The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Dust is like Marvel 3: the one player game.

^Yeah I didnā€™t care for it much either.


I know you were joking. Dust just never really clicked with me. I may have given up on it too early

I still have a key, or whatever it is, for Dust if you want that shit Sonicabidā€¦cheap bastich.

I liked the game. One of the few I finished last year.

Dirzzt Iā€™ll take it if no one else wants it. Not sure when Iā€™ll get around to it, but I will play it eventually, especially since itā€™s ARPG.

Whyā€™d you guys quit it so fast?

PC games? Pay money? Thatā€™s one dollar too much.

Decided to finally take pictures of my PS3 collection. Still a work in progress, thereā€™s still some games I want in my collection. :tup:

I donā€™t want @DaRabidDuckie to think Iā€™m exclusively a dirty pirate. Iā€™m not. I just only buy very few, very specific games when it comes to PC.

^ ā€œAbidā€™s PS3 game collection.ā€


^ Games in the Blu-Ray cases are Vanquish and Red Dead Nightmare.





^ Quick picture of some of my DS/PSP collection. Was too lazy to take them out and snap a pic of them all. Was also too lazy to take a pic of my PS1/PS2/GC collection or more previous gen games/consoles.

My amazing digital collection:

^ MGS/RE collection. Following pic has Code Veronica, and I own RE2/3 digitally. I want GC/PS1 copies of those games, though.


^ DMC/Onimusha.

^ Pride and joy collection NG collection.

So you know itā€™s me on top of the imgur gallery name:

Couple Yakuza games+ghetto Gameboys+old game magazines I had lying around:

Bat Cat 3000:


You own a copy of Mind Jack? Why?

I still have my keys for Dust and Gianna Sisters for the thread regulars that are interested.

Why not? It was $5. Its multiplayer aspect is exactly like the Souls games, instead of ā€œinvadingā€ people, you ā€œhackā€ into their single-player games and RUIN their entire single-player experience.

This game was made from the ground up for the invading player to be the biggest fucking D-bag you could possibly be. Good times, a mediocre third-person shooter made to be really fun by its multiplayer aspect.

Also Iā€™d take Dust. :rofl:

Iā€™ll take sisters. Still planning on getting this bundle myself to support more great bundles and give gifts.

Your console collection is irrelevant. If anything it just means youā€™re paying too much for video games.

I actually donā€™t give a shit if you pirate anything, but donā€™t make comments like ā€œsomeday (x) game will be mineā€ like itā€™s a goal youā€™re working for when youā€™re getting both of them FOR A DOLLAR. A dollar isnā€™t an inconvenience. Itā€™s not a huge savings goal to work forward. Itā€™s. A. Dollar.


idk why I lost interest in it so quick. I didnā€™t really care for the combat too much, either I was too big a scrub to make combat fun, I didnā€™t get far enough for the fights to get good or it just wasnā€™t my style as Iā€™ve met other people that really like it a lot.

I donā€™t get why you posted your console collection in the pc thread and not the video game general.

Banishedlooks cool, did anyone bite and try it yet?

Iā€™ve been asking around for part builds lately for my pc that Iā€™m going to build soon. So far I have gotten a lot of good build ideas. I upped my limit from $1000 to $1500.


What do yā€™all think of these builds and which one should I go with. Iā€™m definitely leaning towards the first build I posted.

What are you going to be doing with this rig, youā€™re putting a lot of money into it when you probably wonā€™t need to.

Unless you want this thing to last into the better part of next gen.

i wanna focus on gaming but it would be nice if these parts could last a while that would be nice

You could lower the price significantly and still crush this entire next generation of gaming.

Like for just gaming you really donā€™t need to be dropping this much money.

$280 gtx 770. No idea if itā€™s a reputable brand, but thatā€™s a good price for the card. Figured Iā€™d post it since some of you are looking at gpus.

Hoping to get some newegg gift cards to put towards a 770, otherwise Iā€™d be interested in picking it up.

Galaxy cards come out of china, so theyā€™re cheap, but theyā€™re coming out of chinaā€¦

Eh, theyā€™ve got geforce stamped on 'em and thereā€™s quite a bit of talk about them online, the general consensus is get a warranty for it just in case.

The price is right, and since itā€™s sold by a NA company it should be fine.

Additional games for beating the Humble Bundle average are out: Fez, Starseed Pilgrim, & Beat Buddy.

Already got Fez from another bundle, anyone want it?

I have an extra Fez too, but Iā€™m sure everyone has it. Going to be hard to give this one away.