Showed my buddy this trailer,
“So, they added a good version of Kallari?”
boy do I love doing shit like this.
Seeing someone trying to get away from my homies, and then brutally crushing their dreams.
Especially with Narbash and Grim.EXE, nothing like thunking a runner or coming through with a GTFO.
Been watching some streams - Countess is gonna be a problem. She’s a melee burst damage caster, so she doesn’t have to worry about attack speed or armor. Just stack a ton of health, damage, pen and a bit of mana. Her default cooldowns are really good too. Imsko is demolishing fools right now.
BTW, her ultimate is currently bugged. It’s not scaling with cards, so the damage seems to be capped around 680-690 or something. Epic is aware of the problem.
Down an Inhib, they took Prime for a THIRD time & were busy team fighting on in mid Inhib we’d just taken
And Gideon tried some slick shit
When they surrendered right after I died laughing
Probably gonna tweak my build, 3k health seems a bit much lol
To be fair, that Gideon was going to die whether you were there or not.
If it were Greystone, or Rampage, or Khaimera, then it’d be a threat.
Dude is all burst with no sustain, and he used his only exit to get in.
Tfw you go 9/4/8 as Narbash and you lose because of a shite team.
Why you gotta kill my vibe nigga Lol?
I was more or less shocked that even with the prime buff he still got melted.
I went like 11 - 4 with him a few days ago.
How the fuck do you let Narbash get the most kills on your team?
Like, I was so shocked that it overpowered my pride.
And yeah we fucking lost.
I just had a game with Narbash where I was testing my tank build. My main cards are
x3 spiked boneplate
x2 Tunes Barrier
x1 tempered plate
x1 Throned Greenweave
And circlet of health for lolz.
Once I got that defense up niggas couldn’t touch me. I just walked distracted people while my team pushed lanes. Felt good man.
…i have 4…
So not only did they announce Crunch, another blog post stated the new map Monolith that would be replacing Legacy & all the new changes are coming next month. December 6th.
I’m tired of all these fighters and casters. Can we get a friggin’ Ranger? And TB’s rework better be legendary for how long it’s taken.
I think I have 6 total.
Yea I got tons of Spiked Boneplates. Think I’m done buying card packs until crafting makes it in. At this point, I’m missing maybe like 20 cards and the chances of them popping up in card packs ain’t great.
I truly hope they fix matchmaking. Getting into games where your established team completely steamrolls a team of blatant noobs isn’t fun for me if I haven’t been drinking.
Had a game last night where the opposite teams best player was a Rampage that finished 1- 1- 1. That was in a 34 minute game.
Crunch is fucking tight yo.
I’m done with Paragon until the new map hits. Right now it’s just a waste of time. I’m fully anticipating having to recreate all my decks.
Speaking of which, spend your rep on deck slots - not card packs. Having room for specialized counter decks will win you games. Hate Muriel? Put together a special deck for a Corruption character with Scourging Tails - problem solved, etc.
How is it a waste of time?
Also why waste a whole deck slot when you can just add the situational cards into an existing deck?