The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

Color 4 X23? That’s a rarity.

A pure otg assist is something like Wesker’s Edge or Felicia’s Sand Splash. I think Laura’s strongest teams revolve around an assist that can fulfill those purposes but at the same time pin the opponent down for mixups/traps. I think that’s why Dark Hole, Cold Star, HM, and etc. are so invaluable to her game now and we are seeing more X23’s within those combinations.

In all reality, I only prefer JS when I’m dealing with the likes of Zero/Morrigan/Trish staying in the air.

Sorry for the late reply. I totally missed your post earlier. I think that’s a really strong team and you seem to have a solid grasp on what you should be doing (though I would try to limit popping XF with X23 on point unless you know you’re going to kill and have 3 meters stocked.). My only recommendation on that team is to run Vergil on point since X23 on point is a bit redundant with the two hori assists, anyways. Plus having the OTG with Vergil means you can get Frank leveled up without having to worry about TACs or burning meter (which should always be priority 1 on any Frank team.) Once you have frank taken care of you can run that team in whatever order you want, really. Frank likes OTGs, X23 is death on 2nd, and Vergil is derp on 3rd so you don’t really have to worry about snaps or bad luck at that point.

For easy mode, Having X23 on 2nd is more about getting a hit (which is hilariously easy with cart) then just run XF loops and dirt nap so you don’t really need a relaunch in that spot. Plus the oki game with cart is so fucking dirty that you don’t even have to worry about not having a relaunch if things don’t go your way with vergil.

Past that I would only say make sure you’re abusing cart + teleports or MFs since it’s next to impossible to react to and you should be good to go.

Thanks merkyl I appreciate it:) and yes i built that team as my secondary team but then sort of abandoned it but every time I switch to it People have a hard time against so I’m going to put more work into it the reason I put Vergil second is because if Laura gets killed I still have Vergil to level up frank and if all goes wrong I can just switch Vergil to anchor and hope for the best. But I also like Laura first so Vergil can come out with more meter And Vergil can get sword loops off x-23 supers also x-23 can deal good damage using rapid slash to otg and she doesn’t use as much meter to deal damage like Vergil.

But like you said x-23 and Vergils teleports are super derp with shoppin cart

Yeah, it’s all preference. Both of them are terrifying in XF2. Here’s an old vid of mine from when I was running cart. Sure it’s not anything you don’t already use but I love how salty it makes people since it’s practically impossible to react to.


I have some old X23 / Frank leveling tech vids on my youtube too if you’re interested, just substitute Kitty Helper in the vids with DT and it’ll translate almost directly. Again, probably stuff you already use, lol.

What are her XF2 loops?

Charged AS > S > sj.HxxCS HxxTA L repeat until dead (combos until 1.5mil so it’s infinite for match purposes)

I just found out that Tenboss (Widely considered to be one of the best Stranges) recently changed to to an X-23/Dormammu/Strange team. I can’t find footage of it, but anyone know what kind of tech that team could have to make him change?

I know exactly what you mean. I cringe every time I beat Iron Fist players and hear “Get a new act, dude. Kung-fu is SO 70s!” It’s like…Really? Capcom did that little research for her? I heard a rumor that she was meant to be Molly from the Runaways at first and was changed to Laura on Marvel’s request. Maybe they just didn’t feel like researching her at the last second.

What kind of info are you looking for? I’d love to help out.

I played that team for a few months (got some vids of me playing it at a local tourney back a page or 2 in the video thread) It’s a pretty solid team aside from anchor Strange (even TENBOSS has a hard time running matches back with him and his Strange is GDLK.) I’m pretty sure he still gets wrecked in the vid I saw, though… It looks like his X23 is still a bit new and he keeps missing his Dorm relaunch.

