The Official PS3 thread

Some people reported getting RoF, but not many. Most stores are either getting the game tomorrow or the 18th (at least in Canada, anyway).

If anyone’s interested, I wrote an in-depth tier list for SO4:

I’m still debating if I should get SO4. I was interested in it since I thoroughly enjoyed SO3, but from what I heard SO3 > SO4 in everything except graphics. And it doesn’t help that RoF and FF13 is out…maybe I should wait for price drop? Suggestions plz.

It all depends on what you liked/disliked about SO3. What did you like and dislike about SO3?

word, same squad i’m running with.

i actually farmed those flying creatures starting sent-syn-syn. go to the middle of the map and fight em, provoke and guard up. syns cast haste and despark all-around + whatever buffs, then go all out and under a minute you get 4000 exp. and unlike the battle in the vid, there’s like 4 there at a time, so you can run through them back to back.

Yeah, but the battle in the vid is just quick for minimal effort. It’s 6600 CP for a 50 second battle, then you run back to the save point and they respawn. It takes a minute 20 seconds for the battle+ respawn.

Farming is super easy in the Maw after Gran Pulse. You get ridiculously easy 20k CP in like 5 minutes. Just run back and forth over and over killing robots and bombs. You also get bomb cores sometimes. Hurray.

lol Sazh saying Kweh. KWEH! KWEH KWEH!

Sazh’s fireworks wish was to one day be a Chocobo. :rofl:

Edit: Hell that’s probably his Focus. To transform into a Chocobo.

Off the top of my head:


  • Battle System
  • Character builds
  • Customization/Inventions
  • Story was interesting
  • Extras ie. characters, post game and private actions


  • You’re practically stuck on Elicoor for 80% of the time
  • Some dungeons were bland ie. Sphere, Firewall
  • Not much character development
  • Story progression was slowww in the first half

Basically when she asks if she can hang with you say "yes"
Sometimes when you pass by stores she will ask you if she can get something, just buy whatever she asks for. The only irritating thing is when she asks if you can finish a golf tournament with a +5 score or get a combination shot with a 9 ball in pool.

I got her trust level from F to E and got Haruka Candy. Then I got it from E to D and got Haruka Chocolate, I have no idea what those items do.
Right now I’ve done 50 side quests and got 85 locker keys. I’m on the 6th chapter I believe, but man some of these side quests are hilarious lol.

Yakuza 3 side quest lol moments


I lol’d @ the side quest where you have to run away from a transvestite. The hobo hunting side quest was jokes as well. I won’t spoil much else but there are some side quests that actually link to Yakuza 2 & 1 side quests.

I haven’t played any of the other Star Ocean games as I’m a Playstation exclusiver but i do love a good RPG, I got the SO4 Int version and I really enjoyed it, okay it’s not perfect, the story is pretty stupid in parts, it’s typical anime affair and you can see things coming a mile away, but overall it’s an enjoyable experience
Normally once I finish a games main story i tend to lose interest, but i kept going with SO4 in the colloseum and the secret dungeons
Plus the first planet you explore has like the best music in the game, so you’re off to a good start

Heavy Rain is now my 10th platinum, and with 1024 trophies, I seem to be 1 away from leveling to Level 13 in trophies.

I would have had a 9 platinum count but I made a 2nd account lol. Congrats though!

suggestion is pretend so4 doesn’t exist, it isn’t worth it.

“find out it existed” next year.

I think I left Okinawa with her trust level at B. I forget what order I got them in, but one item provides a DEF increase against certain weapons, and the other is supposed to help in Roulette. But to add to what Sarangha mentioned, just stand outside any restaurant/convenience store/anyplace you can enter & wait for Haruka to catch up. If a word bubble pops up & Haruka says something, you have an opportunity to increase her trust there. If you just enter without her saying something first, it won’t trigger that opportunity.

I’ve only ever played Hot Shots Golf, but the swing in Y3 seems really sensitive/hard to gauge. So many times I end up hitting the ball too far into the rough/out of bounds. I gave up on Haruka’s request to get +2 in a tourney (I ended up at like +14 lol). Was like “fuck this noise, let me just keep buying you food.” :lol: I thought pool was pretty fun, as was fishing.

On that note, I always found it odd that after the first game, Haruka’s trust level starts off at E. Kaz is her frickin’ guardian & he has to regain her approval?

Oh hell yes, that first side story was gold. As was the Red Brick Hotel scene.

EDIT: Fuckin’ A.

god of war 3 soooooo good

freaking ps3’s are sold out everywhere in the seattle area! i’m trying to help my cousin find one but damn! there were like 6 at the best buy the other day, now all gone.

OMFG I am never buying Collectors Edition anything ever again. Blu-ray, games, etc… The garbage that you get with it is never worth the extra $. I can’t believe I spent $40 for a stupid plastic box, a soundtrack I’ll never listen to, an artbook I’ll never open.

I’ve already sworn off of buying Collectors Edition, and just this one time I decided to… big mistake.


…but I would love for an artbook and OST disc in special editions -3-

so i dont get it did you go in blind? like SUPRISE MOTHAFUCKA and then you were like oh thats it and were disappointed? or did you have an idea of what you were going to get because if you did i dont really understand your rant.

im outi


He thought he was gonna get a real pandora’s box =P