The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

No joke, my X-23 got sooo much better after I stopped playing online. The hard part isn’t really executing combos, it’s hitcomfirming into proper combos. There’s so many little things you have to pay attention to to make sure even bnbs don’t drop. It becomes second nature offline, but it’s hard to confirm them online.

Oh nah I have a great scene. We’ve got a weekly SFIV ranbat and we rotate a secondary tournament every week, and have a bunch of set ups for casuals, and people in my area host almost every night. So I can definitely get some games offline in, its just that online is so much more convenient and it serves as a basis for learning basics with a character.

I would recommend you trying to get better offline then. Online can only take you so far in terms of teaching you the basics, and X23 is not generally a character you would want to learn through that environment.

Yeah I definitely am. Cuz I wanna play more seriously and go out to tournaments and stuff, and online just creates bad habits.

Also does anyone know if you can use vergils rapid slash to relaunch after a basic MF combo? I was messing with it today and I can get the rapid slash to connect but I can’t get an air CS>TD to connect after even if I tiger knee the CS.

I tried searching for this but since SRK’s search sucks ass, no luck. we probably went over this a long time ago, but is it possible to hard tag after lvl3 and get a pickup? i have a 300% combo idea but I need to find a way to start my first lvl3 combo without having to OTG as X-23 and XF early. I don’t have a relaunching assist on this team… plan is to land lvl3, hard tag magneto, call X-23 + attraction confirm into combo…

iirc she can dash in and combo after lvl3 if you land it on a grounded opponent. dash up s.L would connect before they landed so need for OTG there. or was that just vanilla?

Tried, I can’t get a hard tag follow. :frowning: I think with Magneto, you could Attraction them into a possible unblockable with Ankle+tri-jump in.

And comboing after Silent Kill(grounded opponent only) still works in Ultimate.

Only character that I think MIGHT be able to manage something is Felicia or Doom. I know she can still do hard tag shenanigans off of the command throw but there’s a huge difference in the recovery for those 2.

If they’re grounded and in the corner you can just mash out a s.M(1 hit) cr. M(1 hit) s.H for the easiest pickup off of dirtnap I know. Almost literally no timing required for that and no dash. Mash to win!

I found something kinda cool that might have some combo implications. (I’m gonna preface this with the fact that I play on hitbox so it might not be practical at all on stick or pad.)

On the grounded CS. It’s possible to hit the 623 as a 626 fast enough that the game will read a dash and then kara into the CS. From almost full screen, you can button dash xx dash kara CS and hit and it’s pretty ridiculously fast. It’s almost the same as just button dashing and going into it, but it seems a little faster to me. I’ve got a crappy vid showing what I mean that I might upload for clarity. What I’m hoping is that it might let us do midscreen CSxxTA loops without the MF in there so we can get more damage. Messing around with it, is seems a bit impractical but I thought it was cool enough to share at least.

So i’ve been working on some new combos with X23; probably not too new(i doubt it would surprise the people who regularly come here) just other combos that i didn’t include into my Combo vid last time. How would you guys feel if it wasn’t a direct feed? My previous equipment used to record that combo vid is out of the question(long story) so iphone would be my only option.

off topic: what would you guys recommend as good equipment that records xbox feed in HD?

i think i have x23’s corner stuff down, but what’s some good stuff midscreen?


Copy-pasta(I hope the notations clear, if not, just tell me to clean it up lol):

Advanced solo combos(midscreen)

  1. (cr)LMH>Mirage Feint H, j.MH>Talon Attack L, land, MH>Mirage Feint H, jMH>Talon Attack L, land, MHS, super jump, j.MMH>D+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge) Ankle Slice M>Rage Trigger or assist extender.

  2. (cr)LMH>Mirage Feint H, j.MH>Talon Attack L, land, MH>Mirage Feint H, jMH>TK Crescent Scythe>Talon Attack L, land, MHS, super jump, j.MMH>D+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge) Ankle Slice M>Rage Trigger or assist extender.


-For some reason, you have to tiger-knee the air Crescent Scythe to get the cancel into Talon L reliably. I assume it’s because even though X-23’s technically airborne, the game doesn’t class her being in the air until after a while, and air Scythes cancel faster than grounded ones. An unnecessary execution requirement IMO, the game should just allow you to cancel normally.

-This combo(and variants of it) is X-23’s 2nd strongest loop. A good combo to learn.

  1. (cr)LMH>Mirage Feint H, TK Crescent Scythe>Talon Attack L, land, MH>Mirage Feint H>TK Crescent Scythe>Talon Attack L, land, MHS, super jump, j.MMH>D+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge) Ankle Slice M>Rage Trigger or assist extender.


-This(and variants of it) is X-23’s strongest loop, but not easy. Definitely practical with practise, but don’t worry about this combo too much until you’re comfortable with the rest of her combos.

To hitconfirm into absolute max damage using Mirage Feint Cancelling, here’s the MFC starter: M(hit), H>qcb+L~S, H>qcb+H>combo of your choice.

Or if you want a quick MFC combo that’s easy to hitconfirm from, here’s this combo: M(hit), H>qcb+L~S, H>qcb+L~S, H>qcb+H, j.MMH, j.MMHS>Talon Attack L, M(1hit)HS> j.MMH>D+H>Crescent Scythe H>Talon Attack L, land, (full charge) Ankle Slice M

Bloodabeast, instead of going into WXP you can get one more CS HxxTA L. It’s def. tight but match practical. That should push that combo into the 1.2 million range and build and extra .4 of a meter or so (should be meter neutral if not a bit positive, too). Just have to let them drop a bit after the ground bounce and do a S into a reallllly low sj cancel CS HxxTA L > OTG Super > DHC.

