i second that notion
You seem to take my post way outta context. I never said I was the master of all Eagle matchups that you claim you are. But till you can use Eagle on your team consistently and prove me wrong, your all just theory and talk. You used team A Yare at the tournament I was at, and you used it at Evolution. I mean its great that you love the character that much, but I never see you use him except against a few players I had little doubt you could have beaten easily anyways. So as knowledgable as you are with Eagle, if you don’t trust your ability to use him in a tournament, I (and most other people) have no reason to believe Eagle is all that. I mean you are the #1 supporter of Eagle, yet you use A Blanka/Sak/Bison. So how am I supposed to ever see a good Eagle player when they don’t ever use their Eagles ever or flee to BSB when the going gets rough?
So instead of making it look like everyone is dissing you, please prove it via action. You are a great A BSB player, but I hardly ever see or hear of your Eagle coming out when the going gets tough. So all those favorable matchups you claim… its hard to accept them.
As far as Blanka, by hop I meant dash. And if Dash CC doesn’t work… if it is free damage every time, then tell me how people from SBO2 finals to Evo to random ass local tournaments get hit by that shit? It hits everyone, there by is a pretty valid tactic.
And BTW… please name a good Eagle player… I mean I’ve seen CFiend use him in COUNTER CHAR MATCHUPS and against PEOPLE HE COULD BEAT WITH RANDOM SELECT. I ain’t ever seen anyone make Eagle a gotta have staple on a team like I have seen with Ken, Guile, Sak, Sagat, Bison, Blanka etc etc.
You want me to play you next time Sak vs Eagle. I’ll do so in casual play. I’ll play C Sak vs Eagle. You can prove to me exactly how good this matchup is. I don’t even play Sak, but I am pretty confident against Eagle.
but wait, buktooth just said tourney performance doesn’t mean much, and sawada could win evo with A-random character/bison/blanka. but whatever.
yes, i was training with A-blanka/sak/bison because that was the team i wanted to use at cleveland and evo. i wanted bison’s CC to comeback, that’s all. i beat VDO using A-eagle, and he was my toughest competitor the entire tourney at cleveland. i beat RF in casual at evo and my eagle took out his whole sakura and 3/4 of his bison, and RF got top 8. i know i know, casual play doesn’t mean anything, but RF wasn’t messing around.
dash CC with blanka doesn’t work against eagle because eagle’s crouching fierce punishes it so well, you just have to be looking for it or (gasp) just block after blanka hops at you instead of getting baited.
good eagle players? roger williams and apoc. alex walbert and arturo used to use him. roger williams uses a lot of characters though, so he doesn’t have one team that he always uses with eagle on it. combofiend used eagle to beat lots of socal players in tourney situations, like amir, valle, etc etc etc.
okay, play C-sak against me. cuz if the match is so lopsided, then it’ll be an easy win for you irregardless of how good your sakura is, right? doesn’t sakura own eagle worse than sagat? we’ll see.
you really need to stop bringing your eagle BS in here…yes we know YOU think he is top…keep it at that.You jus completely cluttered this thread with eagle crap…again
and he doesn’t counter p-cammy…no one does…she is god
hey buck would you agree that p-cammy is the single best character in the game??She jus never gets to show how good she is because the limitations of p- and the other characters that follow.I hinestly think if this game was 1 on 1 she would be the best …hands down…discuss?
yep… we’ll see. Only reason for me to play C or N Sak is cuz i don’t even know my successrate with her CC seeing as how i don’t play A much anymore. But yea I’m down. See I’d rather settle shit by playing the game rather than us both post 2342341232123 word essays which ends up with “I’m right because I am right.” So here’s to hoping i don’t have midterms around that time and I get to go there.
And Buktooth was making a point about how some players are just that much better and can afford to use shitty chars and still win. Plus being backed by Bison/Sak makes for an easy comeback if that char sucks it up (and which may very well happen). So if anything we can play out set on Single match mode where we are forced to only use that char. I mean you can enter a tourny of players worse than you and win with A dan/sak/bison… doesn’t mean A Dan is the shit. That was the point about Sawada. And tournament results matter if they happen in masses, not just a one player freak incident.
