Whats so bad about the game?
Coz I don’t see anything negative about it for the little I’ve played of it.
the game I find truly disappointing is Tomb Raider.
Now that was a rip off.
I’m a big fan of Tomb Raider.
I have the TR trilogy and its very close to my heart.
The ingenious puzzles and the thought provoking platforming is amazing.
As is true for most Tomb Raider games.
This bullshit trite nonsensical Tomb Raider 2013 is 100% bullshit.
Its nothing like all the other previous TR games. nothing like them.
There’s no puzzles, no temples with complex riddles to solve.
The few “puzzles” are simple minded and way too easy to solve.
The platforming only appears way late in the game, and its pointless coz its not intertwined with the solving of any puzzle.
Tomb Raider 2013 is a hackneyed 3rd person military shooter, mixed in with some Alan Wake/resident Evil survivalist/horror vibe to it, some stealthing from Tenchu and Splinter Cell, and some rpg “leveling up” system to your skills and weapon’s crafting.
its bullshit.
games fucking lame.
Way way waaaaaaaaaay overrated.
Fucking game deviates and strays way too far from what Tomb Raider is all about.
Which is platforming & puzzle solving like the Prince of Persia games.
Which reminds me how Prince of Persia 2008 was also disappointing in how sucky it was.
But at least that game knew it was a platformer/puzzle solver.
This damn Tomb Raider game forgot its own identity.
Remember Me I’m happy with as a purchase but Tomb Raider sucks. I regret that purchase.
I Am Alive is a cool game…right up till you have to kill 5 enemies while armed with only 1 bullet and no way to run past the enemies to advance the story.
Anybody wanna trade an old game they don’t play anymore for Alice:Madness Returns let me know.
I have two copies of Alice.
my steam account is BronzyIsland85.
I’ve got a terraria kicking around (lol worthless game because humble bundle) if you want to trade for that.
I also pulled the trigger on MGR because fuck it, I’ll pay $20 to go on the record and say that I want good action games on PC, maybe MGR will break records, sell tons of copies, and then sweet character action games will get good PC ports.
I played the vanilla game on** console **and enjoyed it. I see the PC version got dem graphics mods and all kinds of other cool shit, so I’d say it’s worth it.
Torrent it out of spite, you own the vanilla game anyway.
Could be a simple fix, like updating drivers and such.
Sometimes fixes on the users end can improve FPS. Mess with the settings, check out some forums for some tweaks you can do, stuff like that. Rise of the Triad released unoptimized, so users came up with their own fixes until patches greatly improved things later on.
I’ve tried that patch, it prevent the game from running at all. My drivers are always up to date.
I appreciate how you’re trying to help, but believe me when I say something is broken.
I should’ve mentioned in my post that I can run most games at 60 fps easy, it’s not an issue of having proper parts, just a fact of life that PC gaming isn’t the master race. There’s pros and cons to every system and the con of PC gaming is simply, “shit might not work”
Sometimes it’s your fault (ie old drivers, incorrect drivers, etc etc) but mostly it’s not (bad ports, improper optimizations, incompatible drivers).
I’ve yet to have a game run like shit on my rig not named Crysis 3. AMD GPU’s seem to always have issues with games on release the past few years, it could be that.
PC gaming is better than its ever been, every single game I’ve installed on this new rig has worked perfectly. Rarely have I ever had to fiddle with anything like in the past. I had no problems running games and getting them to work back in the early 00’s, too.
Yeah Steam’s library is comprised mainly of fecal matter. Steam LE (linux edition) is even worse. I had much less hardware issues back in the 00’s too, I blame the new cardsets, shorter dev time and general degradation of QA in gaming.