The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Starting Deadly Premonition tonight…

Hope you like it, Zoo.
It’s one of my favorite games.

Can’t wait for Nidhogg. I hope it brings the same hype as it did at NWM4. Gonna be my first Steam purchase at full price.

Sims 3 sometimes. I actually still have Origin keys from the Origin Humble Bundle that already had Steam keys.

Dead Space
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box
Crisis 2 Maximum Edition
Medal of Honor
Mirror’s Edge
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising

They’re from before HB changed their redeem terms so less hassle. So…

Dead Space



Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box



Crisis 2 Maximum Edition



Medal of Honor



Mirror’s Edge



Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Uprising



To bad i hate Origin :bluu:

I posted this in the pc thread in the tech talk sub forum but I thought it would help to post in here as well.
I want to make plans on building my first pc. I want to have a gaming computer that is able to last for at least 2-3 years before I need to upgrade individual parts. I also want to try to keep it under $1,000 if possible but I am willing to go to $1500. Right now I am looking through and trying to pick parts for a build but I’m feeling a bit lost. I was wondering if anybody would be willing to give some guidance on what to look for?

Those redeem and play on Steam.

I wish you didn’t make 'em available to everyone, Raging. I have them all personally, but I would have loved to give my brother the Crysis 2 or Medal of Honor key. He’d be ecstatic to play those online. :rofl:

It was more like dumping my recyclables into someone’s trash. I don’t need them so I bestow them to the Internet.

Right now, the best bang for your buck is one of the new AMD graphics cards that have GeForce Titan levels of performance at under half the price.

Get an i5 2500k for a processor and up.

Get a Motherboard that has SLI and Crossfire support that can support all the latest PC parts and processors/memory/whatever. ASUS or MSI is the way to go. Gigabyte motherboards are nice, too.

8-16 GB of DDR3 RAM(if you wait DDR4 is coming out this year, as well as some new stuff from AMD and NVidia.)

Personally, I say wait a few more months. Once DDR4 and all these new PC parts hit the market, all the high-end and semi-high end stuff is going to get slashed in prices. Wait it out a few more months, it’ll be worth it.

Edit: If your budget is 1-1500 bucks, you can build a PC now that will last the entire PS4/Xbox One generation. Easily. You can buy hardware, part for part, that will outperform the shit out of a PS4 or Xbox One.

Look for a mother board with

“PCI-Express 3.0” to get the most out of your graphics card.

Some of them might have tons of USB 3.0 slots and fit the processor and everything but might be slashed in prices because its not the latest PCI-E slots, I’ve noticed. But I never looked too long or elsewhere besides;

tiger direct had bundles with motherboard, processor, RAM and OS sometimes too, but be sure to check everything out. And not be swindled by FREE SIM CITY?! Dang simcity thrown in everything last time I looked.

xiceman if you want, give your exact budget sometime and i’ll “build” you a rig through newegg or something. I’ve been levelling up my knowledge of PC parts ever since I built my newest PC last year(wish I had this knowledge last year :rofl: ) so I can put you together a pretty beast rig.

99% chance you can re-use your current PC case too so you won’t need one of those. Going for an SSD HDD or a standard HDD? Or a hybrid?

How much would a computer cost me to run Kinetica and Silent Hill 2-3 on a PS2 emulator?. I would love to play these during college but I don’t have a TV I can connect my PS2 with here.

I want to keep it under $1000 but my max is $1500. I’ll probably go with the SSD or a hybrid

Wait, those game keys are for Origin? I’ll try to give my brother the MOH/Crysis 2 keys if you guys didn’t snag 'em already.

It’d be cheaper to just buy the PS2 versions and play them that way.

If your PC is at least from 1998, you can play the PC versions of Silent Hill 2 & 3(both of which have better graphics than their HD re-release, PS2 releases and suXbox releases.)

To emulate PS2 games you actually need a pretty powerful PC if you want them to run at good framerates and high resolutions, and emulating PS2 is more processor intensive than it is GPU intensive.

What Sonicabid said.
Buy or pirate the pc versions and save yourself some money.

@xiceman191 <-- Seagate Hybrid Drive, 2TB, 139.99. <— Asus Motherboard. Supports all the latest Intel processors, 139.99. Not sure if it has Crossfire or SLI support though(it doesn’t say in the specifications. At most you’d only need to shell out a few more bucks to get Crossfire or SLI support on a mobo though.) 8GB DDR3 Kingston RAM. 94.99. Can skimp on the RAM a bit if you want but it won’t be as fast. random i5, 219.99. Try to get one with hyperthreading, this is just a random one I picked out(it’ll say if it has hyperthreading support or not under the “specifications” tab.) new R9 GPU from AMD. 529. GeForce Titan $1000 dollar GPU performance at half the price.

Total=$1100 bucks without me including tax+shipping. If you want to skimp, instead of getting the 1/2 grand GPU, get one of these for 200 something instead: GTX 760 for $250.

or lower-end r9 for $230.

Edit: I didn’t include a Power Supply or a Case since I figure you can re-use yours now to save some money.

I don’t think a single game can even use 8GB of RAM yet, but if you want, you can go with 16GB of ram too.

:rofl: Man, I wish I built my computer late this year instead of last. Everything is so cheap, and it’s only going to get cheaper soon once all the new hardware hits the market.

I own a PS2 and all of the games mentioned. The problem is I don’t have a TV here in college and my laptop runs them at 2 frames per second.

I especially would like Kinetica which is my favorite game in the universe.

Will they run at 60 frames on a laptop though? core i5 and some crappy intel gpu…

Just go on Craigslist/Kijiji and buy a random 20-30 dollar TV or grab one of the zillion SDTV’s being given away/thrown out.

Some people even toss out those huge, flat screen TV’s that only do 720p1080/i but have no input lag.

Hell you could probably find a signal converter that convert the RGB signal into VGA for like…30 bucks and just use your PC monitor like a TV for your PS3.