Bolts which is pretty easy to confirm off of with X23 from full screen (great for walljump + assist pressure), can relaunch off throws and beam bounce better than most since the second bolt comes out so late. Plus it leaves people standing on hit so you don’t have to worry about sub-par confirms and HBDs really well. People can duck under the beams but that just gives you free command grabs or dash over falling claws into combos. Don’t know if you can get a full TOD off 2 meters (probably still 1 - 1.1mil tho) from the team but Bolts enforces Oki pretty well (Might be something where you don’t extend with bolts with X23, go into stalking flare > charges > meteors > flame carpet + bolts and get some more damage there instead. Don’t know how much hitstun bolts can still hit through.)

Double teleport crossups with Dorm and corner relaunches (TENBOSS has a cool thing where he does flame carpet + bolts into a jump loop > relaunch to squeeze some more damage out of it.) Have to watch for HBDs, but otherwise Bolts sets up Dorm zoning really well since it stays out forever.

Strange gets corner glyphs (sets up throw resets or extended combos) with X23s OTG and Dark Hole makes his pressure strings safe and still gives him a full combo. The Strange / Dorm DHCs are a little meh, but you can do THC loops if X23 is dead. (IIRC, hard knockdown, THC, instant jump palm) On his own though, he’s such a hard character to play since he doesn’t have the tools to make people stop pressuring him. You pretty much get stuck using Mystic Sword L (unsafe against small characters), trying to catch a punish with SoV (unsafe on block and limited without XF), or hoping you get a chance to sj back and set up a glyph teleport attempt (which is unlikely since you’re probably with your back to a corner anyways.) Everything else he has is too slow/unsafe to use without an assist.

I haven’t messed around with it much in real matches, but Strange has some new tech that lets him Dash cancel out of the 1st frame of his Illusion counter that I think is a BIIIIIG deal and probably bumps him up a tier or 2 so might be worth revisiting at some point.

Here’s the match I found of it (just yesterday, in fact, lol.) I don’t think X23 does much through the whole set, though. :confused: Udaterasu’s Ammy keeps TODing her.


Thanks, his X-23 definitely looks shaky (Way too many talon dives) but I can see what he’s going for. X-23/Strange and Dormammu/Strange both look like really solid duos, but I can’t stand the idea of Strange anchor unless you’re using him strictly for combo filler like Nemo popularized.

I use X-23/Strange/Ammy from time to time for fun and it’s always tempting to give it a shot as a main team.

Yeah, the only thing bad about strange/x23 is that they both like that 2nd spot and the strange DHC isn’t super impressive (Works, but not amazingly) if you have him behind her. As long as you have a strong anchor that is a solid assist for both characters I think you should be fine.

Yeah Merkyl I saw that video a long time ago when I was making my team and that’s what made me choose frank for anchor I’ll definitely check out some more of your vids thanks

You know, something I’ve been thinking about for a while is that we all post up our best X23 vids and vote which one is the best in terms of style, flair, and delivery.

There’s a lot of good stuff out there.

I’ve been dying to upload my match videos for criticism, but I get to play this game once in a blue moon offline, plus I’ve no recording equipment. Everytime I try to get my friends to record, we usually forget. Hopefully I can get some matches recorded next week, I’ve not so much as touched this game in months.

I try to play X-23 like how Yipes plays UMVC3 in terms of movement and offense. I’m not good enough yet, so that plan’s not working out lol. Besides, I believe I don’t have the specific assists I need to be able to initiate offence quickly, at least not against the characters I’m facing. I need a proper beam assist like Doom’s or Ironman’s instead of Tatsu, which doesn’t quite reach far enough. Unfortunately, I can’t be bothered to learn Ironman and I despise Doom lol.

I wonder if Rocket Raccoon’s Pendulum/Log goes underneath Disruptor and other beams due to his small hitbox. If so…

If you can play ammy. X23/RR/Ammy seems like it should be an absolutely fucked up team. I don’t know if I can run Ammy, personally.

