QL is the optimal way to the game, and relatively speaking it only costs pennies to play. There are already an abundance of maps on QL and no one really touches any aside from the “core” maps. You also get the option of playing on PQL settings, but absolutely no one gives a shit about that. Anyways on PRO subscription you get the option to create your own servers & modify game settings.
@topknot: Yep I’ve hopped on to the Quakelive standalone release and it’s no different than the browser version. Some report better performance and others find slight issues. :tup:
This steam event is fucking trash, you need to craft or spend money. I already did all of that valve. There’s nothing good for me to buy (except maybe revengence but that port might be really bad) and I’m level 34. I don’t want more levels, I’ve been selling cards for a good long while and I’m enjoying the free games I’ve farmed off idiots spending money on worthless crap (I farmed up my level by selling all my TF2 shit, I’ve dumped basically my whole inventory now, feels good).
Looking forward to getting snowglobes off slash sales, but these daily deals are so dick. What the hell is Assetto Corsa, why is it only 25% off, it’s not even out yet.
The Stanley Parable is extremely short, so it’s most likely not going to give you $10 of entertainment. I know it didn’t entertain me that much. Here’s a spoiler that could possibly ruin the game for you:
It’s a choose your own adventure with like 3 choices. It’s not a game, it’s basically an audio book. It’s not bad, depends how much you value listening to some neat audio.
I will buy Assetto Corsa tomorrow, then I might tell some things out of it.
Seems to be really good. This game is intended to be a simulation-style racing game, in other words the focus of this game is heavily on realism, not something like an arcade racer.
Sure it’s the same as my SRK user name - blueleon.
Although my profile might state that I’ve only played 22 hours or something that’s only because it’s a new account! I started QL a year ago and quitted, but I’m back again.
Yeah, I feel that way about QL too though - my experience has been there’s always only populated 1-2 games running with inconsistent pings and a bad mix of pros, complete n00bs, and AFKers, and the same 3 tired maps. One of the things I like about Q3A is the CPMA mod has WAYYYYY better bots than vanilla Q3A or QL, with 100+ difficulty levels. They actually use circlejumping/strafejumping/bunnyhopping effectively and do a good job of running the items on most maps (as well as having wicked aim).
So my friends and I can LAN 2v2 or 3v3 TDM games against high level bots on a big cue of the best custom maps, and feel like we’re having decent-sized games instead of taking turns 1v1. Sure, it’d be nice to be able to join pubs together and play humans, but in lieu of that, at least we can have reasonably tough practice dummies and play on our own choice of settings and maps.
RE: Steam, I’m definitely grabbing Blade Symphony and Kingdom’s Rise, they’re priced pretty well. Mayyyyybe also Lords of Shadow, Takedown, and Chivalry. May as well wait and see what goes on flash/daily sale…whatever’s left worth the money can be bought at the last minute Jan 3.
[s]all I care about is Remember Me to go on sale.
and its never on sale. just once with a 24hour sale the Tuesday after cyber Monday and I foolishly didn’t get it when it was 75% off.
and I shoulda gotten Contrast, Brothers, and Marlow Briggs but decided to wait till X-mas discounts…
now I feel like a fool for expecting those Christmas discounts that never came.[/s]
scratched what I said.
I just saw the sale.
I wish contrast was cheaper but whatevs.
got Remember Me.
I like it a whole lots more than Tomb Raider.
the whole memory re-mix cinematic scene is genius.
combat is cool.
platforming alright. digging the game.
I haven’t played MGR in any system, so I wouldn’t know the specifics, but as a gereral answer you usually play these games moving the camera a lot with the mouse, so that you look directly at the enemy you want to attack, rather than attacking sideways like you would on console, so to speak.