The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Valve just gave the world a orange soapstone

The same kind of community that would write “Weakness: Headshot”

In front of this fucker

Or the classic “Amazing Chest Ahead” or “Need holding with both hands” in front of Gwynevere

^ F2P third-person shooter. Looks fun, I might check it out once I get through some more games in my backlog or if I can manage to pull myself away from Path of Exile and GGPO. :tup: @TheMartian

Great games, where your choices actually affect various outcomes. Alpha Protocol > shitty Mass Effect so free, can’t wait for you to check it out.

Wow. Just got the “LE” console version around Christmas, one of the better Suda games imo. The graphics are amazing on console and it uses UE3, I bet the game will look amazing and run like butter on even mediocre rigs.

No joke, if third party keeps getting on-board with PC releases, I straight up won’t buy a “next-gen” console. Ninja Gaiden is getting a Steam release, Lords of Shadows 2, Strider, why the fuck would I buy a next-gen console at this point and pay online paywall fees? :rofl:

I sincerely hope this is the case. At this point my 360 is a glorified chrome cast, I pretty much use it to stream Netflix.

More like 963. I tend to get anywhere from 5-10 games a week through cheap bundles. I think I’ve gotten around 30 games this month for around $84. No, I don’t play them all, but if the cost of the entire bundle is less than what I can get one of the games I want on sale for, then I buy it. I get the game I want for cheap and the other games are a bonus. I also make up for lots of this by selling Steam Trading Cards on the marketplace. I’d say I get about $20 a month from that.

Anywho, I have two 1TB hard drives. I also don’t have every game installed at once.

At this point, Japanese games are pretty much the only thing consoles have left to offer me. The chance that some console-first games could see the occasional shitty PC port is also a concern. But for the most part I agree.

On that note, Ikaruga for Steam is available now. $10. Hope RS follows suit.

Yeah, I only turned my PS3 on to play Guacamelee (now on Steam, and better than the PS3 version), The Last of Us (which I didn’t finish) and Project Diva F.

I can’t remember the last time I turned my 360 on to play a game. Now that Skullgirls and KoF13 are on Steam, I have no need to use it. It only gets used to test sticks.

Shit, I havent touched my 360 in a long time, I gave that shit to the kids. One of them uses it to watch movies that I put on a little memory stick. Fuckin’ thing hasnt been updated in several years. My PS3 is my main Netflix viewer. I download those free Plus games but never play them. I would say over the past 2 or 3 years the only game I have really played on the PS3 is The Last of Us. I started Ni no Kuni but never finished it. I probably played that for like 10 hours or so.

Handhelds and PC is really all I game on anymore. I dont picture myself buying one of those next gen consoles at all. I mean, unless they drop like a couple dozen console exclusive games on each system that look ultra dope in the next year…meh.

get hype

I already have the PS2 and PSN version of God Hand…so not really hyped.

Speaking of Guacamelee…

For at least $1, you get:
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
The Swapper (one of the best games of 2013)

BTA for these games:

Every single game on this is top-notch. All of them.

I’ll be blunt: unless you already own them all, if you don’t get at least the first four games for A BUCK, then you’re a goddamn moron.

It genuinely is one of the best bundles in a long time, and it’s dirt cheap. Every game on there is worth at least $10, IMO.
Anyone that enjoys Metroidvania type games will likely enjoy Guacamelee. It’s very enjoyable.

God Hand, really?

I mean yeah the game was great but Dragons Dogma (Optimizied Edition) would get you that arab money from the pc crowd.

RE: Gucamelee is so good

PC version(AA, mods, etc)>>>Vita (handheld goodness)>PS3

God hand would be cheaper/easier to do

Gtx 770 2gb vs 760 4gb? I’m assuming the 770 would be better for me at 1080p.

I’m really thinking about taking the leap up from my gts 250.

Also, I’m excited about this humble bundle. I’ve been back and forth on guacamole for a while now way waiting for a good deal. Picked it up!

i just bought a 770 for 269 wooo

Where? Spread the love!

So how can you find out of uninstalling/reinstalling a game will erase your game save?

It usually tells you if you’re uninstalling through steam.
If you aren’t uninstalling through steam then find the games folder and copy the save elsewhere to be safe.

I have three of those bundle games though I will pay for Swapper and Anti-chamber. Hope whatever gets added later is just as awesome

Humble Indie Bundle 11

Guacamelee: Gold Edition
Dust: An Elysain Tail
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
The Swapper
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine