Zero matchup is bad. I have a friend who i play with a lot and at first, his team consisted of non tierwhore characters and i won free. in fact, my first set with him was like 60-6 but once this dude picked up Zero and Vergil, the score started getting more even and now hes getting the better of me. Unfortunately, i have no tricks against Zero or Vergil so any advice I’ll gladly take. Only thing i got is snapbacking Swords super if im not in blockstun which is 10% of the time fighting Vergil.
My biggest hints on fighting vergil is don’t be afraid to RTxxXFC kill anytime you get the chance. Punish uncovered teleports and rapid slashes. Pushblock blockstrings as late as possible to help negate crossups/punish bad rapidslashes. Past that, have fun blocking for a solid hour between openings.
On Vergil
It’s unfortunately another match-up where X23’s normal’s don’t really do her any justice. I totally agree with punishing a foreseen teleport, but smart Vergil’s won’t simply throw this out without coverage. Rapid Slash is a crossup, but if blocked correctly he will either have to cancel or die. If timed correctly, I think you can dash underneath Helm Breakers hitbox, but I would much prefer X23 does this if Vergil is nearing SJ height.
In general, just look for openings Vergil may present to you. Good Vergil’s won’t show anything often, but his normal’s have bad recovery despite their range. And, if he whiffs a move there’s a very good chance that he will die.
On Magneto
X23 has a very good tool she can utilize against Magneto and that is the Walljump. If he is zoning out with EMD, simply walljump and you have already reduced half the distance you need to get in. Talons are risky in this matchup because of Shockwaves and random Hyper Gravs, so the X23 player needs to be selective and keep Talons in combos until Mags is dead. Other than that, respect his Tri-overheads and tick throws and stay on the move. Try not to get locked into any sort of long blockstun from an assist (drones, HM) or he will set you up for something nasty.
I think we did all the characters Merkyl highlighted, maybe someone can gather most of things we all agree on and prepare them to be implemented.
Was supposed to complete the Mag MU yesterday, but got sidetracked. Ephidel covered what I was going to say, in a much more clearer and shorter explanation than I would’ve done!
To add to what Ephidel said, you can hold Mirage Feints to lower your hitbox and that’ll make Disruptor whiff, but walljump’s a better option when you have it available.
Again, having something that beats Drones( full-screen projectile assist) is gonna help a lot, lots of Mags run it, and if you get caught up in it, you’ll have to deal with a bajillion high-lows. If you do get caught up in Magneto’s high-lows, alternate between high and low guard, try to look for gaps where you can jump out and pray you succeed. Watch out for throws and possible left-rights too.
Against improperly done airdash Magnetic Blasts, X-23 can (wave or plink)dash underneath them and punish Magneto. Make sure you wave/plinkdash underneath them with DF+two buttons, to avoid running back into the Magnetic Blast you just avoided(dashing without a direction makes you autotrack the opponent.)
Another reason why you’d really want a full-screen projectile’s because of Magneto’s Repulsion/Gravitation specials. They put a dent in X-23’s approach and having a projectile assist to intercept them’s a good idea.
Against unassisted tri-jump approaches, X-23’s st.M and st.H have decent(as decent as you’re gonna get with X-23 lol) horizontal range. D+H can beat out unassisted empty-tri-jumps.
Magneto’s got a counter special(Force Field) that nobody uses lol, but be careful with high Talons on the off-chance that they might use Force Field against it.
As for specific punishes, I dunno really. Depending on how shallow tri-jump/aerial attacks connect on block, you can throw Magneto afterwards, but it can be difficult to be 100% accurate in your judgement, unless it’s blatantly obvious. Plus X-23’s got a low hitbox, so chances are it’ll be hitting deeply most of the time. If Magneto cancels his strings into fly unassisted and you haven’t pushed guarded him, attack him with st.M, that string’s not tight at all. Magneto’s launcher’s -4 on block, I think. Weapon X Prime goes through all his hypers, naturally. EMP Disruptor’s punishable on block up close, can’t remember the exact numbers, but I believe it’s enough for a st.M combo starter punish.
Honestly, I think it’s a shitty MU and I hate it. Air mobility’s what makes this MU extra annoying.
I once tested how crouching M fared against Magneto’s tridashes and I noticed it would consistently beat them or at least trade, since the hitbox on it is pretty much as big as X-23’s crouching hurtbox. Not too sure about reliability during matches, though.
Thanks for reminding me about this actually; cr.M’s a good anti-air in general.
Oh yeah, something I’ve been looking out for on vergils. If they do a rapid slash from too far away and you’re in the corner, try to up/back. You can stuff out swords on reaction with dH from a low enough height. You pretty much have to be right above their head, but you have time during the super flash to see if you should just block. If you’re too high, just TA H out of there.
I just had a set vs Mag/Doom/Vergil and holy shit, that stuff is annoying.
Calling beam assists at the right time makes all the difference, seems to be the only reliable way to stop HM / Drones. I almost never super jumped because of this, opting instead to wall jump for spacing, but it’s still really risky because an airgrab kills you. It felt like X23’s normals never reached where I wanted them too, but that is probably lack of experience on my part. I was forced to run away most of the MU, but that was surprisingly effective at provoking mistakes to capitalize on. One thing I really, really wanted badly was a good anti-air; S is super unsafe if whiffed or blocked, and none of the other normals were doing the trick (I didn’t try c.M). Is there anything that can stop / punish tridashes consistently? I didn’t dare try CSs on reaction, but other than that I’m not really seeing it.
Just learn the spacing on dash cr.M. That makes all the difference against slow assists since people don’t seem to respect how far she can hit with that.
That and don’t be afraid of X23s runaway game. It’s actually really solid and I honestly feel like there isn’t any reason why you should be getting locked down. Most of the time I’m playing mags/doom teams I’m just flitting around being annoying and watching for the one time that mags makes the misake of calling assist + EMD when I’m either within dash range or midair from a wall jump. As long as they’re not backed into the corner, if you interrupt missiles and launch before they start coming back down, your forward momentum will make missiles whiff on the way down. (if not all the time, it’s something like 85-90% of the time from my experience.)
Won the tourney though played some extremely sloppy matches here and there on the way to finals.
Some good stuff, some stuff less so. Result was satisfying though
Gratz bro! Always love stealing your tech…I mean watching your matches**.
Though, you’re still missing out on free damage/meter by doing your assist calls backwards, imo…
We’ve got our big local tourney this weekend, should be streamed and archived. Probably gonna get destroyed since I’m still trying to get my X23/IM/RR team on lock but hopefully I’ll have something to show for it, too.
Meh I hear ya, but I find Dark Hole for relaunches in the corner to be somewhat unreliable. If you’re far into your combo, and your timing is slightly off, the 2nd hit of AS will hit with some sort of delay (probably not really delayed, that’s just how it feels), and Laura recovers too slow from AS to relaunch.
If you’re talking about DHC’s then yes, I agree with Dorm behind Laura being better. I’m slowly starting to turn the two around, but I’m not at all comfortable with them yet. Also, Dorm XF3 ^^.
Honestly, aside from the first few matches per set when I just don’t have my shit together, I never really had issues with the Dorm relaunch. (Though, strangely enough, I always found using DH as a second extender > WXP to be hella unreliable…go figure.)
And yes, you should totally swap Dorm and Wesker, but I was mostly meaning the assist calls.
Not like Stalking Flare > Phantom Dance wouldn’t give you free glasses off (with some almost guaranteed damage thanks to how BS phantom dance is) and let you play xf3 dorm, anyways.
Like I said, mostly a personal preference issue. I find Dark Hole relaunches unreliable and never miss Dark hole > WXP ever.
DHCing from Dorm to Wesker means 2 bars less for Dorm and, more importantly, getting away from someone long enough to even get the DHC out.
It’s doable, just not comfortable with it yet.
Traumatisch, was fun to play your X-23 on XBL the other night. Used to main her in Vanilla, you play her to the level I wanted to get at… good stuff.
Thor versus X-23 was… interesting It got scary when you were right on me unless I went for command grabs during the block strings, otherwise it was a case of us just zooming about at super jump height trying to tag each other. Do I have much to fear in terms of actually damaging combos from Laura up there?
Hey man, ggs indeed, we need to play more often. I was actually running x-23/Dorm/Dante for one of the first times, so I was a bit shaky
As to your question, plain old no. SJ is a good height to be at vs X-23 since she has nothing other than a single, (imho) unreliable confirm off of certain ideal circumstances. Things can go sour quickly for you though if you eat j.H xx CS H which amounts to about 200k, a little too often.
Yeah, we’ll try to run more sets in the future!
Hmm yeah thats what I thought. I was thinking that her dive kick type move could bring me back to the ground though no? Is that what you were looking for, with jam session maybe to hit confirm?
Thats the good thing with Thor, I can play a war of attrition and be alright. Especially if I DHC out and get lots of red life back.
Nah the Dive kick doesnt have set hitstun so it doesn’t work for bringing someone down. I want Dante in there so Dorm can be a bit more functional, plus he brings some other stuff to the table as well. Every hit that converts to HKD leads to his unblockable reset that gives him a 50/50 reset for a dead character any way you slice it (you can raw tag out of it, but then of course Dante could just block if he reads it), plus Dante is arguably a better character than Wesker (though I’m not too sure about this myself). I just find myself longing for a bit more flexibility sometimes where only x-23 and Wesker are interchangeable on my main team but X-23/Dorm/Dante should be highly functional (though not optimal ; damn x-23 and her semi-useless assists) in any order.
Yeah, sadly no. That’s why I started running her with Log Trap since it can hit so high up into a full combo.
As long as you stay out of the corner you’ll most likely not have have anything to worry about from X23s unless they have very specific assists to fight it.
You can actually hit sj.HxxCS HxxTA M, falling dhxxCS H for a really reliable ~330k and at midscreen it spaces you pretty safely (Though you’re probably pretty free to assist calls on the way down from that.) You can leave off the last CS H and it’s still something like 260k and I’m pretty sure you hit the ground right as they’re teching from the dH or at least soon enough to be able to block or punish an assist mash.
edit: @Traumatisch: I just watched finished all of those match vids…why are these guys letting you get away with so much unsafe stuff? Moreno FINALLY started throwing your TA M/Hs (after 4 matches against you) and I don’t think anyone punished a single naked whiff TA L (and then Moreno sits there with 3 characters against your Dorm with meter and XF and starts calling assists?!? Plus that Vergil…) I need to move there…so jelly.
Personally, I would say go easy on the DH + TA M since that should almost always be a free throw against you. If you want to get the crossup midscreen with DH I would switch to wall jump (and you def. don’t abuse her walljump hardly at all and the few times I saw you use it you went straight into a TA M.) Also, there were at least 4 or 5 times where you did raw TA M and I think only one person went for a punish and it was so late that you were still able to tech.
Congrats on the matches, I always teem to have my notepad out watching you play. Saw 1 or 2 things that I can add to my arsenal.
I’m actually ashamed that I’ve stolen so much tech from this dude, it’s close to 50%.