The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

  1. Vertical assist allows her to combat people in the air, one of X-23’s weaknesses is that she has issues against aerial opponents and it’s difficult to score good damage when she hits them out of the air.

  2. Lockdown assist allows her to pin opponents down so she can run mix-ups on them. X-23’s mix-ups and most of her offence need to be covered with assists.

  3. OTG assists help her relaunch/extend combos, like after Ankle Slice and air throws. I don’t think OTG assists are a major requirement personally.

  4. You can do some strong resets with Spencer’s assist. Can’t find the video at the moment though.

  5. Wallbounce/groundbounce assists are also just combo extenders.

Relaunching allows X-23 to net more damage. Standard relaunch(depending on the assist) is usually S>super jump>j.H>Hard Crescent Scythe>Talon L, Ankle Slice(can end with Rage Trigger.)

What chars do you wanna use with her btw?

It’s difficult to achieve a balance of an extension assist and a neutral assist because they need to cover multiple options and your team composition can’t be out of whack either. You may have an extender and a get-in assist, but you might be without something to cover the air, or a lockdown assist, or a quick assist to help with X-23’s left-rights. I was struggling with this for a while now because I felt X-23 needed to be able to TOD guaranteed.
For now, I feel in terms of team composition, X-23 benefits more from a team that covers her weaknesses and focuses on building meter for Silent Kill. I think Jam Session is needed(strong vertical assist, comes out fast for left-rights, locks down, extensions in XF if you feel like blowing XF1 to kill a char meterless guaranteed and gain 3 bars), and any other character with a strong get-in assist and strong TAC options/a TAC infinite will do.
There’s also the option of relying on cross-ups on wake-up for meterless kills: [media=youtube]UJMkfGijbR0[/media]
(DON’T do this with Jam Session lol, only use this if you have Drones, almost impossible to escape barring Bionic Lancer, and the timing for that’s extremely tight and Sentinel won’t get happy birthday’d.)

Question: Is X-23 Down+H in the air cancel-able into S when she is in her level 3 state?

Yes. Pretty much everything she does becomes cancellable with S during that state, even specials.

i figured because when i killed the 2nd character and the third was incoming, before they come in i would level 3 and super jump above them then do down+h then s and activate xfactor for kill. if they get hit or block it doesn’t matter. unless the can advance guard h but that doesn’t seem likely to work because your immediately hitting s for kill. uh, just thinking.

I’d really love to use some gimmicky characters with her that everyone considers low tier. Like thor or tron or something weird like that just for kicks, but I’d like to play her with doom and wesker if I’m playing seriously. Those characters seem to benefit her pretty well and they’re easy enough to use, but I’m having a lot of trouble getting mileage out of dooms assists during combos. I was hoping rocks would allow a relaunch but I can’t get it to work. Does anyone know if this works (my execution isn’t the best) I’m trying to see who she works well with though.

Yeah, I don’t think they’ll be able to advancing guarding it either, S activates immediately on block and they get nailed.

I’ve tried relaunching with Rocks, can’t do it at all. I’d prefer Wesker’s Samurai Edge Lower for relaunching and Doom’s Plasma Beam for getting in, but that’s me though. Overall, it’s a solid team IMO.

I run that team (X23/Doom/Wesker) and yeah there is really no need to use rocks when you have Wesker’s OTG.

Let me ask what are the advantages to beam over missiles? I accept that rocks doesn’t work aha. And I love doom but if rocks doesn’t do what I was hoping it would I may run with x/wesker/hawkeye so many threats. with that team.

They’re both great in their own right. Beam lets you wave dash or crossup safely. Missiles lets you wall jump in. Missile does give you a better relaunch (s+missiles, sj.MH, d+HxxCS HxxTA L, land, low TA L during first few missiles, s.S > Etc.) but X23 doesn’t really get as much as someone with a strong hi/low game does from the lockdown though. If you get used to the timing she does have some decent fuzzy guards during the lockdown and the normal dash over FC stuff. Beam can do the normal OTG+Assist are REALLLY low hitstun or you can beam bounce, but either way it’s nothing amazing IMO. I’d say do for beam if your 3rd is a teleporter and do for missiles if they’re a zoner.

alright, thanks man! I love doom a lot but I feel like wesker is too good not to run with x. so I’m gonna try out hawkeye and see how stuff goes.

Tron is godlike for X23 with her Boulder assist. It doesnt let you relaunch far into the combo but if you use it early on it hardly scales HSD at all and adds like 100k to the damage.

It is also probably x23’s best assist when up close since it’s both a physical hit that starts up very fast and a decent enough projectile that last long enough for X23 to make use of the lockdown it gives.

Ive skimmed over the Tron forums and found that the general consensus there is that Jam Session is one of Tron’s best assists while Boulder does a lot for Dante as well.

Ive been thinking of starting work on something like X23 Dante Tron or X23 Tron Dante since in theory they both look like really solid teams to me. Now if only I could actually play Dante and Tron wasn’t Tron this idea wouldve been golden.

you should check out some replays of that east cost tron player. I think his name is abiggan or something. I think she works well with laura. and jayto seems to do alright so I’m definitely going to mess around with it.

yeah, I’m actually of the opinion that I do well in spite of having Tron, not because of her, lol. Also, Abegen is a Japan player, not east coast.

I actually favor Flame assist for Tron still, because it still comes out faster than even the physical boulder, and has a very good angle.

Tron/X-23/Dante is a strong team, for sure, though. Jam session provides great coverage, and gives Tron access to her TOD combos. Tron will not die in one combo because of her health and weird hitbox (optimized combos drop on her, lol). When she does die, X-23 will then be sitting on a good amount of meter.

If you’re left with X-23/Dante, the Team Hyper is extremely strong, because you effectively get a 1-frame Million Dollars that’s covered by an invincible attack up close, safe on block, and gives you at least one free high/low mixup.

And of course, Jam Session gives you a 100% inescapable Dirt Nap.

(sidebar, one of my training buddies can now semi-consistently XFC airthrow my dirtnap setup, even when I use TK-scythe, so assisted setups are probably still the only guaranteed setups - I’m thinking of just trying a simply meaty j.M instead, which can OS airthrow if XFCed…)

Okay I finally got some matched in with X online and I’ve found out really quickly that I have trouble doing her extended combos, even basic combos with an OTG assist and neckslice, I suck at getting in with her, and I’m not MFC-ing anything to keep myself from being punished.

I’ve heard that X is extremely dangerous if you can play while holding down the S button, apparently it makes you constantly think about the MFC. Any advice for any of that stuff? My team is X/Wesker/Hawkeye.

I don’t hold down no “S” button and I can MFC perfectly online. Just have to practice up more, and abuse your frame traps so that the opponent can get in his mind that blocking is his only option.

Online sucks dick. It really does. I would never play X-23 online because I literally can’t do anything with her and playing her to precision online is impossible. But some players on here can tolerate it(I dunno how they do it, 'cause I’d rather set myself on fire than play UMVC3 online.)

And you don’t have to hold down S all the time to play X-23, though you can hold S when performing MFCs. In fact, don’t hold S all the time haha. You ideally want your buttons available all the time, barring certain chars.

Like Ephidel said, it takes some practice to get used to MFCing. For the moment, start off with cancelling your normals/blockstrings into Mirage Feint L as a substitute for MFCing, though it grants you less advantage(you’re still at plus advantage though) and it’s tighter to combo off Mirage Feint L, especially online. Then move on to MFCs.

Practice wavedashing(or plinkdashing) forwards and backwards and practice using them as mobility options to move across the screen and gain more ground, as well as weave in and out of the opponent’s range. Then practice calling assists during a wavedash, or an uncharged Neck Slice or Talon Ms to cover your approach. It’s important you have a projectile assist with X-23 to make your life easier.

Yeah, I’ve got hawkeye backing me up and he helps a lot. but alright, thanks for the tips guys!

Don’t forget TK’ed Talon Dives. She’s not Rufus, but TK’ed Talon Mediums with a beam assist…yowza.

I started using them about a month ago, and holy crap, are they amazing.

Wanna add on that if an opponent blocks an assisted Talon M>J.S on the ground, it’s pretty much a free mix-up between instant overhead(fuzzy) or a low, and possibly a left-right mix-up afterwards(Mirage Feint M>Talon L.)

I think they can advancing guard to neutralise the mix-up, not too sure. Either way, I agree, TK’d Talon Ms are sick stuff.

I’m guessing he doesn’t have a scene in his area, so it’s online or bust. He has the right idea though, if you are going to play X23 online she needs an OTG assist because the input delay really scares X23 players from trying any type of feint combos online.