to do 2x qcb? That doesn’t make sense, but whatever. I’ll have to check that out later. Been trying to do normal mirage faint, dp motion.

You’re welcome. :stuck_out_tongue: It always works as a TAC fake if you do an early sj.L and then hit them with the SJ conversion in the corner (technically midscreen too…but practically…eh…)

The Luis loop is totally practical, it’s only the speed requirement that makes it difficult.

Also, it’s about time you posted on here, Lint. Half of the guys here are running X23/Dorm. Seems like a good time to get everyone under the same roof.

Yeah its the speed thats the hard part which is why doing it the regular way qcb and then going back to uppercut motion is impractical when you can continue the motion of the qcb into a full circle and and another half-ish circle.

normal way: :qcb: :h: :dp: :l:
my way: :qcb::h::ub::u::uf::f::df::d::db::b::l:

on an unrelated note ive come up with a way to win a round after just one opening/front air throw/command grab and one tac(up/down or side) which would make this a true endgame tactic for anyone that can master it. Thinking of recording it but I am having trouble executing the whole thing which is why i’ve broken it up into pieces and am mastering the parts where im having difficulties.

Yeah, Wandles and my team are both 1 touch 3 guaranteed kills (though full disclosure, we’ve both come close to hitting it once or twice but never actually managed it in a full match). The only thing I haven’t been able to manage is gaining back that extra meter on strider, rocket, akuma when they’re in the 2nd slot. I just can’t get the damage scaling low enough they they don’t die so freaking quick. Everyone outside of those 3 (and phoenix) can be killed with guarantee and +1 meter.

It might be worth compiling guaranteed combos that gain back the one meter after a dirtnap on the different life tiers…just been winging it so far with decent results…need to stop being lazy.

Thanks for the help!

Do you continue that direction to do the talon attack, or do you have to reverse and do the normal qcf L? Sorry, not near my xbox to test it out.

The biggest stumbling block against instant kill team configs (Throw, XF, Dirt Nap, TAC, Dirt Nap) is when the opposite team doesn’t have enough health for it to work, lol.

yeah :qcf::l: after that.

As long as you don’t have to pop X-factor to relaunch you can get the meter on everyone above akuma health pretty easily.

I actually had a match on stream where I almost managed the full 1 touch kill. I dropped the AS > CS H > TA L to kill doom, but I still caught him with a TA L right after the drop. Still 1 infinite & 2 dirt naps though. I’ll link it when I find it. so freaking stoked

Went 2-2 at KiT today. Feel really good about how I did. Got sent to losers by SumBrownKid (amazing GA Wolvie player that took first place) and that match got streamed. Also played a set against one of the top 8 players there as well as another set against SumBrownKid.

Really? i duno i never come to this thread because I personally feel like there isnt much use in exploring X23s combos i feel like the normal mirage feint loops do enough damage. she doesnt have many cool tac combos either since her air options are super limited. the combos i do are good enough and like im sure most people agree if you are gona get “good” with x23 its all about the mixups and tech roll chasing which it seems like most people just talk about her combos. You are right tho ill try to post more!

I have to ask has anyone else found a better way to start a combo with weapon x prime? the only ways ive found to combo it is using my stalking flare tech or Ive done the super on their last character then use a snap back after the super to continue the combo. xfactor cancel the snap then dash and launch… anyone else find techniques like this? DHC is always fine because i can go into a stalking flare if dorm is on 2nd or astral vision if morrigan is on 2nd and use soul stealer to eat some super but id rather not have to DHC to combo. I catch people with WXP all the time but i feel like after its over thats kinda it… maybe i just need a better mixup option after the super is over? qcf h? but what if they jump…

oh also duno if you guys know (you probably do) if you’re in the corner and you get an aircombo off and use dark hole for the relaunch hit heavy on the ground first then S for the launch it will whip the enemy around and you can put them back in the corner you just came out of OR dash forward and assist with dark hole at the same time (opposite of the dash back if they are in the corner) then charge your M. it will put x23 on the other side then you can just launch and send them back to the corner that way. i use this a lot so i thought i would share

altho to be honest 2 air combos + rage trigger carries the enemy so far i bet it would take you to the other corner just staying in the same direction but w/e this way i KNOW they will be in the corner plus if you are planning on doing something other than a super like a snap this tech guarantees the opponent will be in the corner