Folks! Glad to the see the thread is still somewhat active.
I need peeps to play with - badly. I don’t like referencing Agora since it’s not official, but I went from 1375 to 1301 just this week. I can’t take this solo queue situation anymore.
Lately I’ve been playing Greystone, Belica, Steel, Iggy, Gideon and Murdock. I sadly had to retire my TwinBlast after the nerfs.
Epic ID: CTGx
PSN: Utmost-Nutszo
Yo, it’s worth the five minute penalty. I gave folks a chance after her buff, but I’m done. She screws up team comp to a ridiculous level - even with the random person whose actually good.
We got a pretty good group and play pretty regularly.
We play with mics, but if you don’t it’s whatever. Just help in team fights, rotate to protect towers and ward.
Mics are fine - actually they’re more than welcome. It’ll be nice to actually be able to strategize on the fly instead of hoping people understand the context of my pings.
Kallari doesn’t fit well in this game. Her role doesn’t make sense at this time. She’s supposed to pick off weakened targets but people build tanky on everyone so that they can survive long enough for the team to show up. Travel mode fucks a lot of shit over, including her. Once it’s removed or slower she may do a lot better.
She can’t lane, protect towers and her wave clear is awful. You have to babysit her or she dies a lot early. She can’t survive any laner being aggressive.
But then she’s a crap in jungle too. Best junglers have CC. Khaimera, rampage, grux all have something for a successful gank. All she has is knife throw…Not only that but wards make her stealth absolutely useless. It doesn’t help that if there’s a enemy kallari and you both are in stealth the entire team can see you.
If you don’t win early and end the game before card power 45+ she’s a wasted slot. It’s the same in any other moba. If it goes late game she’s garbage in team fights and the only thing she can do is split push.
Know what? If you all are on again tonight I’m playing her & I’m mid lane. If people hadn’t of talked shit I wouldnt even be playing her. Now I have to show y’all.
Hold the fuck up, no more defensive dunks? Are you fucking serious?! So if an inhib is gone, its just gone. The back & forth for Orb Prime is basically null. I might actually not play this shit now.
Who came up with this? “We want players more aggressive.” For what? Hanging back & gameplanning is the point of a MOBA no? So we just have three lanes with useless shit on the sides now…smfh
Yea, OP change is interesting. I don’t like it, but I’m willing to give it a shot. If nothing else, this reinforces my decision not to play solo queue anymore. At least before when someone does something dumb leading to a downed inhib, we have a shot at getting it back.
I honestly don’t understand the obsession with short games. Am I the only one that enjoys a good 45-50 min game? Games were only going an hour or more when your team (or the opponent) doesn’t know how to capitalize on mistakes and won team fights. They’d rather jungle or spend CXP instead of taking down 2-3 defenseless towers.
Don’t know why anyone is surprised by the dumb decisions this “balance” team makes. Everyone’s fighting so hard to make Paragon “not like other Mobas” that they are willing to accept it being a broken mess. This game is in a very shitty state and I can’t fathom why it’s been allowed to go on this long.
It’s not in a shitty state atm, things here & there, but this next update is all around fucking retarded. Third person game where it’s just offense offense offense, I have games for that.
I didn’t like mobas till this one, finally finding competent people to play with & game plan was great. The rate its going everyone’s gonna figure out who’re the stronger characters & just pick them every game.