I agree about P Cammy. My friend plays her some, and it hard as hell to mount an offense on her. And if she gets you blocking, you can’t even press buttons to get her off. Although if the game were in Single game mode, C Sagat and K Blanka would be dope as hell too. Just imagine, Blanka gets to keep those super bars too between rounds win or lose. Yea single match mode, K groove is a little more beefed up. A Sakura would be ok as well.
okay, i said eagle should be in the high mid tier, buk asked for clarification, and i gave it (but buktooth still hasn’t countered my argument yet, so i was waiting for that). and yes, he does counter P-cammy. but fuck it, we’ll play at the next evo to settle it.
imo i think of high tier as the chars with the most damage potential, priority, normals, and supers. and with that i mostly agree with buktooths list. the only thing i disagree with is vega, his speed and ability to build up bar quickly just makes him a different kind of top tier. his strengths are enough to make up for his weaknesses. oh ya and c-ryu should get some consideration also for upper mid.
eagle > bison, guile, honda, cammy
eagle x rolento, sakura, chun, blanka, sagat
eagle < ???
the x means hes even with but it all just is my opinion
some people say eagle loses to sagat but i dont believe that bullshit. its mostly people who play roll-happy-sagats vs people who poke at the wrong times with eagle. then yeah sagat>eagle. but when eagle baits rolls and pokes smart. he can punish rolls for 50% custom combo or 50% level 2 into level 1. its very hard for eagle to get pressured because he has superior pokes, solid antiairs, a good roll vs fireballs (except sonic booms), and high damage combos. you shouuld take popoblo’s post seriously. hes making some good points that people arent even listening to. theyre just disagreeing without knowing. sakura’s RH gets punished by eagles standing fierce or even better activate standing fierce xx rush( A groove bullshit combo you know). and RC spin attack is a good lowjump stopper. even without RC he still has highcounter to deal with low jumps and low fierce at the right times. eagle is pretty toptier to me. i dont understand why people say hes not. hes got everything that toptier characters have and even more. ok bye.
Screw Eagle. Does it really matter how good he is? Bottom line is hes not as good as any char in the top tier, or even most of the high-mid You can argue about matchups all you want, he just doesn’t dominate as much as those guys, or even have really abuseable shit. Is he a good char? Yeah he is pretty good, but no one uses him because they can use Sagat who does the same things Eagle does, only better, and faster, and safer.
eagle has the goods for upper mid status. he’s a great, solid character. he’s just not one of the chosen gods of this game. i believe everyone can agree to that. can the topic please be changed?
WOW!!! :wow: Are you finally considering Sakura to be top now? If so What is it that changed your mind? Her CCs and setups, her RC capabilities, the damage she can REALLY do with a good user or did you just see a good video. Anyways, Sakuras RH is maybe the best poke in the game, so if Eagle can stuff it then that makes him a better character than people think, but still, in the end Sakura > Eagle. Good match though. I also would have to say that Eagle is a pretty good matchup against Sagat. All I can say to prove it is that he owns Sagat’s fierce. To be honest I dont really know why he isnt top tier. He’s good and all, but I dont know about top.
I would have to say that he’s one of the best in the upper mid. But what would I know about Eagle. Theres only one fuckin’ Eagle player in my entire area, but I know Eagle is good, because this guy owns alot of people with P-Eagle, Maki/Honda and R2 Yama. I dont really know if Eagles so good on P seeing as I dont know shit about Eagle. And for the record LZJ, you dont have to RC a spinning attack with Eagle to stop small jumps, he has plenty of normal AAs to keep Vega, Blanka, Bisons ETC. in check.
IMO the chart is…
Top tier=Sagat, Cammy, Sakura, Bison, blanka, Vega, Geese, Guile
Thats what I consider to be top IMO. I may be forgetting a few though, so nobody get on my nuts if I forgot an obvious top tier character.
Acually, IMO I think that Yamazaki and Rugal are still pretty high in mid tier. I dont know about Joe though. As a matter of fact I dont remember Joe ever dominating that much in CvS2.
Rugal is an extreamly good character as well as Yama.
Yama has alot of weaknesses, but not because of his A-groove capabillities. Lots of characters suck on A-groove, but that doesnt really mean it’s a weakness. Look at Sagat. Where are his CCs? Sagat is practically perfect. He may suck on A, but thats not really a weakness. As for A teams There are some characters that just arent made for A-groove. Doesnt make tham bad characters though.
