The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

not sure if serious or trolling but ill bite just to see if I can finally get a real answer

A monitor screen with no desktop, cd drive on the side, usb/hdmi inputs on side and back. I got it cause my laptop broke and I could also use it to game on at the time for my consoles

I have a another monitor(only) now that I use for my ps4 which is the Asus MX279H

I havenā€™t seen one of those since the mid 90ā€™s. Didnā€™t know they even made them anymore outside of MACā€™s. :rofl:

You should be able to upgrade parts in it. I donā€™t see why not, unless ASUS made some weird motherboard for that ā€œall-in-oneā€ that only takes specific parts from ASUS themselves(doubt it, though. Some ā€œall-in-oneā€ PCā€™s go this route, so if you got a Dell for example, you could only upgrade it with specific Dell parts instead of anything and everything when you build your own PC.)

So if that PC can take any random part, you should be golden. If not, and it can only take proprietary parts from ASUS, then that means you have to go through ASUS to upgrade it.

ASUS and HP arenā€™t this way from my experience. My brother bought an ā€œall-in-oneā€ HP tower and he can swap parts in and out of it at will. You should be able to do the same, only a few computer companies pull a Microsoft where they make proprietary hardware so youā€™re forced to buy from them so they make top dollar(Dell.)

you should get out the house more then tbh

Coming from a dude who buys $200 all-in-one Wal-Mart PCā€™s this hurts a lot, especially since I was trying to help your dumbass.

Hmm, you might be able to upgrade the RAM in a AiO PC, but other than that, youā€™re probably shit out of luck. Thereā€™s no way that itā€™ll take a normal video card.

:rofl: Even dudes whoā€™ve been PC gaming for a while now were like ā€œwhat is an all-in-one monitor?ā€

That shit is vintage pleb hardware that only still get sold in the ghettos of America because the consumers buying it are so retarded they donā€™t know any better.

Was about to say thereā€™s probably no space for traditional PC parts in that thing, either. Iā€™m guessing there are laptop parts in that thing. Either way, that picture takes me back. :rofl:

dont get mad at me cause you feel the need to show off elitism and talk down on my ā€œ$200ā€ pc I didnt buy it to be a gaming pc in the first place.

Put me in with the guys that didnā€™t know all-in-ones got made outside of MACs.

give the exact model name (probably on the back or underneath the foot).


thing is, when I look that model name up it brings me to the touch screen one or the one with 1TB memory. mine isnt either of those

My guess is that itā€™s built similar to a laptop, meaning a motherboard thatā€™s not designed for upgrades. I could be wrong though.

I found the real stats for THIS P.O.S

from what i saw you canā€™t upgrade the graphics, but check to see if any of the ports on the side are ExpressCard compatible.

just usb and e-sata

fugg it

thanks though

How often do you guys replace CPUā€™s? Iā€™ve been running the i7870 since 2010, just curious how much mileage I can get out of it.

I downloaded this recently since I needed something to record gameplay from my PC. It works pretty well.

Since games are improving in quality variety on PC Iā€™m going to build Skynet

Whenever I get the urge to build a brand new PC from the top down.

i played kof online for the first time and couldnā€™t find a match through the search. is the online dead already?

add me for kof, l4d, sonic transformed

Still running an Athlon 2 X3 450 unlocked and overclocked. Black Editions are for pussies. :tup: