The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

SDTV’s are out of the question…I’m not carrying that massive shit due to personal reasons (I physically can’t)

I was thinking if I get a computer that is able to play those games I can possibly use it to play KOF or something, but I’ll actually try to find a cheap tv locally I guess.

Not like you need a giant tv.
Get some small one.

Yeah ima try to find a small one, I don’t want to lug a giant shit every time I move out on top of the rest of my crap.

I thought that wasn’t possible unless you have HDMI in?

LOL, re-use a powersupply for a new system that is way more power-hungry.

That’s a good way to piss away all your money.

OR You can be a G and get 2 1TB HD in a RAID-0. Cheaper and still good performance.

Yeah, like you can’t pick up a new PSU if you need one, right?

My Power Supply is over 10 years old, same with my PC case, whereas everything else is new. :rofl:

Ony if the out signal on your machine is only HD. Those older systems like your PS2 use RGB signals and you can buy a through way converter for them that will change the signal from RGB to VGA so it can output on your monitor. I used ot have a huge ass monitor for my Dreamcast so i could play shmups like Ikaruga and shit in full screen mode since you can orient a computer monitor however you like without it damaging it unlike a tube TV.

I was dead wrong to believe that the current PS2 emulator is capable of overtaking the hardware. The PCSX2 team did amazing work and poured their heart & soul into it, but we’ll still need our console to play our beloved ps2 games.


^what’s wrong w/ it? I haven’t used it much except to test run kof2002um for a few min and it seems to run fine. I was gonna sell my ps2 games too

Unless you have one hell of a beastly pc you can’t run the ps2 emulator well.

And not all games are supported.

For legit PC gaming talk, I’m pleased to announce that MGR aka Rules of Nature the game, runs like absolute butter on my system, so all my worries about the port being shoddy just melted away. Holy shit, this game is so fucking good.

As an aside my friend with an ATI card (only real difference between our systems) can’t run it for shit, so there are hardware problems (which is to be expected of many games, pcgaming master race my ass) but hopefully this will be patched soon.

Yeah. I ran into two bugs* the first time I ran it. Restarted it and it has been sex ever since.

*Sundowner clipped into the floor when you are supposed to chase him and I just walked right by him. Then Ray throws you onto a tower and the tower just… wasn’t there. Since there was no tower to run down the game just hung up.

Glad it smoothed out for you, I know how annoying pop-in loading can be, playing GTAV kind of needs you to ignore pop-in because it’s unavoidable on consoles…

Sigh… It seems the PC version of Metal Gear Rising does not work offline. This is apparently caused by a Steam API bug, rather than some online-only DRM, though.

I’m sure they will fix it.

Can parts in all in one monitors be changed out? Like video cards? I use that site “can you run this” and that’s the main thing I dont have up to date

All in one monitors? You on a MAC?

Can parts in all in one monitors be changed out?

What is an all in one monitor?