The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Mods like this make me wonder why MvC-esque FPS crossovers haven’t become a thing these days…

^ I think it’s a mix of legal fears and the sheer work involved. There was a marathon mod for UT1, but it never got very popular and eventually the team just stopped working on it.

There was a Wolfenstein, Doom, Quake 1 mod for Quake 2 (SOG) but if I remember correctly, Id threatened them legally, IIRC they were also accused of stealing other people’s models, and eventually they quit. There was a pretty cool Q1/Q2/Doom/Wolfenstein mod for Q3 (Generations) but Id was very specific about what they’d allow them to do legally, and version 1.0 is still being worked on to this day.

Basically given the work load and legal threat putting together games just from one company, it’s easy to see why people would have a hard time working up the ambition to mix Id stuff with RE, Id, Duke etc.

Almost everything on greenlight, almost everything labeled “indie”, a bunch of big developer ports which are borderline unplayable.

Also for those of you not into the tech-talk my PSU fried my mobo+cpu friday, just now have I brought my system back to life (by buying new parts) :frowning: Anyone have any information on this? Looks like it’s just PQ1, I’m downloading it because I love bejeweled. I installed it then chrome died from a malware attack. I’m very confused because I don’t think a steam thing would be bundled with malware but at the same time I haven’t started any downloads today besides that.
I am truly puzzled,

Also, my thoughts on starbound: Some really bad UI design choices (namely labeling the worst tool in the game as ‘legendary’ and using minecraft interfacing with objects), the starting pace is so slow you’ll want to blow your brains out, tools clearing more than one block at a time is good. I’ve only put like half an hour into the game because it’s so slow at the start, I imagine that once you get a set of average tools the game will be much better.

Licenses are expensive

Marathon Resurection:


Generations Arena:

This game looks like the hypest shit.

Volgarr the Viking is Steam’s daily deal today. Still not attempted to buy the game

has anyone played Starbound or have any opinions on it? thinking about getting it.

I’ve been following it for years can’t believe it finally came out. Nidhogg wishes it was half as GDLK. It’s one of the most exciting and well made multiplayer games I’ve ever seen. I might make a thread for it because everyone on SRK Steam needs to cop it, tournaments for it are hype as fuck to watch.


Just finished off FarCry 3. Got it during the pre-Christmas sale sale. Was holding off on getting due to uplay sucking a bowl of dicks, but I really enjoyed it. First shooter in about 3 years that has held my interest for more than 3 hours (other than CS:GO).

Started a file in Just Cause 2, playing on maxed settings but steam screenshots are hella compressed.


I’m assuming you’ve beaten Half-Life 2 or Portal.

Yea and I also just got FC3. Awesome so far. :slight_smile:

Reminds me of Super Mario War…

Only with samurais instead of console mascots.

So while playing sleeping dogs I noticed theres a way to kill pedestrians with handguns without the cops coming down on you.

grab a passerby.
throw them into the trunk of any car.
shoot the trunk.
pull them out.
they’ll just drop dead in front of you from the gunshot wounds.
no cops ever come.

I got the idea of shooting people in the trunk of a car from a james cagney movie White Heat.

when you shoot someone while they are in the trunk of a car it can only be three or four shots.
anything more the car catches fire and blows up…which also works.
when you shoot the trunk blood spurts out.
when you pull them out the pedestrian is all bloody from the shots.

finished the game.
loved it. and I’m not the biggest fan of sandbox games but this one is gold.

I watched my friend play a little bit of it and it looks fun. ROFL @ your shenanigans. :tup:

definitely gonna pick it up eventually, I loved Terraria, and this looks like a nice upgrade to that is giving away free copies of all classic Fallout games for the next 48 hours. Grab them while you can!

How is Fallout Tactics?

Nabbed Fallout 2 and Tactics. Always been intrigued on the kind of fucked up shit you could do in Fallout 2 like killing kids.

[details=Spoiler] Yes I’m a sick fuck. Deal with it.


Site is down and haven’t been able to install them yet though.

Awesome. I just played through the first 2 games for the first time a couple of weeks ago; they really are the best games ever.

Starbound is objectively better than terraria because pickaxes dig 3x3 squares instead of the 1x1 square in terraria, meaning you move much faster.
Also more places to explore with more things to find.

There’s definitely a much larger reward for exploring (finding blueprints) and the crafting menu is better than other games (minecraft you have to lookup a wiki, terraria scroll a list).

So I’d say that Starbound is a must buy for anyone who like Terraria and if you didn’t like it then Starbound is a must try because it’s probable that what turned you off from the game has been fixed.

Fallout Tactics isn’t a fallout game, once you wrap your head around that you’ll probably enjoy it. Fallout 1 and 2 are about exploring and puzzle solving with some combat while Tactics was almost universally hated because it was a Tactics game. You get a squad, you fight. If you’re not looking to quest and discover neat things then you can enjoy Fallout Tactics quite a bit depending how much you like action point based tactics games with decent depth.