The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

PoE is also getting a mini expansion which will release with the new 4 month league starting in march. there will be teasers throughout the month of February for the expansion, im pretty hype.

ya papers please is morally challenging and interesting at the same time. the consequences of your moral decision is one driving force that keeps you playing. i think there are 20 endings to the game and so far i have uncovered 4. it’s also cool to see how efficient you become in sorting through paper work in subsequent playthroughs. i started memorizing issuing cities from certain countries, fraudulent stamps, etc without relying on the rule book.

im outi


Streamed some of dat Path of Exile. Did some “end-game maps.” :tup:

I played Double Dragon: Neon and it’s pretty fun. Real barebones PC port though, there isn’t even in-game options for AA/AF. :rofl:

Gonna get Strider when it comes out I think. I’ll stream it if I do. :tup:

So they have a Capcom sale on Steam, but only for DLCs?

I tried out that Steam Streaming shit on this laptop The Wife picked up for me. It works pretty good. I played Dishonored for an hour or two and it worked fine. There is minor input delay and I only get 30 fps but that is about what I expected when streaming a game. Its nice if im out smoking or just want to relax on the couch and play.

I was pissed when I saw that. I wanted to pick up RE6 and Remember Me for cheap

So I think I am done planning my first build for my new computer what do you guys think. I am trying to stay under $1000 I know the build i got is going a little bit over.

@xiceman191 That PC is looking pretty beast, dude. Only thing I’d personally recommend doing is dumping an extra 50-100 bucks on a better video card. :tup:

You could probably rock a video card with 4GB GDDR5 for an extra 50-100 bucks.

what kind of video card would you recommend

Nothing really looks wrong (except I would go with an nVidia GPU simply because in my experience I’ve always had driver-related stability issues with ATi stuff). However, personally I can’t live without a SSD of some variety now.

You could get a 120GB SSD for your OS drive (, or you could potentially spring for a 2TB hybrid drive ( for a little less over where you are now than adding a full SSD.

Obviously you’ve mentioned that you’re over budget already, but there are a couple of things you could switch around. For example, do you need the additional features of the CPU you’re getting? If not, you could opt for something like i5-3570K (, which could save you upwards of $100, while not being that noticeable outside of, say, rendering (or bitcoin mining maybe? :lol:). It also has a lower TDP / power utilization (77 vs 95watts).

The case is another place that you could skimp. I know with me, once I get my eyes on a case I want, it’s pretty hard to change my mind. However if you looked around, you could probably find a visually similar (with equally decent airflow) for maybe half of that price. Here’s one that, while only arguably visually similar, is well reviewed and has USB 3.0/audio on the front panel, at just over half the price:

Hope this helps a little.

Anyone play Civ 5? Never tried the series, but the humble bundle is trying to burn a hole in my wallet.

Also I agree with rampage. I bought a new case because my aging gpu is notorious for overheating. Yeah it fixed the problem but I’d have been better served putting that money towards an upgraded card.


Here’s your build with a couple of minor tweaks that will A) bring your price well down below your budget, B) keep your CPU running cooler, C) legitimize your OS [assuming you weren’t going Linux, or didn’t already have a legit copy]. (Edit: SEE UPDATED LINK BELOW)

Win 8 isn’t for everybody, but with full support for the latest DX, and minor performance improvements in more modern games (source:, it’s potentially worth the plunge. It’s honestly not that hard to get used to, and in general is a very decent Windows OS, despite all of the (mostly unfounded) FUD surrounding it.

Also, will you actually be burning BDs? If not, you could drop another few bucks there and get a BD-ROM instead of a writer (while maintaining the ability to write to CD/DVD)

edit: Oops, it looks like the video card wasn’t calculating in price for some reason(??). Oh well, here’s one with a similar video card - screw the OS :rofl: Once that’s removed, you’re around your 1k mark.

Thanks man definitely saving that setup. I will probably start buying parts pretty soon.

As Rampage said, NVidia is typically more reliable. I can’t hate on AMD though, Mantle looks pretty interesting & PC console ports should work better by default on AMD hardware since the PS4 and Xbox One are sporting AMD parts. You just can’t underestimate NVidia’s moneyhatting abilities and consistent driver support. The odd games still seem to release broken on AMD hardware too, whereas NVidia is fine.

^ 300 dollar 4GB GDDR5 GTX 760. Double the memory for an extra $100 bucks. You can’t go wrong with an AMD equivalent, and if you can wait, once DDR4 comes out and I believe even a new line of GPUs this year(not sure on this) everything and anything should get its prices slashed. :tup:

Is collegepc a good way to get a computer? I just want something that can play kof and skullgirls without dropping frames…the laptop I have can’t even run skullgirls.

That sale just screams Capcom

I had the hope that it was a mistake and that they will discount the regular games,too. Then I saw it was only for DLCs, :frowning: . Sad, wanted to grab some RE games and Remember Me, maybe even some of their older games.


Gnomoria key:4VVRN-9BY7W-7EEQM (Steam)

Gnomoria is great if you like Dwarf Fortress

Rome 2 50% off on steam, I’m tempted to pick it up, and Company of Heroes 2? Whichever game sells more gets free DLC?

I played some CoH2 beta, very true to the series, very good and fun imo, never picked it up because league of legends. As in, the friends that I normally game with, while they kind of like RTS, they’re not very good at RTS and usually we default to league of legends–so why spend money on a game that would never be played?

Steam has a new tag system to tag games with.

About damn time.

Trying to find platformers by browsing the thousands of games in the Action/Adventure categories was sincerely impossible.
And without tags putting the word “platformer” into the Steam search bar was pointless. Most results weren’t platformers at all. Random game lists.

Now finding games under a sub genre is actually feasible.

Unfortunately things are already getting ruined by people putting stupid shit as tags.
You should see the tags for DMC:Devil May Cry.

But I personally managed to tag all of my 40+ games in my library.
Yall should do the same.

Injustice is tagged as “don’t buy” and dmcdmc is tagged as “franchise killer” seems like the tag system is working to me :rofl:

I wonder how long it is until companies get upset and demand valve take it down?

LOL @ everyone tagging Dark Souls as “casual”.