The old SRK and the new SRK

You know… I get you in some ways. I miss some of the old stuff too. I don’t really bust a gut laughing at anything on SRK anymore. But not everything in the old days was golden.


Remember that? I think we can all safely say “Thank God he’s not here any more.” And there’s plenty of other old SRK shit that is also best left buried, like Bloody Yokai.

I must say, with all the shit that’s gone down over the years, SRK is by far the most clean looking board anywhere I’ve found yet. Small, but noticible avs. A sig that’s long enough to get your point out, but not so big it makes a thread a post per page. And decent coloring. Quit bitching about the post limitations that we have and think to yourself “do we REALLY wanna look like gaia online’s forums?”

exact same scenario with me. i was on a total hiatus from 2k3 to 2k4. prior to that GD was modded by a-chan, Acesmith5, and T.O.D.E (and the Shit Hammer). before i left, Jive Turkey Jones had just registered and i remember saying that he was hilarious. and when i got back in '05 mad people were proclaiming 2k3 to be the Golden Age.

i remember Heero Yuy, Sayiajin11, Jinsogood, and the many versions of Stump. i also have vague memories of Ultros.

i also had a breif stint an Fnet where i wrote my famous pussy-eating FAQ (which received rave reviews from akumachan at the time, but only Saga seems to remember it). i also recall when Zor first registered at Fnet, he was talking in the third person, and back then you couldn’t do that because everyone associated it with Zero. i still hate the fact that Zero doesn’t do that anymore.

the new is just as the old good imo.

I never understood how or why I seem to be the only african F.NET refugee who vividly remembers your legendary gemstone of a Pussy Eating 101 thread, Tuff.

Damn shame.

The type of general tips and fellatio techniques were of such high level advanced grade that our boy could have turned a man the likes of Super Warrior or Bloody Youkai into a championship level porn star.

Don’t forget Drunkengameplayer. He became mod for a brief period of time. Acesmith5 was pretty funny too. I remember talking on the phone with him and SilverGear. That was probably one of the funniest conversations I’ve EVER had. Damn. Good fucking times.

T.O.D.E. was funny as hell too. He SOOOOOO looked like Jerry Springer, it was ridiculous.

Ah yes, those guys. Saiyajin11 and his ‘Good Morning’ threads. Ultros and his HUGE post count within a year and shit on both FN AND SRK AND TZ. Fucking madness. Uncle Ulty threads were awesome.

FN was my first home with a different username. Then it died and then it came back again and then cka killed it. And as a matter of fact, I THINK I remember your pussy-eating FAQ. Vaguely, but I still remember it.

And, yeah, I think I’m one of those people that associated 3rd person with Zero only. And it was hella funny. Reading Zero’s posts with the crazy 3rd person always made me believe that if I ever met him I’d meet the most established black man wearing a top hat and a monocle. OR he’d be rockin’ a Doom mask and cape. He still retains the funny though. Zero: The Random Jackass. Holy fuck did he post gold back then.

Also, upon my 2k5 return everyone was always talking about this one dude named RandomNigga(who would later become Adam Warlock). I was like “Who the fuck is this guy and why is he flaming everyone?” And then I started reading more and laughing my ass off everyday.

BTW, I still don’t like Bleach, Tuff. BRRRRAT! GUNS POPPIN’!!! Bring the hate, yo.

burns his copy of the manga

I wonder if Akumachan will ever make a return. Considering that her and Shin-Mech-Brian are PROBABLY fucking each other’s brains out at this very moment. West Coast morning sex ftw(?).

::tear drops::
Memories. I was part of the migrattion, I ssoooo hated this place when I first started lurking, but I didn’t know what was going on over at so this was the only way to talk to some of them. My first post actually was “wtf is happeing with” lol.

I remember watching the post counts and being happy that I was top twenty without spamming shit, only a handful of people over my post count back then actually posted quality - others were one word spammers “word” or just ridiculous.

Hell I remember I used to actually check the other sections outside of GD every day - but as Capcom has deserted us, I’ve slowed down alot and now check once a week or so.

I remember AceSmith5’s copy of zero’s avatar - the one that had “fap fap fap fap” THAT was classic shit. I used to make avatars all teh time, hell I have unseen avatars for Ace and Koop just laying around as well as myself, but I’m too lazy these days so I just put an old one up and left it.

I remember wen the freestyle thread had folks really stylin on each other all the time, mini-tournaments and shit - hell I even started an archived website for the battles, I think its still floating around on geocities… or something like that. good shit.

Talking with Ronin about Outkast and Cee-lo and shit way back when- before he had mod status.

I’ve only traveled to one tournament, but I got more coming evil grin

  • :bluu:

i guess i’m going to have to make it out to this year’s evo and put japan on the back burner.

I miss fnet.

AME & TDX are the only two members I still miss from FNET. Snorlot & Sekira were dope, but Snore disappeared and Sek doesn’t remember me. Every so often I can still catch DJ Ranma on AIM (or rather, he catches me) while the rest of you are steady lurking here, or joined in on the Hentai and Ultraman-esque geek fest on Higher Voltage.

