The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

If you’re just doing LMH, dash up to close the gap, the opponent can punish you by pushblocking and just pushing buttons. Obviously, you’ve got an assist, but that’s good for one approach, and you’ll be back to square 1 when they block.

A few of buddies have been consistently airthrowing me out of my walljump at fullscreen, so it’s not really my default approach anymore, lol. Good for getting around projectiles or out of corners, mostly. The walljump feels fast because of how fast the jump off the wall is, but in reality, wavedashing is faster and safer. A well-spaced dash directly cancelled into MH, MFC can dominate the ground game.

(Another very good reason to use MFC: keeps whiffed normals a lot safer.)

I always try to meet them with a CS when possible to keep the air throws to a minimum. I love her dash cr.M since it may as well be a teleport imo. Since I’m always wall jumping I’m able to use that more effectively once they’re used to my normal evaison patterns. That’s how I get most of my hits and why I think the X23 > Hawkeye matchup is so wonderfully easy. Love seeing someone doing jump arrows to keep me off the wall and not thinking I can dash in an kill them on the recovery, lol.

It’s been a looong while since I phased MFCs out of my game and I’ve leveled up a bit since then. TheoryLogic dictates that if she has a tool I should be utilizing it if it’s practical and ups her game. I don’t think it ups it THAT much, but it’s not like there’s any downside to using it. Hopefully the next vid I put up will have it worked back in.

Side note. Was bored today so I went on PSN again. Managed to go from 1-10 to 50-22 with my new team. Got lucky with my internet tonight which is a rare treat.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Wolverine win quote since its so rare to see him on anchor. Little awkward, lol.

off topic but does there exist a thread or a forum in which it lists gatherings or a “club” where people play Marvel? I really want to play other people offline seeing as how 100% of my matches have been online.

try checking the regional threads for respective area

Personal gripe, and I might be the only one on this, but a lot of the voice stuff in this game is way out of character for Laura. Also some of it just doesn’t make any sense either.

That bothered me a ton too when I first started playing. She’s like the opposite of her real personality.

I’m trying to do :d:+:h:xx:dp:+:h: but I get talon attack H instead when I get to the dp part. Any tips?

As long as you get the 6 in there after the 2H, I find it hard to believe the game wouldn’t give you the CS since DPs are so lenient in this game. General execution tips, let the stick go back to neutral before starting the dp, turn on inputs in training mode and see what you’re putting in, if you still can’t get it, do a quick vid of it happening with inputs on and we’ll try to help out from there. That’s not one that I see happen super often, sorry. :confused:

Thanks for the execution tip, I think I was rushing the inputs.

that shit happens to me sometimes. what i do to prevent that i just a simple fix of :dp::uf:+:atk:

Hello everyone I’m new to the x-23 forums but I have a video to share with you guys I play my secondary team of x-23,Vergil,frank against hi’imnasty an awesome nor-cal player I switched to this team which I hadn’t played in a LONG time but I felt like I should give it a try and it, I was very rusty and nervous but I just mostly want to get advice from you guys and help, constructive criticism is always welcome, note yes I dropped a lot of stuff but like I said this was my secondary team that I hadn’t plays in a while.


Alright so here’s a topic probably none of you saw coming.

As probably none of you know, my profession is that of composer. In particular composition in context, specializing in theatre.

I’ve rounded up most of my recent projects so I’ve found myself with some time on my hands and I’ve been toying with the idea of basing a composition off my Marvel team’s characters. I already have some ideas but I would like some input on the characters’ actual, ya know, character.

In the post a few posts above this one, someone mentions that UMvC3 Laura’s character is acutally very unlike the character in the comics/marvel universe. If someone would like to spar with me and bounce around some idea’s (over PM, or in a thread, I don’t really know how many people would feel inclined to chime in) that would be greatly appreciated.

My style is mostly classical (as in usage of orchestra instead of more pop music based ensembles) but I use synths and (synthetic) percussion also. I mention this to ward off false expectations of some sort of rock- or pop-based track.

I look forward to hearing from you guys.

Also, I’ll only be posting this in the X-23 forum for now because I don’t know how this idea will be received, but if someone here knows anyone who is knowledgeable about these things and would like to help out, that would be appreciated as well.

Yoooooooooou saaaaaaaaaay I have nowhere toooo gooo…

… sorry.

I’m currently playing x-23/Dante/Magneto. What I’ve noticed is alot of x-23’s use an otg assist for combo extension and combo’s off of her throw. I like jam session for mix up’s and setting up her level 3 and em disruptor since she has no projectiles and it helps her when shes at a distance.

I don’t really want to change my team so what I’m asking is the otg assist completely necassary

Is an Combo extender assist necessary for Laura? no.

Is it prefered? hell yes.

It is very hard to learn the tech necessary to one touch characters with Solo Laura combos, which is what the combo extender assists are for. But you have two very good good neutral assists and solid DHCs. So if you can find a way to either make up some really tight resets with those assists, or DHC into devil trigger and extend the combo long enough to kill, then more power to you.

in other news, for anybody that runs laura on point. I highly suggest you use this combo I came up with

Stuff one of their moves/supers with Rage trigger, After either the first or second hit of the last cartwheel (after first hit is easier) X-Factor - normal jump MHS (2 times in XF2/3) normal Jump MHS - L Talon Attack - st. H - S - Air combo of choice - Relaunch method of choice - H - Down H - DP H - L Talon Attack - Ender of choice

I say Air combo/relaunch of choice, because with my team I have to alter how I do my air combo and relaunch so its kind of team dependant.
But the combo I do with my team builds about 1.75 meters (-minus the meter you use to start with) and Does about 900 K without a super on the end.
Its really really useful against teams that are front loaded, and if you whip it out at the right part of a match, it will give you time and meter to dirt nap their second character with the SF still active.

My XF1 combo is:
(RT reversal, optional), (dash if anti-air) - MHS - Air Combo - Ankle Slice - MHS (linked, but you can just mash it) - Air Combo - assisted relaunch - Shortened air combo - Ankle slice - H-CS (linked… but it’s easy) xx H-Talon

Builds 2 bars, does over 1mil meterless =P.

If done off a clean hit or a xf guard cancel, it will usually give you 3 bars for dirt nap, but I usually save it for when I either have a little more meter, or the 2nd character is a lightweight. With only 3 bars, and XF1 run out, a dirt nap combo won’t kill normal health characters.

As for combo extenders, you’re looking at the difference between 500k dmg bnbs and 600k dmg bnbs (pre-hyper). It doesn’t seem that different, but here’s the generalized practical difference vs. Wesker (or wolverine, or dante, or spencer, etc):
500K: to kill Wesker, you’ll need to use up 3 meters, score one more clean hit, or score two more throw combos.
600k: to kill Wesker, you’ll need to use up 2 meters, score one more clean hit, or score one more throw combo.

Combine this with the fact that you’ll gain significantly less meter without a relaunch, and the top tier in this game can kill Wesker using 1 meter or less, that relaunch assist looks pretty important.

If you want to play those characters I would just put Dante on point and you should be golden. Reset with Dante if you can’t kill (should be easy between teleport+EMD or air throw + X23 OTG or Grapple + Box dash + X23). Either XF2 loops > dirt nap with X23 or XF3 Magneto with meter stocked. Kinda hard to do badly with the team imo. The X23>Magneto synergy is a bit meh as far as cheap DHCs, but EMD is fast enough to catch some people pressing buttons and X23s dash is fast enough to get across the screen for the punish.

If you want to play X23 on point, I do feel like you need at least 1 assist for relaunches/air throws (even better if you have one of the few assists that lets you combo of tick ground throws Missiles and Dr. Strange’s EoA are the only ones I know of off hand). I prefer to have 2 so she becomes a TOD character with the option to kill 2 characters at any point with XF.

Without at least one relaunch assist you’re left floundering back to back resets at the start of matches on the bigger characters and that’s a losing proposition when you’re having to put yourself at risk of multiple happy birthdays if you ever slip up.

I’ll give it a try thanks.