For Family Sharing to work you have to temporarily give someone access to your main account? I don’t like the sound of that.
Thats why its family sharing. You’re suppose to share with family, people you trust. Besides I think I broke some rule by giving someome else my login info. Anway, use a temp password and get on some kinda chat with the person before you start.
I have people in my family I wouldn’t trust for shit. Anyway, I didn’t think they would go that route with family sharing. So much could go wrong.
Yeah, I was pretty nervous today when sharing with some dude Ive never actually met. But whatever, at the same time he was logged into my account I was logged into his.
Seriously I just want to tell people to shut the hell up about “I have to give people my account info to share my games WTF.”
Well no shit sherlock, what the fuck is wrong with people sometimes? If you dont trust the person in your family with that info then simple dont give them your fuckin login. Do it when you are at their house or some other shit.
People will just complain about all kinds of stupid shit.
I don’t blame people wanting a less risky method of sharing their games. I expected it to be like the Xbone’s ill fated digital family share plan.
New Humble Bundle drop from WB
Arkham Asylum and City Both GOTY of course
F.E.A.R. 2 and 3
LOTR: War in the North
Scribblenauts Unlimited
Maybe if they add MK9 and/or the MKHD Collection I’ll buy it
Also Super Meat Boy is $2.99 on Steam right now
I’ll wait towards the end of the bundle when more games usually get added. As is Batman games is all I want and I already have everything else.
Amazing bundle too bad I have both Batman games and just bought the Fear collection.
Scribblenauts Unlimited alone is worth $4.62. Scribblenauts is the truth.
Steam sale- I recently discovered Call of Juarez: Gunslinger (fun old west FPS), and that is on sale for $7.50 as is FarCry3, or both together for $12.50.
Portal 2 is on sale for $5, or you can get 1 & 2 together for $8.75.
All of the Devolver stuff (Serious Sam, Shadow Warrior, Foul Play, Dungeon Hearts etc) is also on sale for the weekend.
Speaking of which, anyone tried out Foul Play? I don’t know about the fighting system, but the game seems to have a lot of personality.
^Yeah I think that’s the main draw is the personality and story. It’s no Streets of Rage or even Castle Crashers but from the demo I played I thought it was a lot of fun.
Does anybody play kof13 on pc? I need some people to play with. Steam: FadedRevolution
I have it but havent played much. Its my first kof game and im terrible.
Wow, Shadow Warrior: Classic Redux is only $2.50. Buy that shit, @TS it’s better than both CoJ: Gunslinger and Far Cry 3(Gunslinger is really good, though.)
All Serious Sam games ever for $14.50 is fucking amazing, too.
add me man im not that great and im still trying to learn stick
I appreciate how steam marketplace turns my trading cards into free games like skullgirls
Anyone try out Risk of Rain? Game sounds hype to me, a platforming action Roguelike? Dope.
Add me for kofxiii