The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Mark Ecko’s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure was released today. Half off too til 12/19. Bought the game day 1 on PS2 back in the day. Special edition and all. Its pretty decent.

edit: Also got dat Samurai Gunn, Too bad I’m far to busy to even attempt to play it.

So…Yaiba Ninja Gaiden Z is coming to pc for early next year. Feb 28th 14?

I have mixed feelings about the game.
on one hand I love ninja gaiden, on the other I hate any game that involves slow moving zombies.
which are most games these days. the entire gaming market is oversaturated with zombie killing at this point. and killing slow moving zombies, for me, is the most braindead mindnumbing most lacking in challenge unfortunate fads to have ever disgraced the gaming world.

but whatevs.
I’m still gonna buy it.
at least I think I will.
I do like the dark cel shaded world.

I also hope it will have language options to Japanese though.

The thing about zombie games theoretically at least is you don’t think of them as a threat because they’re slow and stupid so you know as long as you don’t fall asleep they won’t kill you. However it’s that false sense of security that can and probably will catch you off guard because whatever zombies lack they over compensate for in persistence and numbers.

I just don’t want the game to end up as a button masher.
the thing about the Gaiden series is that you quickly have to learn different strategies to beat different enemies. With different weapons for most Gaiden games.
ghost fish requires flail and one single particular combo.
exploding kunai throwing ninjas roll/evasion with properly timed teleport jump attacks.
lumbering zombies flying swallow.
etc etc.

in other words enemies have specific attacks to avoid and counter and have particular defenses to try to bypass.

but these zombies look…
not very challenging.
they just seem to slower lumber forward and never attack.
ie, the whole…hi, I’m gonna slowly lumber towards you with the intent of being slowly chopped to pieces by your weaponry, whether it be by bullets, magic, or handheld close quarter combat arms.
yunno, the whole resident evil, silent hill type beasts that seem like thumb mash/trigger button fodder.

that’s not what the Gaiden series is about.
so I’m worried if the game will be too easy.

I finally took the time to finish Half-Life 1. I set the game to 45fps and disabled the texture filtering for a nice, grainy look. Was also playing on hard mode.

It was a good experience and I can see why it’s a great game. It’s also nice to see how HL2 borrows a lot from HL1, including the music even.

  • Xen was pretty challenging area. Gonarch was a massive pain in the ass to put up with.
  • The tune that plays once you launch the signal rocket is just epic.
  • Platforming also feels surprisingly similar to its later games: HL2/Portal.
  • Nihilanth was kind of funny :slight_smile: I figured out how to beat him without any kind of internet aid.

I’m also going to beat the two expansion packs.

Anyone get 7 Days to Die? At first I was like " oh great, another zombie game", but watching some videos it looks like it takes a lot from Minecraft and puts it into a mature setting with more realistic applications. The price does seem a bit steep though, especially since it’s in beta.

Also, there sure seems to be a lot of early access games coming out. I don’t know if that’s good or bad, but it’s a bit disappointing to see a new game posted on Steam, and then find out that’s it’s only partially complete and doesn’t have a final release date. And if you go to the forum for the game, half the posts are people whining about the problems it has. Seems like a good way to kill your game’s reputation before it’s even out.

Man, has any game truly done campaign extensions with the same flair OpFor and BlueShift has done?
Dat multiple angle deep story-telling…

I miss old valve…

I take a hard-line stance of assuming any zombie game is fucking 0/10 unplayable garbage until there’s a 300 page thread on SRK about how great the game is. It’s a good way to avoid the disappointment that is the zombie craze.

Speaking of old valve and good things that are old, my friend gifted me Postal 2, haven’t played this game in ages, I forgot how sweet it was despite the fact that the NPC spawns are the worst things ever.

I’m kinda sick of the zombie craze myself, but I’m intrigued at the idea of a Minecraft copy with better graphics and a more useful application of the crafting system.

Still waiting for L4D 3…

Why? L4D2 wasn’t even that good, and neither was L4D…

Also Valve never makes games about “3”

Some people might argue that they made a third CS, but really every CS was pretty much the same, just made worse and worse as other games improved in design.

Killing Floor is a better game than L4D

@SocraticClown Yaiba doesn’t look like a game for Ninja Gaiden purists. It looks to be an action game that aims towards a bigger market, a game for everyone if you will.

