The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

So The Wife picked me up some puny laptop. Its cool for movies and internet but not much else. I can play a few older games on it and do the Steam In-home streaming.

Anyhow, my biggest problem is the mouse. I had her get me some cheappy usb mouse just so I could have one. It feels so small. But the big problem comes when I have to hit the number keys for switching weapons and such. On my PC its not a problem as the numbers are on the side of the mouse and I just push them with my thumb. I dont have that on this Laptop so I mess up a shit load trying to hit numbers.

Gaming mouses with extra buttons on the side and shit fucked up my typing skills.

Edit - @Sonicabid - I have an AMD card and tried to do it with directions I found on the internets but it never worked. So I updated my drivers and such but after that nothing on my desktop will open. I gots me a bug I think.

Sooooooooooooooooooooo Strider kicks ass.

Don’t get it on PC unless you have a DX11 card, though.

anybody want a 75% off coupon for shadow warrior or rise of the triad?

I’m downloading dat Strider now. Can’t wait.

When does Lords of Shadow 2 come out?

The 28th.

Looks like it’s coming out on PC at the same time as console.

Hell yes. Strider all day until then(I’ll stream Strider soon. :tup: )

Lemme get the Shadow Warrior one

me me me me me

Streaming Strider, d00ds:

Playing it on a keyboard. FUCK IT

[s]He’s playing with you guys. I wonder if he started the dialogue to even exchange with the first two people who already said they want the coupon/offered something.

ol nigerian scammer over here.[/s] Whoops nevermind, he just ignored joshkaz. Still could be waiting out a better deal though for the bartering, gonna ask that like 2 more times or what. I got that same coupon too joshkaz, for being “A Double Fine Supporter!” I have a game they made, the plagued by GFWL one. :sad:

I also have a 75% off Shadow Warrior and Rise of The Triad if anyone wants them.

Steam profile-

me me me me

^ Check out dat keyboard Strider action.

Game runs like butter on my rig. The game is beautiful and fun as hell. Metroidvania aspects are pretty awesome, too.

Oh yeah Steam name is HakethKOTB.

Shaft grabbed RoTT. Shadow Warrior is yours if you want it Raptor.

edit: Sent you a trade offer.

Good shit.

I also have coupons for 75% off Shadow Warrior and Rise of the Triad. I think it’s a loyalty gift given to owners of the game.

I have a shit-ton of coupons in general. Anyone is welcome to them. You don’t even have to add me, just click “more” and then go to “offer trade.” Just sent me a trade invite and I’ll approve them, first come, first serve.

Just gave my 75% off of Shadow Warrior to @Joshkaz

Weird thing is I only got the coupon for Shadow Warrior but not Rise of the Triad.

Just sewnt you a freidn request, now I gotta figure out how to open up trade lol, trying to get the RotT coupon.