The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

So far I’ve gotten Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition, Super Hexagon, Trine 2 with OST and artbook, and probably gonna cop Long Live the Queen, BL2 GOTY, and Shadowrun Returns

Long Live the Queen is great. I recommend it.

Don’t let anyone catch you playing it though, it’s unexplainable.

So I got the Sonic Everywhere Pack on Amazon and only needed a few of the games. The list of games I don’t need are

Sonic 1
Sonic 2
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball
Sonic 3D Blast
Sonic CD
Sonic Adventure DX
Sonic 4 ep1
Sonic 4 ep2
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing
Sonic Generations plus Casino Night DLC

Toss me Sonic 3 and knux and Sonic CD

Toss me those if no one else claimed 'em.

Sonic Generations @ 60 FPS instead of the sub 30 FPS console version I have? Yes please.

I never played the Sonic 4 games yet, it’d be nice to see why they’re so shit(at least, that’s the impression people seem to give on them.)

This holiday sale been weak this year. Castlevania is all I brought this year. Green Man got MK9 for $7.50 so I’m gonna dive in on that

Bah, free Left 4 Dead keeping me from buying $10 KOF XIII, no doubt by bringing Valve’s servers to its knees.

Free L4D been fucking up my KoF purchase too. I’m about to give up on it and wait for it to be a daily deal

Dayum, purchasing back up w/ 5 minutes before the nest Flash Sale. Clutch.

Finally made my KoF purchase with 4 minutes to spare

What the fuck is a F2P game doing taking up a flash sale slot? You fucking up Valve

That looks like flash sale on DLC for a F2P…they’ve done this before.

Steam extended the flash sale for KOF 13 by 16 hours…so good on them.

Is Kingdom’s Rise any good?

My friend got it and he said its fucking terrible.

just got a message that L4D2 is free go put it in your steam library if you haven’t yet.

Fuck, sucks I won’t be able to play anything I got till next week. Also gonna wait on plsying Valdis story till our stream is back up.

@RagingDemonStorm Any chance I can get Somic 1 & 2?

@Lord_Raptor I only have 3D Blast left.

KoF XIII doesn’t detect my Dual Shock 4. Is there a fix for this?

Have you tried x360ce? I had a logitech pad that wasn’t cooperating, it helped with several games. It generates a .ini and a .dll that you throw in the BIN folder of whatever game you’re trying to make compatible.

You may want to google x360ce and dual shock 4 for more specific instructions, I don’t know if the process is any different.

Speaking of KOF, I like it so far. Haven’t figured out the super meter system yet, and I wish there were more options for screen resolutions, but so far so good.