The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

WHY have I overlooked Steam for so long


Damn it’s beautiful[/details]

What Steam games are recommended that work on Surface? I guess I’m really looking for retro/arcade type games. I can only think of Ikaruga, KoF13, 1/2 Minute Hero. I don’t even really know what Steam is honestly.

Typing of the Dead: Overkill (if you have the surface keyboard), Metal Slug 3, Call of call of Juarez: Gunslinger, C-Rush

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 full burst is on sale. last time I checked.

The answer is right in front of you. There’re over 50 Genesis games on Steam. Amazon usually has a sale for almost all of them for $7.99 once in a while. Super Meat Boy is too gud too.

Aside from all the classic console games you can get, VOLGARR THE VIKING. Just check around Steam sales, there’s always a ton of retro styled games going on sale for under 5 bucks. You can put together a whole library of games for the cost of one full priced console game.

^Listen to this man. Volgarr A(rcade)GOTY 2013

Cool. And I should’ve said I’m looking for new “retro” games like C-Rush and SMB, instead of actual old games. Anyway I’m just waiting for my USB Saturn pad to show up in the mail.

@Taito Gunman Clive and the Broforce game are pretty cool Contra-esque inspired 2D side-scrolling shooters. :tup:

Volgarr seems cool, but I’ve yet to play it. Everytime I play a new game, I just run back to Path of Exile shortly after. Path of Exile=pure crack.

Edit: Double Dragon: Neon isn’t too bad and Strider is pretty fun.

^ Then there’s this game. A timeless classic.

Oniken, Aces Wild, and Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures are other retro style games worth looking into

Still no patch for Thief? Am I the only one here having issues with the framerate randomly dying?

It’s more likely that the publisher has told the dev to work on other stuff until it becomes a huge PR problem.


Volgarr The Viking
Hotline Miami
Risk of Rain
Gemini Rue
Electronic Super Joy
They Bleed Pixels
Mark of the Ninja
Super House of Dead Ninjas
Super Meat Boy
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Lone Survivor

Are just some of the top tier 2D retro style games around, I’d recommend starting off with Volgarr if you’re in the mood for a Genesis style action platformer that will rape you into submission. Really just one of the best 2D games ever.

Hotline Miami too, both games just brilliant at what they do.

Fun fact about Volgarr, I never knew it was created by some of the same people who did Shinobi 3DS.

I still haven’t tried out Renegade X, the C&C Renegade remake released a few days ago:

Really there is just too much stuff coming out, it’s very hard to keep up, especially when I keep going back to some games to improve completion time/score.

6 bucks on Humble Store. I realized you asked for steam stuff but Kris just tweeted about the sale over there for today so I figured I would share

I’m a little sad that Eternal Helix will be a top down shooter, but then again so was Hotline Miami, so I’m hype as fuck.

I’m excited to see what they put out. Hotline Miami was my first thought when Ziophaelin teased it :rofl:

The main combat developer for Volgarr showed up on SRK one time+I’ve seen him post on other forums. I thought that was pretty cool.

He had a hand in a Metroidvania-esque Spider-Man game for the DS, the DS versions of Web of Shadows I believe. I have it lying around and I think I’m going to play it soon based on this fact. :rofl:

Who else is excited for March 31?

Yeaaaaa buddy!

The Danish company that finances Interceptor Entertainment has bought 3D Realms.

Interceptor Head hancho been named 3D realms new CEO. It be interesting what will be the next 3D realms game Interceptor will reboot.

@taito check out shatter and shank. get at me when you get kof