The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

I gave Rott to Joshkaz now i only got shadow warrior if anybody wants it let me know. Its for 75% off

Weird itā€™s not lettting me start trades with Duckie.

Square Enix is giving away free copies of Thief Gold to all those who participate in their mod-making competition. Hilariously enough, you donā€™t actually have to submit anything. Just click on the ā€œSubmitā€ button to get an Amazon discount key. After that, all you have to do is add the game to your cart on, apply the discount key and download it. Shame I canā€™t download it myself, though, as an US billing adress is required to be even able to add the game to the cart. :frowning:

That is pretty dumb about the US shipping addressā€¦ I picked up my copy, I canā€™t imagine it holds up well, so I doubt Iā€™ll play it anytime soon.

I remember going to my neighborā€™s house in high school and playing it for hours and loving it though.

Iā€™m getting ā€œCodes are all gone for now. Please try again later.ā€ on that Thief thing. I guess theyā€™re fixing the hole where you can get it without actually uploading anything about a mod.

An update for people who are on the fence of getting metal slug 3:

Game runs GREAT on my machine (I know some people who have had issues)

but Iā€™ve run into some odd internet game bugs, like my friend accidentally hit the windows key so it tabbed him then we were both stuck ā€œwaiting for other playerā€ with the only option available to disconnect and end the session.

Still, loads of fun and the MP was really good (if that sways anyoneā€™s mind) didnā€™t try and lan mp out, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s smooth as silk.

Goddamnit I canā€™t wait for my next paycheck I want Strider, Metal Slug and Ikaruga real bad.

Just did it and got it.

Thief Gold is temporarily unavailable

for me. Got a code though

I can submit an email, but amazon says itā€™s unavailable :mad:

Played Thief Gold couple months ago and it holds up fantastically well. Extremely good game.

Guess I got lucky

You didnā€™t actually have to send me a friend request for that. :stuck_out_tongue:

All you do is go to my inventory, click ā€œmoreā€ and then click ā€œoffer trade.ā€ Then you pick what you want from my inventory and send a trade request.

Everyone go buy Humble Indie Bundle 11. The game lineup is amazing, one of the best that Iā€™ve seen on a Humble Bundle so far.

I installed guacamole but didnā€™t try it out after getting the screen recommending a controllerā€¦ I guess Iā€™ll have to finally pick one up.

It appears xbone controller drivers are still a ways off, I was kind of hoping to wait them out.

@AreEyeSeaKay Get a PS4 pad(works out the box on PC) or a PS3 pad with drivers that trick your PC into thinking itā€™s an Xbox pad/traditional PC pad.

When it comes to 2D games, I have no problem playing them on a keyboard, unless they have SF-style motions to do certain moves and such. Playing Strider on KB feels natural to me.

Shit, just buy a used, wired, 360 pad. 15 bucks and you have a decent pad for your PC.

The wired 360 pad (now shooting up in price because xbone) is literally the best PC gamepad you can get.

Itā€™s compatible with a lot of games (most of the games are only compatible with 360 pads) and old games (or games that are just pad friendly) are great with the pad too.

The only downside is if youā€™re a dualshock hardcore and hate the 360 layout, also the wired pads donā€™t have that shitty battery dock so thereā€™s a lot of room at the back for fingers if you have giant zangief hands like me.

I love the 360 pad, I just only have wireless ones. I can do the keyboard for a lot of games, but Fez and dark souls are two other games Iā€™d really like to have a controller for (if I ever get around to them)

I guess Iā€™ll look into a used one. Thought Iā€™d wait on x1 just in case I eventually were to get an x1 (unlikely).

PS3 pad works the same as a 360 pad with the right drivers and the cool thing is you donā€™t have to deal with the shittiest D-pad of all time. :tup:

Edit: Regardless of what you get, you can probably find used pads on Craigslist/Kijiji for really, really cheap if you donā€™t want to shell out full price for a new one.