The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Yeah…the Valve crew is going to have to moderate the tag system.

I see MK9 and SFxT tagged with broken online and Castlevania with “Too many QTEs”. Guys are having a field day with the tags

Dungeon Keeper is Free on GOG for Next 48 Hours

Courtesy of EA. It’s billed as a Valentine’s Day promotion, but we all know it’s because they dun pissed off the Internet with the mobile version :lol:

Barbie is tagged as post-apocalypitc :rofl: my friend and I almost stopped breathing we were laughing so hard.

Also the custom tags the store shows you is REALLY accurate.

Like his favourite game of all time is Fallout New Vegas and it told him “First Person” “Shooter” “Post apocalyptic” “action” “zombies” (he also adores killing floor)

For me it was “action” “adventure” “praise the sun!” “rpg” “git gud or die tryin” and my favourite game of all time is dark souls.

They better not tag The Walking Dead as zombies

Well, the moderators hit the tag system hard, tons of tags are blacklisted and have been removed such as “overpriced” and anything to do with “autism” (like for crusader kings 2 etc etc)

Also “git gud or die tryin” is gone I think, rip one of my favourite tags.

I guess they had a bunch of people ready expecting the tags to be abused.

Grand Theft JaHa for Steam is $4.99 on Amazon

AKA Sleeping Dogs. Missed it during the holiday sale, bought with the quickness.

@Gren Wait 'till you install the “HD textures” that come with the PC version of the game, then compare it to the PS3/360 versions. :rofl:

Killer is Dead is coming to PC ladies and gents.

I’ll be timid to jump onto this port, if it’s a good port then of course I’m on board, but I am worried it won’t be.

Steam mini christmas sale:

I’m a cheap broke sunnava bitch, anyone got any Steam keys i can have? If not it’s cool.

La Mulana 2 Demo: Need free playism account to download.

It reached its kickstarter goal, which if you are interested to back is here with 4 days left:

Also wow, GunZ 2: The Second Duel is on steam. Another game I wasn’t expecting to come out for a while. First one was quite fun when I played, not sure why I stopped. Probably hackers or something.

Bought Binary Domain, Alpha Protocol, Still Life 1 and 2, and Post Mortem for $13 :tup:…but I can’t install them because I don’t have enough disk space, so I look here to see how to free up space…and then windirstat tells me steam and origin games are taking up 800 gigs of my 1 TB HDD…:mad: I only have like 200 or so games in total on my PC.

Guess I have to buy a bigger HDD and transfer 1 TB of data lol. Damn I didn’t ever realize steam games would eat up all my disk space, I barely have any programs on my PC, I only run the essential stuff.

@darabidduckie don’t you have like 700 steam games or something how big is your HDD? Also can someone reccommened me a big and fast HDD? I’d like to avoid using an external one if possible.

It wasn’t hackers, it was the koreans who were doing things like parry cancelling shotgun shots, guard cancelling the parry, then shoot cancelling the guard.

Is this a different company? Definitely is looking good, I hope it plays good. I like this launcher into slowmo mechanic that it looks like they’re using.

Nah I know of all the K-style stuff because I used it :rofl:. I probably had to stop for something (more than likely school) and just never got back into it. Same thing happened with Quake Live in college…

zoolander, could you just delete the games you aren’t playing, but keep the smaller file game saves

and move/copy backup just that if you need to, for all the games you don’t play anymore? With Steam, you can always download those things later, if you have the itch to play them again, and just because someone “owns” hundreds of games doesn’t mean they have them all installed and ready to play.

Its a lot less intensive game than a Metal Gear Rising, even if its of the same ilk with action, sword slashing, switching to your gun continuing to combo, and dash cancelling. Not as deep.

And shit, these guys got 2 fine games out of the Wii. Then upscaled things to not even top of the line hardware or anything with its 256 MB of RAM, 2006, PS3 console. For once, will people put money down for a Suda51 game on release and in good numbers or is this guy doomed to poverty, buy it later, when its on deep discount, just find one of the 35,000 copies floating around. USED at that.

That’s still good advice to know what you’re buying and to always check if a port is good though, no need for my tangent, just felt it appropriate for the situation, giving a reason to not be hyped and are already feeling like you think, “No because, this flimsy reason.” when PC games have your own, .ini file initialization fixes all the time even if the devs don’t give you those options in the setting menus. So its already on track to be better than the console versions with your own custom resolution settings for example.

Tried to play the new gunz and its a mess. Shit doesnt even work. Even asked some buddies and they said the same shit.

WAH I never thought of that good idea, but don’t I lose my game data when I uninstall a game? And won’t I lose mods on top of having to reinstall? It takes me a while to install big games. Still might just buy a bigger HDD as 1 TB ain’t cutting it lol, but you present a good temporary solution at least :tup:

You keep your game data for most games (depends on the directory). You can always back up your saves before you uninstall just to be safe.

I only have 20 gigs left on my 500 HDD, so I’m in the same boat… Though I will clear some up when I uninstall the titanfall beta.