The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Awwwwww fuck yeah! Shit was amazing.

Man, playing Guacamelee and I gotta see… Pretty fun. I can see how I would be annoyed playing without a controller. Yeesh. Nevertheless, some of the puzzles can be infuriating, but, the combat is awesome. So many references and shit… Definitely a good game to give a try.


:tup: :tup:

Man… Max and Matts playthorugh of that game was fun:

Hey y’all, if you like extreme platforming style games you should check this one out sometime:

This is “Hot Dog Heartache”, an indie game my friends and I have been working on. I designed many of the levels in the alpha demo. You can check out some ‘Let’s Play’ videos folks have done for this game in the playlist above. Or download the demo yourself and give it a try:

We’re trying to get approved for distribution on Steam Greenlight, so give HDH a vote on there if you’re so inclined:

Rise of the Triad 2013. Was one of the best games of 2013 by far.

I streamed it too, just a couple levels and maybe some multiplayer. I kept reloading my weapon during my stream, because even though you have infinite ammo with bullet-based weapons, they give you a reload animation anyway and I couldn’t stop laughing when doing it. :rofl:

I’ve been trying to finish the badge, but the fucking steam marketplace is under DDOS and I can’t get the last 2 cards I need with the 44 cents I have from my extras I sold. Fucking hell. They expire soon/already expired right?

Bought like 40 games or so this sale now I’m up to 177 what should I play tonight…ehh I’ll play Awesomenauts like always lol.

I’m pissed I didn’t get the chance to sell my holiday cards. I could have made a dollar!

That dude RQ’ing while we were winning pissed me off beyond all belief. I’m gonna slow down on Awesomenauts until I get back to my apartment and get on mumble with teammates. God that sucked so much ass. Plus I’ve got a shitload of single player backlog.

I didn’t realize that Yaiba: Ninja Gaiden Z was coming to steam…

Just wondering…does anyone here actually use Origin?

Nope. Don’t that piece of crap tainting my machine. It helps that there isn’t any EA games I’m interested in playing on PC.

I downloaded it in order to play Mass Effect 3. It was dumb that I needed to have it even though I had the disc. I got a free code for Dead Space but I haven’t used it yet.

Played Doom: the Plutonia Experiment the other day in celebration of Doom’s 20th anniversary. I miss these kinds of FPS games.

I do for playing BF3 & 4. I like it almost as much as steam, plus if you need to talk to support you can chat with someone instead of creating a support account and then waiting for them to reply to your messages.

I got my money’s worth out of BF3, but I haven’t touched that game in many moons, and origin? Fuck origin. Fuck uplay. And fuck steam.

Shit’s bloated with so much dumb shit like the overly-moderated workshop (so no good mods are actually on it), trading card scams, and the library of approximately infinite shitty indie cash-grabs that aren’t even fun games.

Spent about $150 or so on steam sales and now I’m playing the free game Cry of Fear :rofl:

Excited for this year for games. :smokin:

Been tearing it up in the mighty quest for epic loot because my friend bought a pack during steam sale and got beta keys to give to me.

He was surprised when I was legit excited that he gifted me a beta key.

I saw the game during E3 and it looked fun. It’s just diablo with a farmville-castle-building-metagame on top of it, but it’s still better than diablo 3

The Devil’s Third is still being developed? I thought that ship sunk with THQ

I use it when I play Battlefield 3. Thankfully other games in the Humble Bundle run through Steam(like Crysis 2 and Medal of Honor’s MP.)

The weird browser plug-ins you need to install to Chrome/Firefox/whatever are fucked up, though. That and PunkBuster for BF3/4 and other EA games. Those are evil.

Rise of the Triad 2013.

Shadow Warrior(the original) got an AMAZING re-release that adds true freelook and other nice changes. You could always freelook in the original but the implementation of freelook in Build-engine games is fucked up. :rofl: