The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

You can’t gift individual steam codes anymore, the new system binds all steam codes to a steam account that has to be tied to your humble bundle account.

Maybe you can and I’m just dumb but it doesn’t seem like it…

The only weird thing now is needing to link your steam account to redeem keys. If you to gift the games you have to click on the gift icon on the download screen, copy the url and send it to whomever you want to gift it to.

So if I redeem a key now, so I can copy/paste it, its linked to my Steam account? Like, once I redeem it I cant give it to someone? Thats lame if so.

You get no cdkey anymore.
It just pops up in your steam library now.

Thats lame but convenient. I always get these bundles for just 1 or 2 games and always give the others away. Trying to make it a hassle to do that.

It’s like this now to prevent people from reselling the keys. It always been a huge problem for them as people buy the bundle multiple times for that purpose. With major devs and publishers getting on board with humble bundle they needed an effective solution. I personally have nothing against this new policy as I felt it was fucked up how people would cheat a charity.

YESSSS! F.E.A.R. 1 is unlocked! i know what i’m installing today.

This is really pissing me the hell off

I can log into the Steam application just fine but I can’t on the site it keeps saying my info is wrong when it’s the same info I use to log into the account. My friend tried to log onto his and it’s doing the same shit. I only spent five dollars but this is still mad irritating. ARe the accounts on the steam community site and the application site supposed to be different or something

For anyone who has Arkham Origins I’m willing to give my costume DLC key. PM if interested.

This happened to me too, until I realized what was going on. I was beginning to think that someone hacked into my Steam account.

You’re can’t log in with your registered email, you have to use the account name. For me it happened to be my email address without the

Ditto. Same goes with the Guardians of Middle Earth stuff

That’s not working either, I’ve tried logging in with my email, my steam account, and my steam display and none of them work.

Demon I’ll take the Scribblenauts code if no one else has already. FEAR 2 multiplayer was too good, btw. Oldschool, arena-style MP. I wonder if people are playing it more now on PC because of this bundle, because it died way too fast on console. :shake:

The new way of giving away codes now seems weird, though.

Told you that’d be one of the free games they’d add later on. :tup:

Do you have steam guard enabled on your account? Check to see if that’s causing the issues.

PMed that to you SB. How it is redeeming the HB codes now?

@Lord_Raptor are you logged in to your Steam account on your browser? I believe it needs to be from the browser.

Thanks, man. You and @Exodus. are GDLK. :tup:

If anyone has a code for Gotham City Imposters/Mortal Kombat: Arcade Kollection or FEAR 1/2, let me know. FEAR 2 I’d want for the waning hope people are playing its multiplayer. :rofl:

The new activation method is weird. It went something like this:

-Receive code link.
-Go to Humble Bundle.
-Give Humble Bundle E-mail info and name.
-Get an E-mail code from Humble Bundle to “redeem” your gift.
-“Redeem” code links you to the Steam website with a unique browser link.
-Have to log into Steam through your web browser.
-Steam e-mails you a code to verify it’s you trying to access your Steam account.
-Give Steam the code it asks for through your browser.

Overall it’s tedious as shit, but it seems to be a one-time thing. After I went through this for one key from Exodus, I clicked a link Demon just gave me and it took me to the humble bundle page, asked me for my info again(name, e-mail) it sent me an e-mail, and as soon as I clicked it, it took me to a page to redeem the gift, and as soon as I clicked “redeem” it automatically redeemed it to my Steam account. Humble Bundle saves your info.

I believe they did this so people wouldn’t re-sell CD keys.

I got online for Star Wars Battlefront 2 on steam for the 1st time yesterday.

I had the game for ps2 for years now.
I thought I was good at the game.

after yesterday…I was wrong.

I got shot down like a mangy rabid dog in the streets.

and damn, all Tomb Raider games are on steam…yes!
underworld was dope on pc.

and all Prince of Persia games too.
I <3 Ubisoft.

Bob Lawblaw

Code taken. Ooops.

Already redeemed. :rofl:

Always wanted to see what that game was about. The multiplayer looked fun to me.

The game is F2P so you can still check it out. The DLC available in the bundle is that you have access to everything from the start.