The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Is there any reason to skip black friday sale and spend your monies on christmas sale instead? I remember last year there wasn’t as they both offered 66% or 75% off almost everything

Oh and understand that having me on your friends list is an honor not a privilidge.

Been following this game in-progress, Overgrowth, for a while and haven’t pre-ordered yet, but the combat and platforming gameplay looks really solid and way better than solutions a lot of other games use. The combat system is based on actual exchanges of blows, instead of just pumping out canned combos. While the choice of rabbits as avatars seems silly at first, it actually makes the high-speed running and jumping animate more believably.

Well, let me say it in this way, but look first at all here:
At the last Black Friday, Sleeping Dogs was only 50% off, on the Christmas sale 66% off. Due to a bug even 91% off lol. So they might give better deals on Christmas, especially for newer games . Also possible that the base price of a game gets lower after the next sale. Just buy the games, you really want to play.
My 2 cents for this one.

Overgrowth reminds me of another game, which begins with an “L”, forgot the name though. Wasn´t actually bad.

Christmas sales has more company bundles IIRC so if there’s a specific company which has all their games that you want to own but don’t it might be a christmas only sale.

Also christmas sale will have trading card nonsense integrated into buying sales (this is my hypothesis).

Christmas will have will community choice and flash sales on top of the regular sales.

So always skip black friday and wait for christmas, cool. I’ve been following Overgrowth for the past 2 years, it’s really interesting, but I can’t see myself paying more then $5 for it lol.

That trading card shit is crazy. What the fuck do people spend money on that shit for? Anyway…got me $7.65 selling bullshit to chumps.

Bought Dungeon Hearts when it was on sale and have become addicted to it for the present time. If you like puzzle games it’s worth a look- also available for Mac and iPad.

It’s a match-3 type game sort of in the vein of Columns or Bejeweled or I guess Candy Crush, to be more current, but instead of falling down like Tetris or falling into place, they scroll across the screen, and you have to group them before they roll offscreen. Game has an RPG aesthetic, though- when you clear/destroy stuff your characters attack (think Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo), and when the CPU has an icon/stone that gets through, you get hit, or poisoned, slowed, etc.

Think I’m gonna pick up Long Live the Queen since it was on sale for $10.

Since this is a PC gaming thread, I want to bounce a question off there folks here and settle a argument elsewhere.

For a PC build I think its always a good idea to go with a PSU with a higher Wattage rating that what you need.
This other guy disagrees, saying that it be wasting money.

My Question is, from PC gaming aficionados, what do you think?

Also PC is King.

I’ve had early access to that over the past 2 years.
It hasn’t had enough to keep my interest past 10 hours.

I bought SFIV and Skullgirls with trading card loot.

I’m biased with you, as I am also in that other thread hueheuheuheuheuheu but hardcore pc gamers are going to do crazy stuff like run two linked cards + i7 + tons of cooling + overclock it all… They’ll be gunning for the most expensive PSUs on the market.

That game is pretty cool, my boy KBF was streaming it, be careful though. The game is pretty unforgiving.

So, has anyone tried out Blade Symphony? I saw it on the Humble Bundle store, and it looks pretty interesting.

When I build my PC in June I bought this PSU

850W is more than I needed but I wanted to future proof in the event I get other hardware that might be power hogs. I like the reassurance that I don’t want to worry about power as I have more than enough

I agree. Most underestimate having a good PSU and sink most of their money into their GFX cards and shit. Sometimes running SLI isn’t even worth the money when that could go into something like a better MOBO, CPU, etc. If you have higher end card (I prefer NVIDIA over AMD), one should be enough to play on max settings.

Then again, I have a gaming laptop cause I like the “portalability”. I use the term loosely cause that thing is a bohemoth. :rofl:

I prefer PCs for certain genres of gaming
RTS and FPS are give aways, as I do much better with a Keyboard and mouse then I ever do with a Standard game pad for those games.
Some games like Baston or Skyrim I think are better on PC.

You are more limited on consoles, although for alot of retro games I prefer the original hardware to emulators.
bSNES can never hold up to a Real SNES in my eyes.

Won through that a 90% off coupon for a game called “Knightshift” and another time one for L4D2, same value.
I get a lot of these cards, through buying these TF2 or Dota 2 keys. I mean Lost Planet costs in my region 20€, but I can get a ROW version for 5 TF2 keys and 3 ref, people are crazy for these keys, which is roughly 10€, so if I want this game now, then it would make more sense to buy it through keys, but not for this game.

@Darksakul Add MMORPGs to that list as well. The hardware limitations are the biggest downside in consoles. It’s acessible for those that lack funds or knowledge. Building a PC isn’t hard. Just takes time to research the hardware and then it’s Lego status after that. :rofl:

I agree. I can teach a 8 year old in about an hour how to build a PC. And that includes stopping to break for juice and cookies.
And MMOs on the Xbox 360 hurts my soul.