Good times though for real. Good times.

Amen. :sad:

I feel you on most of that man. I guess I’m one of the few who like the old random SRK of old. I loved the anger and chaos that was around pre-crash. Shit was live and it did not matter what your join date was. If you fucked around, you got delt with in a bitter and harsh fashion. We had mambers pouncing on everyone and for me, it was bliss. Everyone was defiant and fights would go on for pages. I find I just can’t interact with the newer members on here… They’re just not funny. For example, I never understood what ANYONE found funny about that DAN? character. I mean I read the same posts as you guys, but they weren’t funny.

Now we have a lot of nut-hugger/pube tick posters who try to get ahead by using buddy-buddy parasite tatics. WTF happened to the HATE people? Damn, I guess everyone just grew up and learned to ‘tolerate’ each other. I’ll still miss the days of ownage past.

I also think that the lack of another SF to take the place of MvC2 kinda killed it for everyone. That’s why the cancellation of CFAS and the release of CFJ will always haunt me.

I remember Zero was the coolest person alive.He efforts to become mod of GD. I think he was up against ace. lol The Zero Smile------->:bluu: GeoG2, Akumachan, and Zero in the same thread was a big thing back in the day. They would even argue sometimes which was a kick too.

DGP, LGP, Zor, WongDongy, Million, Frankie, and his ‘girl’ Yang’s girl, Dasrik, Sexyzeldie, Chuji, Acesmith, TODE, CKA, the count, Evenflow80, and so many others. To think of all the old threads that are gone…

I also remember the fall of Personally, that was good times cause if you ever posted on that site towards it’s end months/days you felt soooooo sorry for cka and company.

I’m not too sure about this but someone could check for me: I think I also have the OLDEST thread on ALL of SRK. Yes My SFEX that survived even the FIRST purge of yore and all others after it. All of you new members who want a look back in time to the ‘EX wars’ days should take a look at the first 6 pages or so. Damn I miss Shinobi.:sad:

None the less, I still post here so I guess it’s worthwhile.

I lerked in late 2k2 and signed up early 2k3 but made this new account after. I wish I had some stuff saved from when I first stared coming here.

MvC2 drama/ Family Fun Arcade vs Mongolia / Bloody (bloofy or whatever)

the main things I remember.

lol whatever happened to this guy?

I took over #srkgd not once but twice and forced them off efnet for abit :rofl:

right here!

edit: I miss too but I don’t miss the obscene amount of stress it caused me – the constant server-shuffling, the handful of weekend site re-designs, the tumbleweeds in FGD, getting royally screwed over by GFN/eFront, getting the domain hijacked, lots of behind-the-scenes type stuff, etc etc etc

I always lurked around SRK since 2001 and I remember some of this. I never joined because I just didn?t have time to post or I would only drop by like once every few months or so. When I found myself coming here every day I joined up.

Maybe Wiz should look at going back through some of the old archives and put up a ?Best threads on SRK ever? forum for us to read through. All the threads would be locked so no new posts could be added but it would let us relive some of the best, funniest, most moving threads in SRK history.

The Gaia invasion one would be great to go back and read.

Haha, girldark. People would be like “lols a girl”, and then she’d rip them a new one. Will Gotti + Ex Matt(Krasshole) flamewars. Those were fucking epic. Each post = essay.

I’m also hating the current pun thing. It used to be funny for like… the first two threads. Then people just trying too hard killed it. You could just see them at their keyboard wracking their brains for some unfunny pun. Will post more later!

Remember Yushiro and his dreams about Dizzy and shit? That was some creepy crap.

ANAL BEE STING, motherfucker.

Good fucking times.

I lurked here in late 2000/2001 since I was too ghetto to afford a computer. Up until 2k3 when I made an account at a 24 hour fitness computer and randomly selecting some name out of a Hebrew book. Later being a roomie with my cousin so I got to steal his computer.

I found out about this site because of my good friend Jadon Brown(HAUNTING YOUR KID’S INTERMEDIATE AT NIGHT FOR JAILBAIT, SUCKA!). Yeah, we really did do that and succeeded.

When I first joined in I was rowdy and reckless. I picked and lost a fight with OrangeMegaSlide(CALYPSO AVS) during his infamous bait/trap flame parade. Just joined in and the first post was just stupid as hell calling out people, haha.

I almost got banned from Ronin, I remember posting something like “___>>>>___” only with like >x30 stretching out the forum. He edited my post and told me not to do it again and I called him a faggot.

AIM convos with Mummy-B, “Zombie Park.” Won’t forget it.

After being shamed by Slide I regained myself by calling out Red Queen, Bloody Youkai, keichi-chan. I think during the RQ invasion I tag-teamed with Slide.

And my dude Philth. COME BACK TO ME!

Bacardi - I remember that shit, I remember later on me and Ryan doing it a few more times. “Call ChanFix, they aren’t giving it back.” Hahaha.

Ronin and girldark was madness. So many lols from their conversations. I can still remember her avatar of the dominatrix, “Ronin after hours.” Or some shit.