Edit: Now that that but bit of rage has subsided, let’s go over a few things.
Like the fact that since I haven’t played since Turok & He-Man were released, I had didn’t have to tweak my build for certain heroes.
Game pretty much plays the same, although inhibitors not coming back after a set time is fucking stupid & I’m probably not going to play this shit until they find someway to do something about that aspect. Going for Orb Prime while lanes are open to getting swarmed? The fuck.
All in all, with the amount rage quitters & inhibitor changes, won’t really touch this if I’m not playing with people I know.
Nag I’m done with this game until they stop making utterly retarded decisions with this game. These monkeys can’t balance a game for shit. These niggs would probably remove rock and add scissors to rock, paper, scissors to “balance” the game
Bruh, you have tanks with good damage scaling, travel mode is nonsense, towers and core are hella weak, super minions are op as fuck, casters suck. This game is a joke right now.
Tanks that build damage aren’t tanky and easily killed. When they actually build tank the damage they have is crap.
Ranger nerf is indirect buff for mages. Howitzer, fey, dekker and Muriel are good. Only thing Mages need now is slightly better scaling on spells late game. They have highest damage output early game next to fighters. Rangers are weak until card power 35-40 after nerf instead of 20-25.
Super minions should be strong, want inhib back go get prime. Tower strength isn’t an issue. Good communication and rotation keeps towers up, play with a team.
People can just stack 3 fighters, run around the map, be tanky as fuck and still output bullshit damage. Mages are so bad in this meta and they can’t do their job, it’s a joke. Minions move too slow up the lane in addition to the fact that mages waveclear times are pathetic. Try to push an undefended lane and get nowhere because the entire enemy team can rotate to your lane in two seconds to gank you.
Highest damage output early game you say? Let’s not forget that most mage’s kits are DOTs so good luck landing all that damage that also has terrible scaling. The TTK is also so long that you will indeed be swiftly rotated on by 3 people before your first skill even comes off CD thanks to travel mode.
Oh, and if you’re attacked by a fighter just run because 8 times out of 10 you cannot fight back if they know what they’re doing. The outplay potential in this game is next to zero because of combat speed, nonexistent movement speed penalties, and raw stats.
It’s funny because I will look at people’s builds, seen not one defensive item except maybe health yet they don’t get disintegrated instantly when it comes to fights.
They way some people play would leave them severely underfarmed in any other game in existence. Not this one tho lmao.
This is mainly a fighter rant but seriously, travel mode needs to go, laning mechanics needs a look at, tanks and warriors need to be seperate classes, and mages need to be buffed. No one will stick with this shit if it remains like this.
3 fighters roaming aren’t getting levels, card power and losing towers. Wards give vision to see where people are moving so that you rotate and stop them while teammates split push and take towers.
Mages are strong early and have the best wave clear. Wtf are you even talking about? You’re not clearing waves faster than iggy, gideon, fey or gadget.
Fighters that build tank DO NOT have crazy damage output. You’re completely wrong. They have to build damage to melt people and get wrecked themselves when they get hit.
And I hope you aren’t basing this around solo queue where idiots run around with their head cut off and unable to communicate properly. Just lol.
Go watch pro tourneys on anothernotch and paragonmasters, git gud, get out of low Elo, play with people on mic.
I would happily have you play with me and my peeps to show you.
Hey I’m a paragon noob (only level 8) but I’m having a lot of fun. I really like Servarog and I’m looking to build my own custom deck. What’s a good place to check for resources on how to stack it?
Nigga, I’ve BEEN playing with you, you were one of the randoms I added who wasn’t terrible. Matter of fact, we played last night with that Murdoc who kept soloing Orb Prime.