The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

WOW! Never heard of it before, just watched the trailer it looks and sounds amazing. We need more roguelike action platformers.

I got Shadow Warrior:Classic Redux/DukeNuke:Megaton today, and itā€™s fucking awesome. I have to thank @RagingDemonStorm for mentioning the bundle first.:tup:

I canā€™t remember the last time Iā€™ve had this much fun and laughter from games. Iā€™m definitely going to get the new Shadow Warrior.

You should get the new Rise of the Triad instead, imo.

Check out the old Rise of the Triad too, itā€™s made by some of the same guys who made Shadow Warrior and Duke. Itā€™s good times, too, youā€™re guaranteed to like it if you like Duke/Shadow Warrior. :tup:

When I first saw the trailers for the new ROTT, I thought it was just too OTT. Hahaha but I also thought the same when the new Shadow Warrior was unveiled, although it was funny as hell.

But my opinions have changed now that Iā€™ve played the other games, so Iā€™ll get both RotT and SW at a another time when the deals are ripe.

Added the following people on Steam, let me know if I missed anyone:
MyAwesomeAfro (huggy bear)
Squire Grooktook
AGE_StagedFighter 4 aka 141 2/3% Chance of Winning (oilforthewin)
ExodusWM (exodus.)
RunawayAvenger (hawkingbird)

I also created a group named SRKGD, which will serve no purpose.

I look forward to seeing your names pop up some time, but never actually getting any games in.

My steam tag is tsdcs.

Edward Buttholehands sent you a friend request

Can I has friend req too?

Then you guys can see me boot up Steam to not play Steam games. :rofl:

Steam ID is in my sig. Iā€™ll be down for some KOF. I also play Unreal and maybe when Skullgirls is on sale Iā€™ll be on that.

@blueleon I actually just bought it today lol. Iā€™ve havenā€™t played a classic Nukem style shooter since Turok 2 and never with a mousepad.


You got oldschool Shadow Warrior too?

Good shit. In for a good time. Might stream some oldschool Shadow Warrior in the future. I planned on streaming the new Shadow Warrior, but ehā€¦it didnā€™t really hook me. Iā€™ll give it another try again at some point, though.

Man, so does anyone know where they might be doing a good sale of super street fighter 4 AE or have an extra code they are looking to get rid of? I should have hopped on the sale they were having a while back but didnā€™t for whatever reason.

I was gonna get whatever was the top card next year but I might wait another year to see whats happening

Steam always has a huge Holiday sale for the whole week of Black Friday/Cyber Monday. Almost everything goes 10-33% off all week, but if you pay close attention, almost any game youā€™re looking for will have a 24 hour sale for 50-75% off. So basically, by the time November hits youā€™re better off saving all your purchases till then, cause you pay way less.

Thatā€™s how I got SSF4AE myself.

Christmas sale.

The autumn sale was cut short and marketed as Halloween, UNLESS thereā€™s a sick black friday/cyber monday sale, this past capcom sale was the first time SFIV dropped below $10 so not jumping on it was crazy.

Donā€™t remember getting a FR from you, Iā€™ll double check and send you one if I need to.

I was editing my profile on Steam and stumbled upon avatars from Double Dragon Neon. A re-release is just what it needs. They can add a lot of features that werenā€™t in the console versions.

I hate the 3D models in Neon though. Gameplay looks solid.

I like the models, I guess Iā€™m just a horrible person.

Humble Bundle store with games like Natural Selection 2, Chivalry on sale.

Haketh89 is my steam ID

Primarily playing POE and Shumps though.

I didnā€™t know jade empire came out on pc i use to play it a bit on xbox. Trying to buy it through GOG but it wonā€™t download for some reason.