The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

So i was curios as to how close WNF/The Rundown is to me… turns out that it isn’t 30-40 minutes away how i originally thought instead, its 10-15 minutes away so i think i might go next weeks Rundown. Hopefully i dont embarrass myself and go 0-2 lol

Awesome! and Honestly…even if it was 30-40 mins shame on you for not going out there and kicking ass for us. Lol. The best I can do is the occasional tourney against our ATL heavy-hitters and that’s 6 hours away. :confused:

Seriously, I drive 30-40 min for weeklies that sometimes turn out to be like 6-man tourneys. Even a 40min drive for some of the best competition in the country sounds awesome.

guys ineed help…again lol


I am sleep deprived from homework, and find Magneto saying “insignificant” absolutely hilarious right now. I’ll still try to help, though I have no idea what you’re specifically asking for.

If it’s MFC-ing, do it off a st.H, not the cr.H I keep seeing there. So, a few tips from a bad X-23. I cannot do any of the CS stuff to save my life, so MFCs are my friend, and I’m a pad player, so it took a while to get consistent execution on that one. For one thing, you’re pressing the buttons simultaneously, awesome, I find that is the easier method, and other people are crazy for doing it other ways (no offense, other people). Second, I see from your inputs that you’re doing a half-circle back on the first MFC. Hrm? You only need the quarter circle back, it’s not superduper hard. Finally, practicing multiple st.H’s is a lot easier if you cut out the light and medium normals at first. See how fast and how many st.H’s you can get before launching, it’s fun! Then add the opening shots. Also, I usually have alternate LMHMH combos prepared for battle, it’s way easier, and I enjoy being consistent.

If it’s not MFCing, I have no goddamn clue, your previous video of corner stuff seems pretty awesome as far as damage and execution goes. Also, are all those Crescent Scythes from your previous vid TKed? If not, I have been neglecting corner stuff I can actually do, and I gotta hop on that.

Final question, about your previous vid on this thread, which I seem to have missed before? Is that song really a Moxy Fruvous remix? Those exist? I was a fan years back, so I’m rather curious.

Ok…I cannot get more than 3 CS to save my life. I’ve tried grounded TK, low jump TK, no TK, hopping on one foot, praying to the FGC gods…nothing.

What’s the trick to getting more than 3? I find it hard to believe I’m not doing it fast enough and even on the ones where the height seems perfect and they’re holding steady I always get a tech after the 3rd rep. I’ve tried replicating the video as close as possible, I’ve tried on taller characters, mid-sized characters. I’m at a loss.

For the most part everything seems to be headed in the right direction in that vid. I don’t think she can do anything decent from the cr.H (might be able to hit a cr.L if you’re fast enough) so you’ll want to MFC off the s.H most of the time. Some people have talked about MFCing off of 1 or 2 hits of s.M for really tricky frame trap stuff but I never bothered to lab that so I can’t comment on it too much. I personally found it MUUUUCH easier to just learn s.M(1hit)HxxMFC>s.M(1hit)HxxEtc. You should be able to do 5 of those (maybe 6?) before they tech out and just run them from one side of the screen to the other until you get bored of it.

The only other thing that messes me up sometimes is not holding down the L+S long enough for it to register the MF and then cancel it. If you just tap it real quick, depending on the exact timing of the hit, it will choose one of the buttons and go from there so make sure you’re giving it a frame or 2 before you start the next rep.

Once you get tired of MFCs, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend labbing the MF HxxCS LxxTA L since that’s one of those that just comes down to muscle memory but CSxxTA is HUGE for her mobility and neutral game as well as combos.

My question was on MFC, and yes the CS were tk’d. Also good ear on noticing the Moxy remix. It’s by a guy name renard who does his own songs and other remixes for LapFoxTrax. The thing about me doing half circles instead of quarter is just because of my arcade stick being a little stiff so i have to be rough with it in order to do what i need. I can do qcf no problem but hcf is just easier to me, but i’ll try doing qcf’s from now on.

i’m gonna try gettin mfc off of just :h: in the lab. i remember first picking her up and not being able to do them but now i can so it’s just practice at the moment. also the trick to getting more than 3 scythes is that you have to be wary of character height and the method of input. for me i do them tiger kneed so they come out earlier than normal input. i tried that team in the video against a friend of mine this past saturday and it got worked but that’s with most new teams anyway lol

i’m definitely gettin my runback

The most i got was 4 and even then i wasnt sure and only went by the amount of damage which was higher then when i did 3. It looks really situational but until i can do it consistently like Trite, hes the man to go by on the specifics.

anyways a small update on my trip to The Rundown… i was looking up FFA instead of Super Aracade and Super Arcade is 55 minutes away from me so i will not be going :frowning: and here i was hyping myself these past couple of days :frowning:

55min? That’s what a 30min trip would have turned into in traffic anyways! You should go!

