You need a weird sense of humor to enjoy watching Kids in the Hall.
That or, you enjoy watching dudes dress up as trannies for every other skit. I’m guessing you enjoy quite a bit of both.
You need a weird sense of humor to enjoy watching Kids in the Hall.
That or, you enjoy watching dudes dress up as trannies for every other skit. I’m guessing you enjoy quite a bit of both.
So did anyone get onto Valdis Story?
It’s kind of awesome. Feels reminiscent of the DMC series with Metroidvania level design. Kind of.
I spend a lot of time surfing for indie games, but hadn’t seen Valdis Story. It looks pretty nice, though I avoid anything with an XP system as a general rule.
…was this merged with another thread? There are 30 new posts, and none of them make sense.
re: 60fps v 30fps-
Heavily biased towards 60fps for visual reasons, but also because, practically, you run into problems with some SF games (SF2s, Alphas etc) when you drop frames. Playing on the current version of GGPO, when there is lag you drop frames instead of having the game slow down. When that happens, you find yourself having to deal with random invisible fireballs, and have to try harder to keep track of character movement etc. Even without rollbacks, 30fps isn’t really optimal, as can be seen in YouTube videos, since YT caps everything at 29 or 30fps, with a few odd exceptions.
But for cutscenes or anything that isn’t supposed to be “live”, 24 or 30fps is less of an issue. In general framerate isn’t something that I really notice unless I look for it- if there’s something pretty going on that I want to look at or I’m just checking in, etc. But if I’m in some sort of match or boss battle, I lose track of the frame rate pretty quickly, even if it’s problematic.
Holy Knight- As you said, it seems like there’s still a lot of potential profit in it for them, not to mention the fact that I think PSO2 is a genuinely good game…
Kids in the Hall was very hit or miss. Valdis Story will be copped during christmas sale for sure. People who think 60 FPS is the final word gospel mega awesomeest need to calm down and realize it isn’t that simple. For some genre like a fighting game or an FPS or a 3D action game that emphasizes combat sure 60 FPS takes precedence over visual effects however, generally outside of those genres 30 FPS can and does have it’s advantages in other genres IMO.
I bought Awesomenauts 3 months ago and have about 91 hours clocked so far lol, this game is too GDLK. It’s very similar to a fighting game because it emphasizes zoning, spacing, hit boxes, footsies more than having an optimal build order or whatever.
The only genre I see 30 fps being good in is David Cage non-games since there’s no gameplay you don’t need to react to anything, just pretend you’re watching a movie.
awwwwww shit
Doom 4 confirmed to be COD ripoff now.
In all seriousness from want I’ve read over the years Carmack hasn’t been actively involved in development of games for a long time and has been more of a quality supervisor like Miyamoto with Mario and Zelda. I remember there was an early build of Doom 4 that didn’t meet his standards, but they were keeping the concept of “Hell on earth” and that sounds really cool, I don’t think Carmack leaving officially will have a big impact on id.
Doom 4 will probably be canceled and Id will probably be absorbed into Bethesda, if they are lucky. Around this time last year, Bethesda told Id they had a year to wrap up Doom 4 and release it to high sales and rave reviews. That hasn’t happened yet. Instead, they admitted to having one horrible build they had to scrap completely, and later sources inside hinted at bad management and general disarray leading to the project going nowhere. Even if he had little direct involvement with the project, Carmack’s departure seems like the final nail in Id’s coffin.
And this is coming from an Id fan.
Dreams forever crushed.
This shit was inevitable. When iD let themselves get bought out by Zenimax, there was barely any of the OG’s left at the company that brought us the classic FPS games we love.
DOOM 4 should have been a $20 PSN/LIVE/Steam game, arcade-style in the vein of DOOM 1 and 2.
Now you guys need to play RAGE, it might be the last game iD ever puts out. :shake:
I actually agree with Zoo for once. KITH is very hit or miss. I’ve only watched a couple episodes over the years, and for every funny skit, there 5-10 dull as fuck once that couldn’t even make me crack a smile.
Having tried RAGE on Steam, I thought it was really fun. I’m snagging the weekend deal along with its DLC.
I still have a ton of games to play before I officially start my RAGE play-thru.
Syndicate(PC) on sale for $4.99 on Amazon!(Well you’ll need EA Origin, not that I give a shit anymore.)
Some screens:
I’ve been itching to play this game for a while. It looks great and it’s also from the same ppl who made The Darkness. Posting this here for people who might not have known about this game! :tup:
And for those who care, Manhunt 2 is actually available again and it’s currently $7.49 on Amazon. Imma get that.
Origin is basically Steam now. All the BS that was tied with the program before is gone.
Now as for the other shit like PunkBuster and those weird browser plug-ins they want you to install to play their FPS games…now those are another story.
Doom 4 confirmed to be COD ripoff now.
At QuakeCon of 2007, Id co-founder and legendary programmer John Carmack said Doom 4 was on the way. In 2008 they made it official, and over the coming years, Id dedicated one team to Doom 4 and another to their other shooter, Rage, which would be released in 2011. Both games were built on Carmack’s fancy new Id Tech 5 engine.
According to one source, Id originally imagined Doom 4 as a “rework” of Doom 2. This would establish a pattern started by 2004’s Doom 3, which Id saw as a re-imagination of the original Doom. In Doom 4, you’d play as an average human being who was gradually cajoled into joining the Resistance—a ragtag group of civilians and military—to help fight legions of demons that were invading Earth. It was… cinematic.
“People referenced Call of Duty,” said the source. “There were jokes like, ‘Oh, it’s Call of Doom.’ They referenced it because of the amount it was scripted—there were a lot of scripted set pieces. There was kind of the recognition that in order to be a big shooter these days, you have to have some amount of the big, bombastic movie experience that people get pulled through.“
Another source criticized this approach, telling me that it all felt rather mediocre: “The coolest part… were the horror and shock elements, unfortunately bookended by somewhat pointless and contrived shooting galleries of hoards of uninteresting enemies.”
One sequence was described to me as “the obligatory vehicle scene” in which players would take the gunner’s seat of a car and shoot demons as the computer drove. If you think that sounds rather generic, you’re not alone.
Yep, Chubzdoomer (the guy who made the video above) was right all along. This is indeed what Doom would be like if it was released today. =(
Carmack leaving iD just means less distractions for Oculus Rift stuff. could be a good thing.
Playing Path of Exile. I’m loving it. :tup:
Syndicate(PC) on sale for $4.99 on Amazon!(Well you’ll need EA Origin, not that I give a shit anymore.)
I’ve been itching to play this game for a while. It looks great and it’s also from the same ppl who made The Darkness. Posting this here for people who might not have known about this game! :tup:
And for those who care, Manhunt 2 is actually available again and it’s currently $7.49 on Amazon. Imma get that.
Yeah, I was curious to try that when it was on the way, but it was between when my last 360 RROD’ed and when I got my new gaming PC, and by the time I had my rig, I’d forgotten about it. I’m a big fan of one of the artists on that game, Torvenius. He does very organic, creative weapon designs:
More of his stuff here:
Anyway, it’s supposed to have a pretty good co-op mode, so maybe I’ll pick it up now that it’s on sale.
They made a fps out of Syndicate?
Good bye cruel world