I’m offering my Fez and Starseed keys. Disliked the former and the latter isn’t my thing.
I’ll take a fez on steam just to have it on the digital bookshelf.
I’ll take Fez.
Thanks Hawkingbird.
Sorry, was busy in a meeting. PM sent.
I’ll take Starseed
Oh I’ll take fez if anyone is still offering.
edit: thanks areeyeseakay
Thanks gren
Welp. Starseed Pilgrim just put me over 1,000 Steam games owned.
I think I paid full price for maybe twenty of them.
…but how many have you played?
Titanfall is going to be 50+ gbs on HDD… Going to be a tight squeeze (if I end up picking it up).
Those humble bundles add so many games I’ll never play, but I buy them for one or two titles. Ex: guacameelee.
483 and growing.
Most of this stuff is from bundles where it had one game I wanted plus three others for $1. It doesn’t really matter if I play the other three games, they were just bonuses as far as I’m concerned… unless they had cards, in which case I sold them all and typically make my $1 back (and then some).
Word, I used one of those things that tells you how much your steam collection cost and it was some crazy amount. I remeber laughing because I probably only paid 150 bucks or less for the games I have.
Lords of Shadows 2 with the High Res pack looks fucking amazing. Runs like butter, too. Can’t wait to stream it later. :tup:
@xiceman191 I like this build the most: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/2Y1hI
Only thing I’d do is get a different MOBO with both Crossfire and SLI support(that MSI one only can do Crossfire.) Snag a different MSI MOBO or grab an ASUS/Gigabyte MOBO(those are the three God tiers.)
Check some spreadsheets to see if that 780 ti beats the R9 290X. I think the R9 might be a bit more powerful in some cases, but I’m not sure. Either way, that GPU is basically top 3-5 of all the ones on the market right now.
Here’s my latest “shoebox” build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/30wBs
The goal with this was to have a small form factor device that is (more than) capable of playing all of the latest games with the bells and whistles. Due to the space constraints, I had to buy some pretty specialized hardware (specifically, that ITX-sized MSI GTX760, and the low-profile CPU cooler and RAM) so things are likely a little more expensive than they need to be in a full-sized build.
Also, there are some “extra” fans in there that add to the premium. The Noctua will replace the fan on the CPU cooler, allowing it to be quieter while pushing more air across the fins. The two Cooler Master fans that will replace the stock “exhaust” fan, while the second one will go where the 3.5" HDD bay originally was in the front of the case to pull in some air. Which leads me to my choice of 2x 2.5" drives - I had to remove the 3.5" HDD bay for additional cooling, leaving me with spaces for only 2.5" drives (5,400 RPM makes me a little sad, but Hybrid makes up for it :lol:)
The case has arrived already, and is as light as air (but still feels solid), and is sized at 8.19" x 9.17" x 12.56".
Everything else should be here in a couple of weeks (thanks to expensive, slow, international shipping) - once it has arrived I’ll see about running some benchmarks and putting up some scores, but it’s no doubt a big upgrade from my GTX460/i5-2500k build from a couple years back. Though I certainly love my Shuttle (not my one, but just a picture example of the size). I have a thing for cramming power into little spaces, I guess.
This is not my picture, but it will end up looking something like this, without the LEDs – I’m a simple, minimalistic kind of guy, I guess.

(Use the mouse for scale to get an idea of the size)
Two unrelated posts.
Thief runs great on my machine, except when it doesn’t. I’ve heard a lot of people on both console and PC are having framerate issues, mostly when first loading and the game chugs trying to load some textures, especially bad in the hub area. For me the performance is exactly the same maxing it, and running it on lower settings. Perfectly smooth 60fps, except when it’s not. Anyone having similar issues?
Also, video from my cousin with some nifty Titanfall plays. Some good eject snipes and a 2fer Titan drop.
Got an extra FEZ key that I’m happy to throw at someone.
how the heck do i show you my gear, Sonic?
Tried to run Thief on Steam. What kind of message I get? “Failed to contact key server.” -.-
No guys, steam isn’t horrible drm filled with games that aren’t worth playing.
Valve needs to clean that shit up, like go in with a hammer and just straight up delete all the bullshit they have on there. Like the club, guise of the wolf, etc etc.
I know it gets difficult because if ask people what they want to remove you’d get people trolling and saying dota 2 but come on valve, surely you can hire some unpaid interns to cull the list of games.
Edit: I checked out loadout with my bud, we had a fair amount of fun.
I like how you can test out guns without spending the ingame currency (ie you can sort of plan builds) but after I got a super optimzed gun I was wrecking face.
Overall I’d say it’s definitely a game that you can play and have fun, but I doubt you’d ever want to spend money on the game (cosmetic items are money only, everything else is just grind and spend in game currency)