RAGE is GDLK. If you enjoy games with great gunplay and a serious feeling of impact and satisfaction to your weaponry, then play RAGE. It’s made by iD software, you have played one of their games before, right? If so, then you know what to expect from their games: Shoot motherfuckers 'till they’re dead.
Shotguns that shoot exploding shells? Yes, please. Not since Turok.
BioShock deal is pretty good.
Max Payne 3 is the best deal there, imo. Everyone should play it, it’s one of the best Third-person shooters of this entire generation. :tup:
Borderlands 1 and 2 are good games, but I couldn’t get into Borderlands 2 after dumping a 100 hours in Borderlands 1(the gameplay between them is practically identical, same with its quest system.)
Rage is ok, it’s just not great. My biggest gripe is the lack of campaign co-op; that kind of “wander the desert gathering loot” gameplay is hard to stick with unless you have a friend along for the ride. There is a co-op arcade mode of sorts, but you can blow through it in a night or two. Half the co-op missions are pretty darn fun, and half of them have annoying gimmicks like time limits which drag down the fun. The arsenal also doesn’t really have enough sense of power and recoil in the conventional firearms, and there’s not enough scifi weapons for an id game (though they added a nailgun in the DLC).
The best thing I can say about it is that it’s like Borderlands, but without the stupid XP/vertical progression/procedurally-generated loot elements torn from Diablo. A headshot will not fail to kill just because your weapon is underleveled for the area you’re exploring, and there’s no power creep…just a few sporadic ammo and optics upgrades. Also, if you’re on a gamepad, the vehicle controls utilize the analog triggers and feel more natural than vehicles in Halo or Borderlands… vehicle combat feels a little more like Twisted Metal and less like a joke.
To be fair, I probably would have played it more if my girlfriend wasn’t into FPS, and constantly making Rainbow Six or UT3 co-op a much more attractive option whenever there’s time to game. I basically had to sneak in Rage sessions while she was in the shower or studying for the bar, which doesn’t gel well with a long, time consuming RPG-like campaign. Plus my 360 RROD’ed shortly after buying it the first time, then when I finally got the PC version on Steam sale last year I just had too many other games I wanted to play.
I love and miss a lot of the stages and music in 2nd impact, it’d be nice to see them folded into a future port of 3rd strike, so a character’s stage randomly shows up in-game as either the 2i or 3s version for variety. Stuff like Ryu’s theme really founded the house/dnb themes further developed in 3rd Strike.
I don’t miss a lot of 2nd Impact’s character voices. Ryu had a frog in his throat (HWADWOOKWEN) and all the american characters had British accents…that’s the one aesthetic area where 3S improved across the board pretty much. I do like Necro’s 2I voice better though, that 3S falsetto shit is annoying.
+1 for RAGE’s driving mechanics actually being good. The VS mode is literally Twisted Metal lite.
Sucks it doesn’t have traditional deathmatch/TDM multiplayer modes, though. 8v8 or 16v16 would’ve been amazing in that games engine combined with its animations+gunplay.
Well you’re known to fail at reading comprehension, so there’s that. Doesn’t matter, though. You can go on thinking that, the SF3 series isn’t anywhere close to my favorite SF games anyway.
-Shit dialogue.
-Shit gameplay.
-Hallway level design.
-Characters are all lame.
-“Choices” that barely affect anything in the games.
-Very shallow RPG mechanics, which make you realize you’re just playing a mediocre third-person shooter.
-Aesthetics are shit. Unreal Engine 3 vaseline graphics.
The only thing I enjoyed about the Mass Effect game I played were the little Trophy dings that would popup when I was playing my rental copy.
Definitely getting the bioshock pack and ME3 those deals are insane. just wanted to add ME 1 and 2 are by far my favorite 3D games ever, huge fan, hope 3 isn’t as bad as people say, I played the MP beta and loved it.
And don’t talk shit about the characters.
Jack and Wrex are awesome.
Also liked that mercenary dlc dude from ME2.
Guy was cool. Shame you couldn’t enter conversation with him aside from his loyalty mission.
ME1 has a proper main storyline and boring side missions, ME2 has a dumbass main storyline and great side missions.
Both got boring mechanics, shitty customization and characters choices are worthless in both games.
Both give you a great illusion that your choice matters though (at least for the first playthrough or until you play the sequel) and make for a good space opera.
ME trilogy is certainly better than George Lucas’ Star Wars prequels lol
Man, max payne 3 is my fucking jam. It’s literally the perfect iteration of a max payne sequel/reboot.
I love the cutscene direction, fantastic art/colour design + an INCREDIBLE soundtrack. Holy shit I feel like playing some max payne 3 right fucking now.
ME1 was great because they bothered to write out an extensive universe and then showed it to you.
ME2 threw most of that away, the only positive thing I can say about it whatsoever is the dialog is better. The combat is the worst part, you just hide behind a wall and you’re invincible.
Never played 3 because it looked like more of the same and the ending looks even more generic than I was expecting.
Even a fan of the series is saying the mechanics(gameplay) is shit.
Take away the shit mechanics, and what are you left with? More shit in the form of a terrible story, shitty characters, combined with all the other crap I described. Jack was a shit character, by the way. Emo tomboy=good character? Come on. All I remember from Wrex was that he wasn’t human. Truly amazing and memorable character design there, good sir.
Honestly, the only reason ME is as big as it is is so Star Wars and Star Trek fans have something they can both wack off to together in unison.