That’s a shame because it looks like it has incredible potential as a better Dark Souls through a UT04 filter.
Fuck I might pickup KOF13 just to play with you guys even though no one in NY plays
That’s a shame because it looks like it has incredible potential as a better Dark Souls through a UT04 filter.
Fuck I might pickup KOF13 just to play with you guys even though no one in NY plays
Can I get Sonic 1 and 2?
Oh man, I missed the KOF Sale. At least I got the free L4D2.
KoF XIII isn’t clicking with me at all. I’m not enjoying it even on a causal level.
Yeah, I gave up on that shit after a little while. Just couldnt get into it. I tried out Skullgirls too and I couldnt get into that. I just think I dont like fighting games anymore.
I can play Skullgirls for hours. I can’t get through a few matches on KoF XIII without switching to another game
KOFXIII is lacking as a KOF, a ton of fundamental problems. Anytime I play it I ask myself why am I not Playing 98, 98UM, 2k2UM, or XI.
Going in on Bastion Flash sale, thinking about the Cave also, anyone hear anything about it?
I got the Cave when it was free on PSN+. It’s a puzzle platformer where you can play as ton of different characters with their own special abilities to explore the cave and have to work in tantrum to get through it. Said cave is also the narrator. It’s great if your into that kind of game. It was developed by Double Fine so you can’t go wrong with them
Sad at all this kofxiii hate
I love Double Fine so going in
You clearly don’t know what hate is. Expressing a game isn’t for you =/= hate
amazon got some good deals for pc games. I’m thinking about getting deadpool since its only $10.00. For anyone that played it how did you like it?
It’s definitely worth a playthrough.
What the F*** are you talking about? At first i was like no way… Then when scrolled up and realized how wrong and pointless your post was, a little bit of yesterday came back into me.
Is it wrong that I got this game…simply because Nolan North is awesome?
Like what?
I like KoFXIII’s pacing, but I think HD is too strong and the metagame’s become all about cornering and juggling opponent to death. It’s disappointing to see it turn out that way.
Buy injustice now!
: )
amazon has saints row 4 for 20 as well. How is online play on injustice?
I would pick up the Ultimate Street Fighter pack but it’s unclear on the version. It merely lists it as mixed. I hope it isn’t from the GFWL marketplace as the service is going down next year.
I got KOFXIII yayyyyy. Too bad my execution is abysmal OTL