This is LA we’re talking about though. and the pieces of highway here have the record for “most congested highway in America” taking up rank 10, 7, 6, 5, 3, 2, and 1.

no lie.

And the thing is that I dont know how to drive so my mom would have to drive me there and i don’t want her to wait 4-6 hours there nor drive back and come pick me up when its done. Gas is expensive yo

So you go there a few times. Win. Use prize money as downpayment for car. Learn to drive. Rinse and repeat. Instant millionaire.

Hell better yet. Win a few times and buy a jetpack. Cut down on travel time considerably.

I’m never going to learn to drive though. Taxies for me until im rich enough to afford a chauffeur.

I might make an exception just this once and see if my mom is willing to take me over there. Low chance of that happening though so dont tune in to Runback and expect me to be there. Expecting to see me in grandfinals though has a high chance of happening Kappa

Captain Grammar here, someone should fix the typo in the thread title.

Grammer Nazi, for the plural of taxi, is it taxies or taxis? Both look weird to me.



So I’ve got the correction in the works. Thanks for the heads up.

Edit to avoid double post:
Here’s a ~70 match set from me. I’m running my Dorm/X23/Mags against Greg’s Mags/Doom/Vergil and Wolvie/Doom/Vergil (last matches are a FT5 against PotatoSalad and I get my shit wrecked). We’re were pretty much match for match until the last 5 where he got a lead on me. Since X23 is in 2nd there’s not a whole lot of long match action from her past the usual xf > loops, etc. Plus Greg knows to XF her every chance so it’s usually one mistake and she dies. Still, if anyone cares to watch a few matches I would definitely appreciate any feedback.

Also, something amazing at ~53:35. If I can get that to be consistent that would make me very happy.


Stream drops for a few minutes ~1:05, just pop forward a few minutes and it comes back up.](‘’)

A few things I noticed:
Respect Hidden missiles more - If you’ve got pressure going, and missiles come out, you only have two options: hit Doom before too many missiles come out, or back off. If you do neither, all the missiles will come down on you in a straight line and either start a combo for your opponent, or give them a free mixup on you (for Magneto, practically a free hit).

Hitconfirm - even if you don’t work MFCs into your game (you absolutely should), take a little more time to hitconfirm your ground strings. With X-23, you get a fairly long time to confirm into S just by doing LMHcr.H (S, or don’t hit S). Even if they don’t punish your S, you’ll completely lose all your momentum due to the recovery on S.

Utilizing the beam assist - any time you get the opponent to block the beam, you should be taking advantage of the frame advantage. Close the space, and at least work in some staggered Lows, or IA d.H

As for the nifty incoming mixup, it’s a pretty good idea: fake a meaty + assist so they’re scared to push buttons, then dash under. It’s actually kind of risky, though, because if Vergil had derped out a Helm breaker, you would have gotten HBDed, lol. It’d be good to work it in after conditioning the opponent to think you’ll be doing a meaty.

The only reason I pointed it out is because it wasn’t a dash under. That was a normal jump into dH > cr.M (maybe s.M) and the game crossed up on it’s own. I’m assuming it was just the slight forward momentum from the cr.M + incoming momentum that put me on the other side. And yeah, If you watch the matches before that, I had started doing superjump dH incoming stuff before that, that’s why he wasn’t pressing buttons that one time. I’m pretty used to seeing helmbreaker ALL THE FREAKING TIME against Greg, lol. (Total pain in the ass trying to dirt nap Vergil without an assist since it’s such a bad punish if you mistime it and eat the helmbreaker.)

