Didn’t even bother playing Deadpool. Watched a playthourgh and I was satisfied. The gameplay still doesn’t sell me. Reminds me of how I feel about Lolipop Chainsaw.
Got it yesterday after I got MK. Pretty sweet deal for a month old game. Arkham Origins is also $20+ $15 for the season pass making it $35 (plus tax damn you Amazon you use to be cool). Not bad.
kofXIII feels really solid. but that personality the previous games before 12 had has been ripped away. the design has a western influence, I don’t like it. all the characters look like they lost their families
As a non-FPS-player, I enjoyed CoJ:G a lot. For whatever that’s worth.
I’ve put hundreds of hours into Capcom stuff, but I’m a casual player as far as SNK goes- the last KOF I spent any time with was probably '96. So while I can find fault with the SF4s, for example, I see KOF XIII the way a lot of semi-casual/newb players saw SF4. It’s fun to mess around with. Agreed about the art being a little weird though- it’s like if HD Remix had a [much, much] prettier sister.
On that note, I’m liking the damage in this game. I’d only seen Evo finals etc, so I assumed it was only the Takumas, Chin, black Adon guy etc who did big damage. I was mistaken. Not everyone seems to be as practical, but compared to the heavy damage scaling in the SF4s, SFxT etc, it’s a nice change of pace. Also, having played a lot of Alpha 3 and Marvel, the juggle combos don’t really bother me any (yet).
Trying to pick up Andy. Are there any good grapplers in this game? The closest thing I’ve seen to one is Benimaru.
PS4/Xbone are only getting DX11 features now(stuff like tessellation) so when I first played a next-gen console the other day, I was disappointed at how mediocre everything looked not called Killzone: Shadow Fall. Most games just look like current-gen games with DX11 features, stuff PC gamers have been experiencing for the past few years.
Also, sick doomguy sonic, ps4/xbone looking like old PC games (2 years or so) isn’t new, every pc gamer was laughing when sony+M$ were heralding next gen as looking incredible
Killzone looks good, and I’m sure these upcoming racing games will look good too.
I think the only people truly wowed by the PS4/Xbone have genuinely never seen a PC game on high settings with DX11 features flipped on. Software lineup is pretty shit ATM too, I’m more interested in PS1/PS2/GC/DS/PSP/PS3-era game collecting than PS4 right now.
Some pics from one of my 2013 GOTY. Took 'em myself. :tup:
I’m with you on this i completely skipped out on gamecube back in the day and my homie traded me one for a pack a smokes this summer. This thing has been getting ALOT of love from me lately