What’s the frame advantage on otg ankle slice. Its definitely not the +27 staggered bullshit that the guide uses but it doesn’t seem unsafe on hit on a kd opponent
nah, the +27 is hitting the full charge on a standing opponent because of the stagger.
Using it against a hard knockdown character at any level of hitstun forces a soft knockdown after they’re hit up.
My guess is that it’s something like +3 because you can link a snapback, but not a st or cr.L
Anyone have tips on Taskmaster? I feel like he has no recovery on nearly half his moves and his forward or back H is the most ridiculously powerful OS in the game. I am constantly trying to attack from different angles and I seem to always get hit with web swing, charging star, or I get thrown into a ridiculous combo. I’ve been thrown out of TA M and NS or AS. It’s frustrating as hell.
Apologies if this is specifically mentioned elsewhere in the X-23 forum. I’m looking in between work and I might have missed it in my search.
I totally agree, I try to avoid this matchup whenever possible. (Of course we have like 3 really solid ones in our area that I normally have matches against.)
The best I can offer is to be as absolutely annoying as possible and just keep running away. Eventually they’ll get bored of chasing you and start zoning and all you have to do at that point is watch for a jump arrows, as long as your inside of dash s.M range you can get a full punish there. (Any zoning tool that has a air DF angle is pretty much a free hit for her as long as you can react to it. Cap’s shield toss, Hawkeyes arrows, Dantes Air play if not done at the right height/spacing, Deadpools air guns.)
When I was running Dorm, the jump back dark hole + TA L was really solid in this matchup. It’s one of the few things that he can’t shield skills through and if they get a little too pressure happy you can get a free punish from that. If you’re running a different assist, check in the lab to see if it has enough durability to stuff it out before using it for this.
Past that, you just gotta respect him and do your best to not get put in a corner because it’s just a matter of time before he gets a throw since he can go for it almost risk free because of his gdlk OS options (and I don’t think you’ll find a Tasky that isn’t running a throw pickup assist anymore). Try to up back to make shield skills whiff and you can get a punish off that, he can only cancel into sting master or arrows and if you’re not in blockstun from shield skill none of those options are safe (you have to respect shield skills on hit tho, but if they don’t cancel into anything or go into S, take the free punish. He doesn’t really have a fast hi/low game so expect a dash in cr.L > full blockstring and just react to his highs, just look out for the annoying last second overhead before he lands since that’s what normally catches me. Supposedly there’s some perfect timing that you can pushblock on his blockstring to make him whiff shield skills so you can chicken block his followup for a punish, but I don’t know if that’s real or just wishful thinking. (something to lab.)
You have to be double careful about anything of X23s that’s even remotely unsafe. Don’t whiff any TA L’s and especially don’t do them from so high up that he can react to it, he has a deceptively fast dash and anything above normal jump height he can dodge and punish for free. All of X23s charge moves are free to throws so you can’t use them outside of assist calls that are hitting at literally the same time and give you the frame advantage. Personally, I would say just don’t use any of the slices in her neutral game outside of a lockdown like Dark Hole or Cold Star.
Taskmaster is one of the few characters in the game that X23 can solo relaunch from a standing midscreen dirtnap, so it might be worth finding a way to abuse that. It’s a pretty reasonable link to hit, I think you need XF or 4 meters and a strong DHC to actually kill of that, though (and you need to have specific teams to use this anyways.) The only other think I would recommend is maybe XF guard cancelling him. He has that magic 1 mil+ health that gives you the option to kill meterless and build 2 meters so you can dirtnap on incoming. (Honestly, I might start doing this since Tasky really is such a big problem for her.)
You can snapback after the staby thing he does. Thats all i do against a Taskmaster i play with regularly or xfactor to kill. Apart from that, try to fish for a charging star or the staby thing and punish it.
Merkyl, that pushblock at the right time to chicken block the shield? Now that sounds perfect! and i have the perfect training buddy to try it on. Hopefully that works because that is annoying how he can pretty much just throw it out free.
I don’t know the specifics of that or if I’m even remembering that correctly, but I feel like that’s happened a few times and I just haven’t gotten around to labbing it yet.
- cr.H goes under arrows. If he’s using Shield Charge xx Arrows as his blockstring, you can cr.H on reaction to punish it. This will force him to use Shield Charge xx Sword sting instead, which is -3 on block, allowing you snapback, or start your own offense.
- If he does his arrows super to punish an assist call, you can also cr.H to beat him if you’re close enough.
- His Ls and Ms are not positive on block. If he’s frame trapping you with Ls, you can beat him with your own normals if you’re brave.
- Because of how the frame data works out, you can WXP in reaction to him using the Counter super. The startup of WXP is slow enough to avoid the active frames of the counter unless you’re at point blank.
Thanks for the tips guys! I’ll definitely try to put that into use. Tasky just makes me want to throw my joystick through the screen.
can X23 only do one talon attack (try this!) in the air?
yeah her limit is one and it was actually nerfed. In Vannila, if you did one and got hit, it reset and you could do another one.
I think it was one of those “hidden” changes and it really affected her in my opinion.
It’s just a damn shame because I wanted to find some talon loops with her in the air but oh well. I’m trying to try and learn her so…
If she could do 3 talon attacks in the air…the combos…orgasm
she would also be able to stay in the air for a long time too and might even reach the ceiling. Super Jump > Crescent Scythe H > Talon Attack H > Crescent Scythe H > Talon Attack H > Talon Attack H
There’s always H&H mode. T.T
I forgot to share some of the tech that I found in the lab. X23 has an instant overhead on most of the case with her jump M. When it hits cancel it into the talon attack L to get a full combo. Also in your guys opinion, what are the best teams for Laura?
Sadly, not new tech, but you can use it for fuzzy guards, too. Slightly more technical, but you can actually hit j.M, dHxxCS LxxTA L off the instant overhead for a little more damage.
Jump back j.M xx L-talon is excellent for beating stand throw attempts at start of match. Loses to airthrow attempts, obviously.
More Dorm-related, but rage trigger DHC-ed to Stalking flare allows Dorm to charge and release a 1D1C (small meteors) for a very strong combo (and guaranteed TOD against Wolverine.) Timing seems to be character dependent, but I’m starting to hit it pretty reliably.
Did we come full circle to the point where we are just sharing old tech with each other now?
Also the jM overhead is only applicable in fuzzy situations and most of the heavies.
Lol, apparently we did.
For the record: The stalking flare followup doesn’t work on some of the heavies and some of the super-lights because they’ll get knocked too high for meteors to connect or will burn out the hits too quickly to get the 2 charges. With X-23, If you do s.S fast sj.MxxTA M j.m dH land RT (so you can catch them in the super without the ever touching the ground) you’ll still have access to the flying screen after the stalking flare so you can do some other hitstun specific followups with Dorm. Eg. RT > stalking flare > charge (2nd charge on certain characters) teleport fly, S, land, OTG > flame or maybe (not 100% if hitstun allows it) call X23 > dark matter > 3rd charge > S, fast S inferno > Dark Hole > Flame. (It’s Dormammu, go ham, they should be dead without all the swag anyways.)
Honestly, I’m not really sure what tech there is for X23 to work on with the Luis Loops out here now. That was the only thing I felt like we were missing since the midscreen combo didn’t seem optimized. The only other thing I think would be a game changer at this point is finding some way to get TAC hits later than 1st launch (or 1st relaunch on super short combos.) Her sj.H not linking to her TAC S’s are so dumb.
I realized yesterday that building the extra 1 meter after a dirt nap wasn’t anywhere near as hard as I though it was (because I was always so used to needing XF for the relaunches, I thought 1mil health was the minimum for being able to build a meter before killing) as long as you’re not XF’d and have a relaunch assist. In a match last night I was actually able to manage the 5 meters > Dirt nap against Wandle’s X23 > basic relaunch with log > basic short combo > AS XFC CS HxxTA H (kills Wandle’s X23 and builds the extra bar) > Dirt nap (managed to goof at this point since my assist didn’t come out and my timing was off…but still, mission accomplished before I fucked up.)
Also, I managed to replicate my Dirt Nap + Log > hit > otg + Log (Double assist call in 1 combo/string), too. It looks like if you manage to hit the dirt nap before the log actually hits them, the game won’t count it as being used in the combo and allows you to use it for the OTG pickup, also. Not sure if this is a reliable thing or what, but might be worth looking into with other assist to see if we can maximize meterless/xf-less dirt nap follow-ups.
I think I’m almost full circle working on tech in that I’m back around to mixups, which I felt were fine at the time, but now I feel like they’re a bit lacking. Not having access to threatening hi/low/throw spread means opponents really only have to watch for her left/right game (which is beautifully fast/ambiguous at times, but not enough against strong defensive players.)
Left/right derp + assist
left/right TA L derp + assist to make it safe
dash over dH derp for ambiguous crossup
Wall jump/TA M/TA H + assist for midscreen neutral x-up
MFC > j.M hi/low game (heavies only)
AS + assist > j.M hi/low
TA M or MF H + assist falling j.mm single / double overhead hi/lows
j.M overheads on crouching talls
MF H, late S j.M fuzzy on most of the cast
MFC Neutral frame traps
jab spam frame trap
SJ TAC Fake reset/grab mixup
Assist + command grab attempts
Tech Chase Oki w/ assist
I feel like she has some better tech for her hi/low game than what we’ve found so far. She seems like she should have the tools to do better than the j.M and fuzzies (or at least better fuzzy setups and I don’t feel like I’ve seen anyone working those into her game reliably yet, either.)
What other mixup options did I leave out of this list?
on the discussion about flopping wesker/dorm, at least with dorm positioned @anchor will allow laura back into practical TAC setups. Sure, smart players will break them and you still have the option to shoot for the infinite, but being able to kill stuff with a heavy stalking flare out is bonkers. Plus, you can spend a meter on a snapback into dirt nap trap.
this game is really, really derp lol.
THIS!!! I never go for TACs because my other two characters are Ryu and Wesker and their tac combos are ass but when i picked up Doom i learned his tac combos and wanted to do X23,Doom,Wesker but i soon found out that i could not go for a tac after a long combo because the S would whiff after the air H. Same thing with Ryu all out of luck