The PC gaming Thread. Steam/GOG/Origin/Etc. Game/Software/Hardware talk

Surprised @sikwidit hasn’t been in yet but KOFXIII is on sale for 15 bucks on steam.

people have been saying the netcode’s better than console but i haven’t tried it yet.

Seriously just found out it was 15 bucks and almost made another account just to buy it again. lol

For anyone curious The netcode is VASTLY improved. If you are close enough to people(probably a couple states difference) and have a 3 or 4 bar connection then you will, the majority of the time, get AMAZING connections.
It is even possible to get great 2 bar connections.

If you are interested at all in kofxiii and want to play against people. Please pick it up.

The player base on steam is still growing but you will be able to get matches. Hopefully the sale brings in alot of players.

You could do this, or you could gift me a copy instead. :rofl: :tup:

I’m gonna get it. Only fighter that really appeals to me at all any more.

All the fighters that appeal to me I play on GGPO.

I’d play console FG’s if Capcom ported CvS2. :shake:

I’m so fucking bad at fighting games, I shouldn’t even be on SRK :rofl:, I’m pretty sure I’d get slaughtered by people that care enough to play on ggpo. I should try GGPO at some point.

Definitely take the time to get GGPO/Supercade going. Amazing experiences on there, and there are people that are a part of the community that are fucking awesome(D-bags too, but you can’t avoid D-bags in an online space.) Way smoother netcode than any port/re-release of modern FG you can play on console, as well.

If you get it going, let me know. I’ll play anyone in Alpha 2/Super Turbo/3S.

I would, but I lack even a penny until this new gig starts up. Oh well Steam.

Word. I got KoFXIII and Im just terrible. My fingers dont know where to go and I have trouble doing the simplest combos. Im so use to 6 button games and this is a 4 button game. But you use button combos to do shit or something so it is like a 6 button game. It really confuses me. Im gonna keep playing though as I do like it. I would probably do ok in Alpha 3 on ggpo though. Like riding a bike…



Got me a Dualshock 4 for the PC and whatever else, the control feels like sex but when I tried to use it for Sleeping Dogs the controls started to freak out so I guess I need to do some configuration. I played my brother for a hour in the 3S and yeah the control is hella legit. Great improvements all around compared to the Dualshock 2/3 series so kudos to you Sony.

Don’t forgot the USB cable though, Galaxy S3 USB cables do work if you have one lying around.

Was it just plug and play like the 360’s controller? I’ve heard a couple different people say that the controller feels amazing and I’m temped to get it even though I don’t have any plans to get a ps4 for a long while :rofl:

Does any body have any experience using a ps3 madcatz stick on PC? I couldn’t find anything substantial online on it…

Yeah it’s plug in and play (need an USB too), it has trouble working with steam though.

I tried it with Left 4 Dead and no response, and Bioshock Infinite isn’t working either for some reason (the lightbar is on though), Sleeping Dogs causes it to freak out but I’m gonna test it again.

If you’re looking for a great pad controller for GGPO or emulation in general this one is it.

I used to use a PS3 madcatz SE a few years back on my old laptop and it worked great, didn’t work on my new laptop though, assuming the newer drivers these days don’t support it anymore.

Check out Path of Exile. It’s on steam, it’s free and it’s awesome!

So, the game actually released? I’ll have to play it. I enjoyed what I played of the beta. I think I paid for that beta.

Yeah it’s been officially released about 10 days ago.

Typing of the dead is so damn fun I never thought i would find these games fun but damn. I love the stayin alive mini game, I can’t get past wave 10 though

Has anyone other than myself gottn into the Steam Sharing Beta? If you have and want to share my games just PM me and I will give you my log in info so you can play my crap. No srk noobs though.

What it doesnt seem to tell you is that in order to share you have to have the other persons login info, login with their credentials and authorize their PC.

Edit - I never got any kind of Invite or anything to the beta but I am in it. So check your settings, if you’ve been opted into the steam beta you may very well be in the sharing beta and not even know it.

Guacamelee is today’s steam’s daily deal. Jumped on that

Tried that Steam sharing today. It was a bit of a hassle to get working but its pretty neat. Now I have access to like 30 games that I dont have.

First you give the person you want to share with your login info, log out of steam. Then they log in on your account. When they do that you will be sent and email with a code you have to give to that person. Then they enter the code and are logged into your account. Then they just authorize your pc like they did their own. Then they log out of your account and back into their own and they have a list of shared games.

Just make a temp password or something as its a one time thing.