The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

I LOVE Lords of Shadow. I just 110%ed the PS3 version, DLC and everything. The game is really well balanced in terms of story and gameplay and all that. The combat system is actually pretty deep if you bother to go beyond the basic moves.

The ONLY thing about the PC version was that some of the command prompts were mis-labeled, like in the first mission in the cathedral where you and Zobek have to push up the stones that are descending from the ceiling to get through the tunnel and get the Cloister Key. I had to go to GameFaqs to realize that it was just a mistake in the prompt, not my timing.

@TS You need to play some more games in the action hack and slash genre. Castlevania: LoS is great, but its combat is high-mid at best this gen.

Sadly, not too many of them are available on PC, so you’d need a console to play most of them. LoS2 is at least hitting PC when its released, so I’ll probably play it on PC(haven’t touched the demo yet that came with Mirrors of Fate on console.)

the wait for Devil’s Third for pc release is killing me.
why wont this game get published already. damnit

Maybe because they’re still making it? Engine switches in development almost entirely mean “start from scratch”

Just hope they don’t pull a duke nukem and switch another time.

Anyone try out the multiplayer in Just Cause 2? Shit is pretty fun.

Yeah I played a lot of it awhile ago, easily the best free-roaming MP I’ve ever played (haven’t gotten GTAV yet)

Spent probably like 10 hours over one weekend doing stupid boat stunts, abusing the grappling hooks, driving down hills, trolling people who weren’t in "the posse"
Good times. It’s almost enough to make me say “pc gaming master race”

yo add me to the srk group:

Think I’m gonna pick up that Day-z standalone but I’m skeptical after dealing with all the War-z bullshit.

I played DayZ when it was fresh and interesting, then they patched it into a pile of shit rubbish game with all these bullshit tweaks to make the game different. The result was a horrible mess.

DayZ isn’t something that’s worth money, it’s like a cool little mod/tech demo that quickly becomes uninteresting.

Awesomenauts is on sale at the Humble store. Just got it, really great game.

MGR got dated for release on PC: January 9th, $20 sale after its official announcement tomorrow.

System reqs are nuts for a console port of a PS3/360 game:

OS: XP or Vista or 7 or 8
Processor: Intel Core i5 2400
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTS 450
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

OS: XP or Vista or 7 or 8
Processor: Intel Core i7 3770
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Nvidia Geforce GTX 650
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 25 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX compatible sound card

Wtf @ an i5 minimum requirements. :rofl:

This new PC version includes all three DLC missions: Blade Wolf, Jetstream, and VR Missions, in addition to all customized body upgrades for Raiden, including: White Armor, Inferno Armor, Commando Armor, Raiden’s MGS4 body, and the ever-popular Cyborg Ninja.

“CUTSCENES” added to the Main Menu. Play any and all cutscenes.

“CODECS” added to the Main Menu. Play all and any codec conversation scenes.

Added to the CHAPTER Menu the Boss Stage, enabling to play only the Boss battles.

“GRAPHIC OPTIONS” added to the OPTIONS Menu. Modify resolution, anti-aliasing, etc.
There is an option reading “ZANGEKI” that will modify the amount of cuts you can make.

@evolution169 after you learn Awesomenauts feel free to join me and exodus. It’s easily the best multiplayer game this generation.

After 2 days of use I’m now pretty comfy with 3000 DPI.

I think I might get the console version of MG:R instead of PC(the requirements make me the think the port might be terrible.)

All DLC became free on console, right? If I don’t snag a copy around Christmas, I’ll wait it out to hear impressions on the PC version. If you need the recommended specs to hit 60 FPS at semi-high settings(like an i7, the game seems very processor heavy) then I won’t bother. :rofl:

Some interesting free indie games I found through, the first two being Deathmatch-oriented shooters:

Half of em are by the same guy, his site has a learning curve to navigating it, but it’s worth checking out.

In other news, my gf bought me Overgrowth for xmas, and Uplay is a gigantic pain in the ass when you’re trying to play Rayman Legends and it wants to spend 10 minutes updating before you’re allowed to start.

I’ve owned overgrowth for so long now…

Glad that they’re on steam, I imagine the five of them are rolling in money as we speak

anyone try the new quakelive standalone?

Holiday sale apparently started today. MGR:R for 20 bucks. Arkham Origins for 25.

I want the Titanium Ted skin to go on sale so my character will shut the fuck up about not wearing pants.

how the fuck do you play an action hack and slash on a keyboard? i imagine most people opt out for controllers instead.

then again, PC fags snubbed the port of DMC 3 and 4. makes me think NG Yaiba will perform terribly.

Still don’t know why you’d want to go from Q3A’s huge library of pro maps and mods, to paying a subscription for QL’s limited selection of default maps + a handful of custom maps they bought off the designers. I do like the couple Q2 remake maps they added, and some of the new HUD options, but it’s just not worth it. The QL pub scene is just as dead as Q3 at this point, so either way you’re better off organizing private games with friends…at which point Q3A is way more practical.

Just got the newest Humble Bundle, Bit Trip Beat (on accident, meant to get Fate), Monaco, and Divekick. Don’t know if I’ll need a controller for any of them. BTW, has anyone tried out The Stanley Parable or Dust: An Elysian Tail? They look pretty interesting, but I don’t know how good they are.