The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

All in one monitor? That is some ghetto ass shit right there.

PC started freezing up on me randomly and the cursor was lagging a lot recently. I open up my tower and it is filthy, so I cleaned it out with a compressed air can and itā€™s back to normal :tup:

Wires are kind of messy sigh, Iā€™ll have to disassemble my PC and make it all neat and tidy for maximum heat dissapation.

I clean my pc out regularly. It gets dusty pretty fast so I clean it out every other month or so.

So, I have a quetion

I cannot get Metro 2033 last light to run. The moment I go into an area with fog the game starts doing 5-7 frames per second. Even on low. but, I can run Crysis 3 at near max settings with no problems.

I have the latest drivers, the card is always kept cool. What gives. I have a ATi Radeon 7970, I do remember reading up that certain Nvidia games donā€™t run as they should if you use ATi cards. Could that be it? But Iā€™m running Batman Arkham Origins, and I doubt itā€™s the processor to, since these games run on GPU unlike emulatorsā€¦

or could it be a power supply issue? Iā€™m running a 750 Watt supply, do I need moar powah?

Friend has the same issue, ATI is a piece of shit.

Actually Iā€™ve known tons of people who get dumped on by ATI. Some games just run at like 20% the framerate that they should run, some games are unplayable.

Iā€™ve heard (not from real people from internet people) that nvidia cards have the same problem with some games, but I know real world people and have seen with mine own eyes this happen.

Microsoft Store is having a clearance sale on PC games. Yes, these are the physical copies of the games that are on sale. Most of them are a steal. Darkness II for $1.99 and Space Marine for $2.99? Iā€™m in there

Darkness 2 for $2 yeah Iā€™m in too. Good shit :tup:

Although The Darkness II was a decent game, it feels like it has absolutely nothing to do with the first game. Iā€™ve beaten both games on my PS3 and I have to say that the first was far superior in terms of
story, atmosphere and music.

TD2 was made by a different developer rather than the original Starbreeze Studios, which explains the difference in just about everything. They changed the VA for Jackie. :frowning:

Starbreeze Studios couldnā€™t work on TD2 because they were doing ā€œSyndicateā€ at the time - an overlooked shooter that got mismanaged by their publisher EA. Itā€™s an awesome game that shares the style of TD1. Itā€™s unfortunate that most people just donā€™t care about it.
@orochizoolander: If youā€™re a fan of The Darkness, then you have to play Syndicate. Try to imagine Mirrorā€™s Edge but in a more sinister setting combined with violent, awesome gameplay.

IMG in spoiler:



Good deal even if itā€™s Origin.

Well from what Iā€™ve read,

Nvidia cards do poorly on games that use ATi computing techniques. I remember hearing how Nvidia cards didnā€™t do so well on tombraider when it first came out, although ATi did something to the code to work with them better.

but something about Nvidia games being made to work shitty on purpose with games they sponsor or ome shit.

ah, I went ATi though becaue I heard that the the big 3 where going to use ATi cards. and didnā€™t want optimization problem because ATi decided to dick Nvidia in the same fashion Nvidia has been doing to ATi. And from all the reading and research I did, it seemed that ATi gave you the most power for your buck.

fucking politics

Anyone played Donā€™t Starve? Ive been playing it the last couple days but I just dont get it. I run around collecting crap then I get killed. Ive lasted 8 days so far. I had a bunch of crap today and started to build some walls but I got eaten. Is that all there is to the game? Try to build a fort and stay a live?

The entire point behind donā€™t start is itā€™s futile. So yeah Iā€™d say youā€™re understanding the entire point of the game.

Yeah like Iā€™ve heard people say that Nvidia has problems with ATI games, but Iā€™ve never known anyone to experience these issues. Thatā€™s the whole point of what Iā€™m telling you, I know several people who are affected by ATI being shit, but nobody getting dumped on by nvidia.

There is a bunch of hidden shit in Donā€™t Starve the longer you stay alive. You can start building really elaborate stuff, and you find portals into other areas.

Whoā€™s playing dat Path of Exile on the Domination League? Add ā€œAbid_ā€

Itā€™s something like that. Most developers use Intel/NVidia based rigs instead of AMD, so off the bat games perform better on Intel/NVidia-based hardware since they were developed using them and are more optimized for that particular hardware(which is probably why you see so many games release on PC completely broken on AMD hardware.) Then again, as you say, some games perform better because they got moneyhatted by AMD early on and their games were made with AMD more in mind with the exclusive stuff they can do(TressFX for a random example.)

NVidia+Intel is the way to go, imo, and it still is, even with AMD powering next-gen consoles. NVidiaā€™s biggest market is PC, and theyā€™ll moneyhat the shit out of this gen and release drivers out the ass to make sure PC games released on their hardware run as good as they possibly can.

Weā€™ll all see how this goes once we start to see PS4/Xbox One console ports on PC. See if they run better on AMD hardware or Intel+NVidia.

Braid for $1.99. All weekend.

Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD Edition Coming to Steam

Sharper textures, 60fps, full controller support, Steam support (cheevos, trading cards, etc). Drops 2/27 for $19.99, preorders get an 80-page digital archive & the OST.

Got my fill on the HD console re-release, so Iā€™m good for now. Will add it to my wishlist for the future, though.


Why wont capcom release RE2 and RE3 on steam? Or better yet be cool and release REOutbreak File 1 and 2 on PC with online.

Cant you play those on an emulator or something though? Fuck all this rereleaseing of bullshit from my past. I want new shit.

RE1-3 had genuine PC ports. It would take no work for Capcom to release them on steam. The only port I care about is REmake as itā€™s the only main series game Iā€™ve yet to play