HUH!!! Rugal didnt go anywhere. He’s still used alot in C and N groove. And what exactly do you mean about Rugal not having any good AAs. Rugal is a huge threat there. It’s best to play a good ground game against Rugal and stay in close. If you jump in or keep your distance you’ll get owned. hmmmm… Sounds like a pretty good character to me.
This thread hasnt went to hell… cough YET cough!!!
the people who say that eagle is shit compared to sagat really need to realize what the game is about. toptiers need many things to dominate over other characters. this is an obvious statement but you should all take into account what those things are. a good poke, antiair, damaging combo, some people would say abusable move or RC but i dont think its true. eagle’s standing fierce punch alone dominates most characters in the game. the reach of this move is crazy and its uncrouchable (except for iori, maki, athena). many of you arent even making arguments to back up why you think sagat is light years better than eagle. the one advantage that sagat has is that he is able to combo in his supers from almost any of his pokes. thats a nice strength to have but you wont usually get this off in the heat of battle(expecially the people on this board who are just talking madness and repeating buk. yeah hes good but try figuring shit out for yourselves). the only person its a big factor against(toptier-wise) is cammy. she cant random cannonspike anymore against sagat because he can take off over half of her life if he has a level 2 or more. but i dont see sagat punishing sakura’s RH with st. fierce into super very often at all. its nice he has it but nobody uses it enough to be “practical”. i hate playing theory fighter but until i play everybody on this board i cant say shit cuz they’ll just counter with blah blah blah its not true. anyways if anybody is up for a money match anywhere on the east coast gimme a pm. i’ll play for up to $500.
oh yeah snakedizzle that was my little cousin posting before just ignore all that bullshit.
the fact that some of you would say that s.fp is a dominating poke maks me realize the skill level im dealing with
Well you would have a point if you werent the same guy who said Sakura was one of the worst characters in the game when A Sak is one of the best characters if not the best character in the game.
Eagle is good no doubt high mid imo but he isnt Sagat that is true. Like I said you can play no groove Sagat and still have a chance just because its Sagat.
Now onto something else
Buk or anyone else who feels like commenting on this. You rate A Hibiki as the better Hibiki but I always felt K was alittle bit better although either isnt a wrong answer. Im going to guess that the reasoning is that she has about 800 different ways to setup her CC which does increadible damage but I could be wrong.
Whatever happened to Yamazaki being high-mid?
I think N Yama is very high mid. Besides dying to like Vega and Sagat. But then again like every high mid char dies to like 2 characters. K and C yama are pretty good too, but I believe N Yama is the best.
I’ve had like 1/3rd of a reply typed up and sitting there for the last few days. It’s crunch time at work right now… haven’t really had time for SRK shenanigans except for the random modding here and there.
first off, it’s funny how you guys think i’m starting some big flame war and starting a crusade to make eagle top tier. i said HIGH MID, not top. also, this is a good discussion, not a stupid flame war. anyways…
thanks, it’s nice to see that somebody else agrees with me and gets what i’m saying.
you don’t make any sense. just because eagle doesn’t have something abusable doesn’t mean he can’t be high mid tier. no top tier character has something that is ABSOLUTELY ABUSABLE. cvs2 has evolved more than that. for example, sakura’s standing rh is good, but she can’t spam it all day for the win. same with sagat and blanka’s crouching fierce. what ultimately DEFINES a top tier character is their favorable matchups, and that’s what makes yamazaki not so hot (aka bad matchups against vega and sagat). but yet eagle’s favorable matchups aren’t applicable? i don’t get it. and no, eagle and sagat aren’t comparable at all.
okay, you acknowledge that eagle can punish sakura’s standing rh, yet sakura somehow magically still wins the match? you’re not providing enough support to prove a point. i’d like to hear what else you think on the matchup. but you said it yourself- you don’t know shit about eagle. RC lariat IS the best low jump AA, and you DO need to RC it (RC mp lariat of course). and P is probably eagle’s 3rd best groove, so you haven’t faced eagle in his best groove, but it’s okay because you still got to see his potential. geese IS NOT top tier, i don’t know where you got that from.
jae hoon
well, A-hibiki won’t die to A-groove like K-hibiki will. and yes, you’re right. hibiki has a bunch of guaranteed methods of damage with her CC. and there’s all the mixups you can do if your CC is being blocked…
i look forward to your reply:tup:.
you say geese is not top tier, but isnt he one of the 3 best K-characters? next to Blanka and Sagat?