If I remember correctly it will kill Magneto and everyone lower life than that meterless and on the 850 characters leave you with the 3 meters for dirtnap, too.

this is good to know guys. i figured that you could could the CS:h:xxTA:l: ender before but i tried it with deadpool assist and i could not get it to work (probably due to my hands sweating like hell lol). thanks for the reassurance!

i remember someone mentioning that you could do 4 reps… think you can do a vid? I haven’t figured out how to add another one.

edit: oohhhhh i read it wrong… i thought you meant 4 reps of CS-L into TA-L. Anyways, 3 reps is the most right? if you want to do an S that is. Though i do remember doing 4 reps on Sentinel once in training mode.

Supposedly it’s possible, some guy commented on one of my videos and posted damage and whatnot. I find it hard to believe that it’s practical though. Even the normal CS loops are kinda goofy in real matches since it’s so rare that I actually get a clean combo in the corner where I’m not in XF or following up on a dirtnap.

I’ll try and see if I can replicate it and if I can I’ll post a vid up.

Personally, I wish we had more people working on her midscreen tech. I feel like there should be some more tech to squeeze out some better midscreen combos that we’re missing out on. The only new things I’ve found lately are the Kara dash CS and the TA M passthru > dH combo options.

Yeah thats where i remember reading about a 4th rep from a video on youtube. Didn’t know the video was of yours though. After reading it i went to the lab but couldn’t replicate it lol.

midscreen tech? Thats been maximized though… even if you caught them in the air, the most you can do without hitting the wall is 2 reps of CS>TA(TKed or not) or 3 reps of the mirage faint loops on ground or 2 if opponent was caught in the air. Then depending on the assists, you could do 2 more air combos which after a DHC should lead to 1.1+ damage. and even then if the assist doesn’t let you combo after an ankle slice, you could combo into it like how i do with Ryu’s fireball which is Sxx call assist air H > TA-L and the fireball hits them on the way down if you are not in the corner already and that leads into a relaunch. Some assists though like Tatsus and ironmans and Dooms beam could be comboed in the corner on the way down.

If you think about it, shes top 3 if not first when it comes to damage wiithout bar+ 2 assists. Only ones that come to mind that might tie or beat her are Viper with her BurnKick cancels(50x harder than Mirage Faint Cancels), Hulk with the 3 self relaunches(i think it might be character specific though on the 2 extra launches because i never see hulks do it on all their combos. then again, it might be hard to link), Dr.Strange with the Flames of the Faltine loop, Wesker without glasses with specific assists + tight links into his running charge move( QCF+H), Deadpool definitely beats her with his damage/hitstun reset glitch but thats a glitch so it doesn’t count lol, Dormammu with 3 spells charged and with assists that let him do 3 charges again, Shuma-Gorath with those self relaunch eyeballs of his, and Spencer with dem 80ks.
I can say with 90%(dont question how i came up with this %) certainty that only these characters could potentially tie or beat her highest damage combo which clocks at about 860k, if im not mistaken, with 2 assists no bars and corner.

Now that i think about it, she might also be in the lead when it comes to overall damage with 5 bars, 2 assists, and no xfactor, dhc, or tac but too many variables to consider and the ingenuity of certain character loyalists.

i was the one talking about doing 4 crescent scythes

anyways this video is for you guys (sorry in advance for the bad quality)



edit: its possible to add a TA before the dirt nap combo, making it do over 1,250,000 :\

Sorry Trite, I just couldn’t remember your name and didn’t want to go to youtube just to check.

That’s sexy as fuck. How character specific is that and can you get that off of other starters? Also, what’s the meter build look like?

I still call practicality on it, though. :stuck_out_tongue: (as far as how often those situations pop up in matches from my experience. People just don’t let me get clean hits in the corner…damn turtles.)

Have you tried doing corner carry combos and squeezing in the extra CSxxTAs after that? I know we can get 1 pretty easily, but if it’s just an issue of height management then we might be able to get 2 or 3 and that would be amazing. lol.

If you can go into that set off the j.MxxdHxxCSxxTA then with a lockdown that becomes a really viable fuzzy guard setup.

so the crescent scythe have to be tigerkneed? so is it offical now that she has lighting loops? lol

That looks hard… im trying now and cant get the timing. Oh well time to practice i guess because thats how i felt in the beginning for CS TA timing but now i can do it with ease.

interestingly enough, grounded CS can be cancelled in the same way (by inputting the TA immediately) but it seems a lot less consistent and the TA will miss, so yeah TK is the way to go

the combo builds around 1.4 meters, including the j.S. as far as practicality, you can get the full five loops starting with charged neck slices (though i guess that’s not too practical in itself) [S]and j.m xx CS i’m fairly sure[/S]. could always frametrap straight into the loops as well i guess. other starters (st/cr.lmh ; [S]j.m xx dH xx CS … ; TA[/S] ; assists, etc.), probably better to just do 3-4 loops

haven’t tinkered with midscreen stuff

edit: can get 5 loops from j.m xx 2h xx cs, and from TA starters, but forces a shortened air combo (i.e. mm2h rather than llmmh)

Have you been keeping this secret to yourself or what? lol I must say this is the first time I’ve been surprised by an X23 technology. It just blows my mind because here we were(or mabye just I?) thinking the most CS TA that she could loop was 3 and mabye possibly 4 but you did 5 lol.

Do you use an arcade stick, Xbox controller, or pad? Because I’m using xbox controller and my thumb is hurting practicing the TK CS.