Now while this obviously doesn’t look as good as a mainline NG game, it still looks really fun, and it could end up being really good for all we know. Hopefully it brings in new blood that’ll give Ninja Gaiden 4 a shot if it ever comes out. I wish that game the best, because unlike DmC this isn’t a “reboot” it’s a game done on a different timeline/purposeful spin-off/not part of the main series, which is great, considering how different it looks. Also, 30FPS(on console, though if it’s like DmC where animations and the game is built around 30FPS, playing it on PC probably won’t do jack shit.)


What DPI do you guys play with? just got my new G700S today, it’s so perfect, but I’m having a hard time figuring out which DPI I’m most comfortable with it goes all the way up to 8200 :rofl:

2500 seems to be normal for me, but I’m trying 3000 and having a little bit of a tough time adjusting.

To me, tuning the mouse DPI has always felt no different than changing the in-game or Windows sensitivity. It’s just not significant.

I still play QuakeLive with a cheap, bare bones logitech mouse(m100), which has no side buttons or DPI adjustments. It’s one of my most reliable weapons. :slight_smile:

man I hope so too.
to me…it sorta reminds me of Ninja Blade.
in that you fight these really easy slow moving zombies and then face off against lots and lots and I mean lots of mini bosses and level bosses.
if Yaiba is like that…and it seems that way…I’m ok with that.
it all depends just how far the AI jumps with the cranking up of the difficulty level and just exactly how many mini bosses/level bosses are in the game.
I really do like the art design though.
dark, acidic saturated colors with cel shading and a comic book feel is a plus for me.
its only the aggressiveness and number of the attacks of the enemies that have me worried about Yaiba.
but yeah, it reminds me a lot of Ninja Blade, just without all the horrendeous QTE that really ruined that game.

I’m really disappointed with the new Tomb Raider.
its nothing like Tomb Raider.
Theres no Tomb Raiding in the game.
Theres no thought provoking platforming and no ingenious puzzles to solve.

its just…a good survival horror game.
Its Alan Wake starring Lara Croft.
its not Tomb Raider at all.
Thumbs down for me.
but if you like survival horror games with lots of QTE…and the game is loaded with them, unfortunately…then pick it up.
if you hate QTE and survival horror games like Alan Wake, RE, Siren, or Silent Hill…avoid it like the plague.

oh and just cause 2 is on sale on steam for 2.99.
probably a 24 hour sale.
you’ve got 45 minutes left, lol.

I play on 1400 DPI up to 4300 DPI using my two side buttons to scroll through them.

I used to play on like 500, then I upped my game and got used to higher DPI.

450, 600, 700, 850, 1800 on my old MX518

1800 for every other game that I dont really need the precision for. The rest for FPS/precision intensive games.

Really liking the shit out of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (Ultimate Edition). Very well executed, both from a visual standpoint (the lighting is very impressive in some of the stages), and from an overall design standpoint. Some of the minor touches are very good- after you die, there is essentially a quick-rematch option, because you start over from your last auto-saved checkpoint, and those are pretty frequent. Playing the Steam version obviously, and there’s no real loading time to speak of. People complain about the camera, but I haven’t had serious problems yet, just a minor issue.

As a scrub to the genre in general, I could (did) get away with a lot of mashing of X and Y (direct attack and area attack) mixed in with dodges, but actually figuring out what I’m doing has been pretty rewarding, and because there are so many attacks to choose from, you find yourself putting together combos and using them strategically. The platforming aspect is very easy, there aren’t any really difficult jumps so far, or OG Ninja Gaiden/Castlevania trying-to-jump-this-chasm-but-WTF-random-bat-hits-me-out-of-the-air moments as of yet. The puzzles show up once every few levels, and I find them to be pretty fun. The bosses aren’t super hard, but some of them have a puzzle aspect to them- it took me a while to figure out how to get around the ice titan, for example. I’ve died a lot while playing, but it isn’t a big a deal and you get to jump right back into the game, because the point is usually to figure out where you went wrong or fight better, as opposed to one-shot part of the stage.

Story/presentation-wise I like it a lot, including the scrolls you pick up off of dead knights, the intros between levels, etc. It’s not quite as entertaining as Call of Juarez: Gunslinger IMO, but it’s similar in how much backstory there is- whenever you encounter a new monster you get to read a breakdown of what they are/how they were created, and what their weaknesses are. There’s also detailed descriptions for recurring characters and bosses, and unlike CoJ:G, there’s a huge art gallery available.

Two thumbs up so far, even if I do feel slightly scrubby in some parts. Definitely worth the $10 I paid on sale, it’s obvious how much work went into the game.