The "Official" SSBM Thread

Thought Seany Boy was Forward, but wasn’t sure, it’s cool to see smash players on

Is Poke Floats and Green Green still legal? Also, is Rainbow Cruise on random, because I didn’t see anyone play it in EVO East for SSBM.

Okay so, I just finally picked up SSBM and I want to get into it. I know the basics from playing years ago at my friend’s place…but that’s about it. Does someone have a good new newbie guide or something?

PF and GG are still legal. RC is not on random anymore. And for some unknown reason (well unknown to me anyway) Peach’s Castle is banned :looney:
It is a nice little video that shows some good basic stuff for advanced play.

I thought only BF, DL64, FD, FoD, Pokemon Stadium, and Yoshi’s Story were allowed.

Those are from Pool A (aka the random stages). But there are still levels allowed.
These are allow for counter picking (pool B); Mute City, Green Greens, Rainbow Cruise, Kongo Jungle 64, Brinstar, Poke Floats, Corneria, Jungle Japes

“If both players can agree on a stage, that stage will be used. If there is conflict, then the rules below come into action.” Evo rules never state any levels are banned, so as long as both parties agree I think any level is okay. However I do believe Peach’s Castle should be put in Pool B… I should probably post something about this elsewhere.

Peach’s Castle is banned because of Fox infinite right?

If thats the reason then I want it unbanned this instant. I don’t think having one counter pick level were Fox can do his infinite is that bad. It can only come up once in a set too so…

I’m assuming it would create a game of camping where it’s the first to get the infinite. I’m guessing you would see fox just camping there never moving until his opponent rushes him.

Real question is should Onett be banned, is fox really nearly unbeatable on that stage?

Onett is banned because of the ground going straight into the blastline. Many invisible spots that send you straight down when you should be KO’d. Onett has some weird stuff going on that I don’t understand enough to wish for an unbanning.

All I know is at a lot of mexican tournaments I see Peach’s Castle allowed and it doesn’t seem to make the tournaments go different. But I’ve never seen Onett played there, so I am guessing there must be something else wrong with it. (not saying the the mexican players are always right or anything)

I’ve never really seen matches were it turns out to be an all out campfest on Peach’s Castle. I have played many a decent Fox on the stage in friendly matches (note I am a Ganon player). I got infinite a few times, yes. I won’t lie but it didn’t seem to be the all deciding factor of the match, especially since I won a lot of them. Unlike stages like Hyrule were its obvious that Fox is broken. lol at 2002 tournaments.

^ theres a difference thats a friendly, everyone plays differently in a friendly then in tourneys. In Friendlies I’m really aggressive and throw out random attacks and try out goofy shit. In tourneys I’m a campy little faggot. <_<

also the wall is always there, which means the infinite is always there, theres other reasons as well but they elude me right now.

Onett has the walls too, but it’s also plagued by cars so, fox has to be really fast in order to get the damage done to kill you or he could camp you and you get hit by the cars.

Both of those stages (Peach’s Castle and Onett) are banned because of camping issues. The permanent walls in those levels cause some major camping problems.

Trust me, in those matches, they were being campy as heck. But if its a major campy problem then I can understand the ban.

I know onnett is pretty funny when you’re a camper, I grabbed my friends fox started up throwing him a car came I think I either up throwed him or down throwed him and jumped he got hit by a car and died and I lived. it was very funny. >.>;

Never stopped them from CG my Ganondorf and my DK to death. Oh well, I hope they get rid of wobbling among many other things in brawl just cause I think the game would be funner without them. Personally I hope the whole Brawl system is a breathe of fresh air.
Anyway, congrats on beating bombsolider and giving him your magical controller. I know you retired but hopefully I will get to play against you again one day. My match against you at Double Pandatration San Diego was actually probably the funnest time I had in SSBM. Maybe if I get the chance to play you again I could actually win a match without you messing around for part of it. Thanks again for the extra shine Forward. You have always been one of my favorite smashers.

In case any of you are wondering this gives the reasons why stages are banned.

Yea it seems that sheik players in sheik dittos would agree to no CGing because they think that it would increase their chances of winning.

I’ve never heard of sheik players not cging each other in dittos. >__>

Then watch PAL Sheik dittos. ;D

^ Lolz thats different sheiks down throw like sucks hardcore in pal like she cna’t chain grab at all.

Hopefully going to an SFSU tournament monday, and maybe someone will be recording. I’ll be wrecking people with Luigi, Link, Ganon & Falco

Wobbling is gay because it’s the most sickeningly easy thing to do in the game

  1. Grab
  2. Hit A
  3. Barely tilt the control stick forward
  4. Repeat hitting A with control stick barely tilted