The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Yeah I know that feel, I use PS3 fightsticks, nice that capcom patched AE up to standard, and most games are fine, but so many xbox ports half ass controller support.

X360ce is a godsend.
Also the 2D MK games are super jank when you don’t have nostalgia :stuck_out_tongue: entertaining, but they aren’t great… like UMK3 is '95 and Third Strike is '97…

I’ll give you a hint, one has aged much better than the other :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I’m just not an NRS fan, I try because batman+fatalities+cool character design, but I guess NRS just isn’t for me. I especially don’t like how 99% of the injustice community was begging for a faster walk speed and NRS just flat out said, “no we want to make our game,” ok that’s great, make your game, but then don’t be confused why it’s not the most popular.

Anyone else been playing solforge? F2P card game designed by brian kibler, I was shocked with how luck based it is…

I think modern MK games are clunkier, heavier and jankier than any of the earlier 2D games. :rofl:

I dunno, these older MK games have an odd appeal to me. I still think that aesthetically, they look good still. Same with Killer Instinct 1 and 2, dem digitized graphics.

UMK3 is a hella legit game, hard to say which I like better UMK3 or MK9.

This set and any LI Joe vs Shock set are so fucking good.

MKII is ok. Just be prepared to turtle a lot.

I just want to rush down in UMK3 all day.

Anyone still play Phantasy Star Online 2? It’s the PC game I’ve logged the most hours with, by a country mile if you’re not counting emulator stuff. I haven’t touched any of the PSO games since the first one on the DC, but I felt really at home with PSO 2. They did a good job matching some of the epic-feeling boss battles from the first game, while improving the engine a great deal (thanks in some part to the sequels in the interim, I’m sure).

I’m pretty sure there’s an English patch, but I’ve never messed around with it. I really wish it were on Steam; as MMOs go, it is at the top of my list- probably because it’s mostly an action game and not really a traditional MMO. And free to play, to boot. I think it’d be popular.

Looking at videos, I’m surprised to see how differently some people play the game, just in terms of actual excecution- I’ve never had much use for the over-the-shoulder FPS type view, but I guess it makes sense to use if you’re a mouse & keyboard player, and you’re playing a ranger type.

Anyone ever messed around with [Eryi's Action](  Looks a lot like I Wanna Be The Guy, but is, as I understand it, a less frustrating version.


Anyone played Beast Boxing Turbo?  Looks interesting.  From the title I thought it was going to be some Mutant League version of a boxing game, turns out I wasn't completely wrong:

Does anyone here prefer to play at 30/45 fps rather than 60+ fps? As in deliberately capping the framerate of a game to make it more “cinematic”…

Although a smooth 60+ framerate feels great to play with, it tends to reveal or exaggerate the look of fakeness to a game. Sometimes it’s just not meant to be.

  • Games like MGS2 or Call of Duty are an exception because they were developed with 60fps in mind. Otherwise, most games should remain capped or give you the option to do so.

Now in competitive multiplayer games that’s a different story, because you obviously need all the FPS you can get. Oh well I just want to know how some of you feel about this.

Btw, I use a handy program called ‘nvidia inspector’ to limit the framerate of just about any game I choose to.

So should have built a budget PC if you don’t even aim for 60FPS in most games. :rofl:

I think it depends on the genre, but I’m typically playing FPS games, Action RPG’s, Hack and Slash action games and the occasional racer, and it’s 60FPS or bust for those.

The buttery smooth feeling of 60FPS and the lightning fast inputs of playing a game at 60FPS is just too good. I’m the opposite - on my older rig I’d tone down resolution and graphical settings just to maintain 60+ FPS if the game I was playing on my old rig had trouble maintaining it with higher graphical settings.

Thankfully, I haven’t had to do this for any modern PC game other than Crysis 3(game runs like ASS on my rig, but it runs like ass on even beast rigs so I don’t mind. Dat lack of optimization can be felt.) Which is strange, because Crysis 2 runs amazingly well and Crysis 3 isn’t THAT huge of a leap when it comes to raw texture detail(not including the spiffy effects that game pulls off, which is becoming the norm in “next-gen” games.)

Nah bro, just because I don’t have an inclination for 60+FPS doesn’t mean I enjoy low setting graphics at even lower resolutions! :lol:

Yea it’s interesting to hear about other people’s view on this, although we’ve had a similar conversation concerning Doom and its original 35frame cap. :slight_smile: Strange how ppl like 60 frames in an old game like that.

Resident Evil 5 with 60fps felt awesome at first, but then I took notice of how different it just felt. Well I capped it to 30fps in the menu and it became fucking James Bond to me.

I play on ship 9.

I came back after SH came out. Quit almost a year ago when level cap was still 40 and the only thing to do was to MPA sky islands. (zzzz)

SEGA sitting on a gold mine for some reason, but I can understand their concerns.

Source: Neogaf.

I have to say I’ve been pleased with how often the game gets updates- new stages and bosses and missions, new story stuff, and 3 new class types since the game started and another one just a few months ago (katana/bow & arrow type). Sega of Japan seems to be supporting the game very well, what’s up with no official port/localization?

Their rate for new content is good I agree. It’s probably thanks to their iterations of PSU and it’s expansion that they have refined it enough to know exactly what to do as you mentioned before.

They are probably concerned with the way they handle their business as far localization goes for this game. The gacha system, by which is probably their biggest money seller might not bode well with audiences in the west as well as what appears to be their vast appeal to their female characters in-game.

Starting to get into CS:GO, who wanna hit up some casuals?

Also still need an inv into SRK group! Steam username - Honey G Strong

Don’t play CS:GO but got you an invite to the group :tup:

Amazon tempting those that are waiting for Black Friday/Cyber Monday

Bioshock Triple Pack $14.99
Max Payne 3+ Season Pass $6.99
GTA Trilogy (III Vice City San Andreas) $6.99
Borderlands GOTY & Borderlands 2 $11.99
Mass Effect 3 Digital Deluxe (Origin) $9.99
And more

I started playing Borderlands 2. I’d never played the first one, but I love this game. Also, Nomads are fucking hilarious.

No, before I got into fighting games I played a lot at 30 fps for even dumb shit like battlefield, after fighting games have trained my eye for 60 fps I can’t go back. My friend was like “check my youtube video to see if the colour capture is fine”

It was Deus Ex 3, I nearly lost my mind looking at how awful 30 fps looked.

So, Rage is on sale this weekend. May anyone here tell me if the game is really worth five bucks ? Also, is the single player mode available for this free weekend, or just the multiplayer ? I’m not really willing to download 20 GB just to find out…

Everything I’ve heard about rage is that it’s not good, but $5 won’t even get you a combo at mcdonalds (real men go for dat mcgang bang $3.62 anyways) so for $5 I imagine you will get more than $5 of fun out of rage.