Def. agree on the hidden missles. If you watch the full set there’s a point where I ‘punish’ hidden missiles with 3 jabs and force myself to back off, lol. So it’s a work in progress. The guys here just started picking up missiles full-time so I’m only a couple of weeks into real matchup knowledge. I’ve gotten much much better at avoiding with Dorm and Mags but X23 either has to wait a second then dash back walljump or have a covered NS running across the screen which is hard to manage on reaction. Usually it’s a momentum killer either way which is a bit ugh. I totally agree that I need to stop blocking them on the ground since if I’m in a situation where I have to eat a volley.

The only reason I’m not MFCing against these guys is they’re so used to seeing it that they’ll usually just XF grab me to death. That’s why I’ve switch over to the hit and run / spam the shit out of walljump. I do like abusing walljump + assist since that seems to be the best way to have safe assist calls with her tho, rather than have to worry about the constantly being sniped (though it’ll still happen with some beams.) Does put me at risk of air grabs a lot more (still working on the answer for that), but I feel alot better about my mobility options from wall jump when I’m having to run a zoning gauntlet. I also like the hit and run options since people tend to get in a mode when they start chasing her down and not paying as much attention to her dash range which leads to some nice punishes. (Though I do agree that my hit confirms have suffered a bit for it, plus Disruptor is such a garbage beam if you’re not inside of MF range. Nice to have a fast screen clear and Dorm gets a ton off of it so I’m willing to put up with it for the time being.)

Also, I’m on the fence about MFC as a real neutral tool at this point. It was amazing when people didn’t really know about her pressure strings but now I feel like it’s only useful against characters that are tall enough to IOH or if you have an assist like eye of agamotto or missiles that lets you combo of her front ground throws. You might get lucky with a crossup but I feel like if that’s gonna work, it was probably gonna work without the MFC anyways. I think there’s only one match in this video where I actually bother to MFC and then go for a berserker slash MFxxTA (which i fuck up and do a TA H) and when I do use it it’s more for just trolling than anything else. Unless you’re against someone that chicken blocks all the time or mashes (which people should learn to not do against X23 after a few matches), MFC seems to just lengthen her pressure without actually adding anything to it. (With the exception of IOHs and as a great tick throws setup but that’s only useful on a small portion of the cast.)

What are some of the things you guys are doing when you get a blocked MFC string aside from more MFCs, hi/low assist setups and IOHs?

The biggest addition MFCs added to my game was good hitconfirms, lol. Before, I’d hitconfirm LMH into S and an air combo. With MFC, I can hitconfirm into a good feint combo, even under pressure.

I think the most important (maybe underrated) thing and MFC gives you is frame advantage. If the opponent pushblocks your MFC string, you’re going to be at +20 advantage, or something. That gives you enough time to always dash back and be in a strong “neutral” situation again, with your next assist at the ready. If they don’t pushblock, they’re opening themselves up to a non-reactable crossup.

Compare that to just hitconfirming from LMH - you’ll be pushblocked away, and you’ll be fullscreen, and you’ll need to approach carefully again. If they don’t pushblock, you still have to respect them pushing lights, etc.

Lately, I’ve been running X23/deadpool/akuma, and 90% of the time, I open people up with dash up L + Akuma, M-feint. M-feint is actually one of the fastest crossup tools in the game, so if they actually manage to block it, I assume they’re guessing correctly and switch it up to to dash up L, frametrap MH, MFC.

From what I’ve seen, Pushblocks very rarely knock you out of range to close the gap or cross up with MF M + assist and even when it does I don’t feel like approaching is that big of a deal if you’re using walljumps. You can always get to the back wall with a single back dash jump and wall jump puts you at 3/4th screen with range to connect almost full screen with j.H or TA L (not even counting CSxxTA options and you’re free to call assists at any point to give you the advantage to clear that last tiny bit of screen.) Being able to clear fullscreen and have every air option available with the included trajectory changing options and safe assist coverage forces your opponent into a 50/50 neutral game (with a few exceptions ala jam session, purification) where they either have to try to cover your air options or her ground options and she’s fast enough to mix it up enough that it takes 1 guess to be full screen and it’s a pretty loaded guess.

shrug Not disagreeing, I guess. I just don’t feel like it’s filling a gap in her game as much as giving a minor improvement on something she’s already really good at. There’s a few matches at the tail end where Magneto gets out front and dies and I have X23/Dorm left after XFs gone and I actually do a few combos rather than just loops. That’s the main thing I don’t like about X23 2nd. She’s ridiculously powerful but she’s so boring compared to on point where you actually have a reason to use her toolset instead of just popping XF and winning.