Log trap is soooo gooooood tho. If it hits someone, you’re getting that combo. I don’t care if you’re in a combo, in the air on the other side of the screen, anywhere. The only time I haven’t managed to confirm is because of hard knockdown trades. Plus you don’t even have to do a whole lot of pressuring if you know how to use her mobility. You just zip around and 1 of 2 things happens. Log hit on a crossup, you get a combo. Or 2, they get tired of log and make the mistake of trying to mess with Raccoon and you just bop em’ for not paying attention to X23.

RR won’t get sniped by everything. (I even played a long set against a zoning mags last night and I can’t recall if I was just respecting the EMD or if he was knocking him out of log.) I know there are other assists he doesn’t care about tho. You will see log getting negated by heavy zoning after it’s on the screen since it doesn’t have a ton of durability, though.

Also, I managed to get a 1 touch perfect last night off my new team, too. Both Dorm and RR assists work on HBD, so 1 bad assist call into a HBD, full combo left me at 5 meters, killed with RT>stalking flare, hard tag guaranteed dirt nap, kill without even having to use XF. So damn pretty it hurt. (Bring the salt, lol.)

Well, yesterday on Yipes’ stream people were asking to see his X-23 and he refused saying that she wasn’t ready yet. However, he said to give him 2 days and then he’ll show us his X-23 so hopefully we can see some good X-23 play soon!

I believe in Mr. Yipes. I hope someone YTs his X23 <3

Okay, probably tired of hearing this by now…but MY GOD I LOVE THIS TEAM.

Still running X23/Dorm/RR and found yet another amazing thing about Log. You can always convert off of a midscreen Dirt Nap against a standing opponent (which is free thanks to Dark Hole ). That’s a free anytime 900k if you have 3.3 meters. If your opponent is in the corner, standing dirt nap (guaranteed with dark hole) gives you the assist-less pickup with a 2nd relaunch from Log, which gives you 1mil starting from 3 meters. (or Thor TOD with Dorm DHC starting from 4 meters.)

This also led me to discover a really sexy awesome piece of impractical character specific tech.

First off, for anyone that didn’t know. You can pick up off a standing dirtnap midscreen with no assist in any level of XF (XF1, you link with a cr.M, all others can link with cr./s. M). Not that amazing, but worth having in the back of your mind, especially if you have dark hole.

But while I was testing that, I happened to notice that I was able to link a cr.M against Tasky even though my XF had just worn out.

It’s a tight link, but X23 has a reliable solo pickup against Taskmaster after a standing dirt nap midscreen (vid proof recorded, but gotta trim it down and upload it and it’s hella late.) If you dash the instant you touch the ground after the dirt nap into AS, there’s a specific timing that will cause the AS to hit twice at the very end of it’s active frames which will let you link cr.M(1 hit) > s.S. I managed to hit it 4 or 5 times in a row and maybe a 40% overall success rate.

The other good news is that it’s not just Tasky this is possible against. I ran through maybe 10 characters at random and it works for sure on Wesker and I’m pretty sure dante as well base on previous experiences. I was able to get the double AS hit against IM as well and link a cr.M 4 or 5 times, but I wasn’t able to link an S against him.

Probably one of those things that will come up in a match once in a lifetime for most of you…but luckily for me…One of the guys in my scene almost never runs a team without tasky on it. Muahahahhaha.

Man I love this game, lol.

Lab edit:Spent a little more lab time with it. Also work on spencer, zero and dante. Zero’s is actually bad enough that you can just do S, sj.HxxTA L, Charged AS, link cr.MS.

I mainly just lurk in this thread, applying what I can to the little skill I have. Just wondering if anything came of this? Was he able to stream some of his X-23?

I stalk the X-23 forums as well. Here’s the link to the stream archives.
I just came here to post the link. Haven’t watched the archives yet.

Looks like Yipes is currently working with X23/Dante/Hawkeye. Still pulling out basic stuff but towards the end he started to get the impression that Jam Session’s scaling and hsd doesn’t do much for X23.