The Penultimate: an X-23 Compilation Thread

Holy crap, really? Can you connect assists as well? I had no idea this worked. Between this and finding out she can OTG into snapbacks I feel like my lab time has been inadequate lol

Anything similar in speed to charged ankle slice should work, lol… dunno about ankle slice + assist, though.

All this stuff I thought was common knowledge, haha. I guess quite a few people dropped off and joined up in between vanilla and ultimate.

Don’t seem to have enough time to OTG into any assists, the window for it is really tight if it is doable. But I can pop XF1 and lead to a TOD combo, so that’s definitely worth knowing. I already use a lot of tick throw setups because they lead to her tech chase mixups, so having that as another option is really nice.

Seems to be character specific, but I can get Deadpool’s OTG assist to work. I’d assume other fast OTGs with enough range should work as well, (probably Wesker, Viper, maybe Felicia?)

Alright, major update on the little discussion we had a while back about neck slicer: quite simply, the frame data in the guide is very incomplete.

Like any move with a lot of active frames, how much frame advantage you’ve got is dependent on which active frame the opponent begins blocking on. This means that, yes, charged NS is in fact very much so positive on block when spaced out. In fact, it’s probably only 0 on block when it hits from point-blank. At max distance, I’d guess it’s actually in the realm of +7 or more.

Method of testing (courtesy of some KOF tutorials): Set both yourself (1P) and the dummy to the same character. Record the dummy performing the move you’re testing, then immediately hold up for a second or two. Playback the recording - controlling the 1P, block the attack, then immediately hold up. You’ll be able to determine who is at frame advantage by who jumps first - you can kind of estimate the exact number by looking at how big the difference is.

[media=youtube]PieYq-AvSYo[/media] i solved your problem but never made her get the kill on Thor assistless & without xfactor :frowning:

found out how to combo after dirt nap AND i think i found out how to make her do more than 1.25m damage i think byherself no assists no xfactor.
il edit with a video if the idea comes to fruition. if no edit then i failed :frowning:

He should try Nova,X-23 then Doom with Hidden Missiles.

ggs today despite the lag. Had a good laugh when you picked my team, but Tron is not the same girl you remember from vanilla, lol.

What’d you think of Deadpool/X-23/Phoenix? It was my absolute troll team for a while, but I’m starting to think there’s something worthwhile there.

ggs man! Yeah the lag sucked, but it was fun getting a chance to fight you. I recorded some matches that I will post up later…

I think that team is trolling at its finest lol, yet it still utilizes XF2 Laura+Unescapable Dirt Nap oddly. It also gives you an option to save your meter for D.PHX hell.

sorry for the dp, but here’s me vs jayto if anyones interested. I need to work on Doom’s TACs.


Don’t blame you for missing TAC combos in lag, but a lot of Dooms combos also just don’t work on Tron.

luis, on the dirt nap followup, is there anything more than the grounded corner followup?

I haven’t found on off an aerial hit that’s actually consistent.

cheer up guy. eventually ppl will realize that theres more to x23 than just dirt nap. luckily a lot of people (a good example of this is the tier list thread) see her as a one-trick pony. i recently started messing around w her in training room and i realized how quick she is and how good her air movement is (she can be so hard to catch) and her teleports (i know theyre not teleports, whatever theyre called) are good etc. i can only begind to imagine the setups and resets that shes got.

you guys have to keep up the good work and show ppl that x23 is more than just dirt nap. im trying to show my skrull off to teach ppl that theres more to him than just “random” meteor smash… this game is still young. some characters require character specialists to really bring out the best in them. eventually ppl will show off how awesome x23 and we will all learn to fear her and her stupid dirt nap.

Yeah it’s really just a matter of getting the word out there. I’ve thought about doing a video of all the little mixups and resets I’ve picked up over the last year and a half, but every time I do I find something new with her and spend all my time exploring that instead. It’s part of what makes her fun to play though, I feel like every time I run into a really difficult matchup I can just bring out a new trick to even the odds.

Speaking of matchups, does anyone have any She-Hulk advice? I played a She-Hulk/Dante/Hawkeye player last night and I only managed to get about four wins off of him in a 15+ game set. Assist-wise I felt we were pretty much going even, it was just the neutral game that I was losing in. I’m not sure how to safely approach Jenny with Laura’s pokes.


only thing i got. seems impossible to link a full M from anything but grounded. tried a few times to combo after an arial dirtnap but i only got the M to work rarely and it only ever hit once which made them fall out.

this reminded me that i should start doing those snapback combos when my opponent only has 1 character left :slight_smile:

on another note, im not sure if i mentioned this or not but for people who cant do a crescent scythe consistently after a mirage H(me), instead of doing uppercut after a back quarter circle, you continue the back circle and do a 360 and the crescent still comes out as shown in the video above.



Pretty much the last she hulk I’ve faced. I was constantly looking for slides, command grab resets, and setups off emerald cannon. It was probably much harder for you because you had to deal with greyhound getting in the way.

I really want to play this character but I can’t decide on a team to play her with. So I was how certain things might benefit her that I can’t find anywhere specifically.

It’s obvious she needs a horizontal assist to get in but how does she benefit from:
-a vertical assist
-a lockdown assist
-an otg assist
-an assist that holds position or resets it (dark hole or spencers grapple)
-an assist that causes a groundbounce or wallbounce

I keep reading “this assist allows her to relanch” but her combos already seem really extended. does hitstun decay come in to play at a certain point? What would a standard relaunch be after an otg or assist that juggles?

I’ve used X-23 in vanilla and used her a bit on the side in UMVC3 but nevr really found a team for her. After vsing Luis1Luis online for about 30 sets, I think it confirmed my feelings for her. X-23 needs an balance of both a Combo extending assist and a Neutral game assist to be successful. I feel using two combo extending assists (whether they are two otgs a groundbounce,etc) gives her pretty bad neutral and bad matchups.

What’s everyone’s opinion on X-23’s balance of combo extenders and neutral?

Why not both? Bolts, Dark Hole, Cold Star, Orbital Grudge apparently, those are some of the best for covering both bases.

Edit: Oh, right. Missiles. Forgot about those.