The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

I got to see a bit of Heroes of the Storm at Blizzcon, didn’t wait the 2 hours to play though. I’m generally not a fan of the MOBA style games, but I like what they’re doing with it that makes me want to play. Keep the games short, actually have different maps with different objectives, no items/gold, no individual leveling (team shares a level), and of course every single hero is known before the game which brings a cool feel to it.

Skullgirls (Steam) is free to play for the weekend, starting now ending on sunday, or some shit. Its also on sale for 9.99.

Gameplay of Wrack doesn’t look wack. :tup:

Other aspects outside of the gunplay don’t stand out too much, though. I’d still try it out sometime anyway.

I got dat Grim Dawn Alpha, oh SHIIIIIIIIIET. Might stream!

Yup. Although Awesomenauts is taking up all my game time lately, it’s just too fucking good I see no reason to play any other multiplayer game lol.

Some more SRKers are messing around with the free Skullgirls release, if you see me online, feel free to beat me.

edit: FYI I couldn’t find the free version of Skullgirls, turns out it was already in my games library- I just had to download it. I know other people were having trouble locating it, as well.

Looking good

Looking into some game, curious if anyone have played any of these

Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage
Master Reboot

Anyone here interested in MK arcade collection, Guardians of Middle Earth and Gotham City Imposters DLC? None of my friends were interested in them.

I made a thread about Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage which landed on page 2 with 0 replies :smiley:

That game is THE SHIT.
People come here crying about how shit DmC is, that there’s no good games coming out like there used to be and that arcades are dying…

Tell you what Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage is a 2D sidescrolling, arcade style beat 'em up, I can only compare to Devil May Cry.
The game has gorgeous hand drawn gaphics, an amazing soundtrack which gets you blood pumping for the action at hand and tight controls that work perfectly on an arcade stick (gotta experiment with the button config though), you get rewarded for learning and mastering the game, it doesn’t hold your hand aside from a short tutorial.

You can upgrade your characters with items you can buy with currency or find in secret places and unlock new moves and combos with another form of currency.
The higher the difficulty and the better you are at playing the game and comboing motherfuckers, the more currency you get.
Both characters have distinctive playstyles and move sets and you can change on the fly who you’re playing.

I have no clue what the story is about but it looks like a pretty generic plot which doesn’t annoy me too much since the gameplay is fun and addictive.

The 4 difficulties and God knows how many secrets, as well as multiplayer (haven’t tried it yet and dunno how it works) should keep you coming back for more.

Honestly for 10 or 15 dollars or whatever it costs, you can’t go wrpng with this game, it’s fucking amazing and I’d love to see someone play it who doesn’t suck at video games like myself xD

I’ll take the MK Kollection if you still got it. I wouldn’t mind the GCI DLC, either.

50/50 on Guardians though. Is it RTS or an ARPG? If it’s an RTS I’d probably never play it. :rofl:

So Sonicabid, is that LotR: War of the North game good?

I’ve been going hard in it, and it’s pretty good, but it has quite a few problems.

Mostly the combat isnt that spectacular, but it gets the job done.

I like it. The game is fun.

Thing is I got the Grim Dawn alpha recently, and I’ve been playing that instead. It’s too good, you and Joshkaz need to play it since I’m sure you guys played all other recent ARPG’s like Path of Exile, Torchlight II and Diablo III. Its atmosphere+music shits all over those games(PoE does it the 2nd best, imo) and there’s just something about it that really sets it apart from those games as well.

Hitboxes are amazing in Grim Dawn too. You can dodge any ranged/melee attack with ease, I can’t say you can do the same about those other recent ARPG’s.

Guardians is somehow a worse moba than dota with even less explanation and thought put into the game design.

Hawking hooked me up with the MK Arcade Kollection. :tup:

Now I gotta hope my pad works with these games, then I gotta learn how to play them since all I ever learned to do in any MK game was jump in random button --> sweep. :rofl:

I think these old 2D games is when MK was at its best. It was all downhill once they switched to 3D.

Nice spritework and textures, but the level design appears to be straight out of Wolfenstein 3D, unfortunately. Less flat boxy rooms, please.

x360ce will grab your pad and work, you need 9.1 for the GFWL menu, default everything else pretty much.

I strongly question why you think these old 2D games are the prime of MK, for if this truly is the brightest light I wonder how NRS is in business still…

Holla at me on Steam, I play everything that’s multiplayer.

Honey G Strong

Is there an SRK group?

^ Streamed some of dat Grim Dawn if you guys want to check out a gameplay video before deciding to buy it or not. :tup:

I use a PS3 pad and it works fine with GGPO and every emulator I’ve tried, but it’s hit and miss with PC games.

2D MK games were the best. No real reason other than personal preference and opinion. UMK3 all day. You forget that Midway closed down a few years ago, and it was Warner Bros who bought the MK IP+gave Ed Boon and friends a new home. :rofl: